Foreign white: caring for a cat at home

Foreign white: caring for a cat at home
Foreign white: caring for a cat at home

Criteria for the appearance of forin white cats, features of their character, health, basic rules for the care and maintenance of white Siamese cats, the cost of a kitten. Foreign White, (Foreign White), a white Siamese cat, a white oriental cat or, as it is also called a white oriental shorthair, whatever they call these, representatives of the feline world, and the meaning of these names is the same. Foreign white cats are the embodiment of everything pure and beautiful, extraordinary beauty, gracefulness, elegance and a fairly large intellect, which are very harmoniously combined in one living creature. Breeders worked hard to breed this breed and for more than one year they brought the received pets to perfection. There are no cats in the world like this unique species.

Choosing a white oriental shorthair cat as a pet, you knowingly get yourself not just an animal, but yourself, that is, a real family member. Which, thanks to its character, accuracy and intelligence, will live according to all the rules and regulations of your home, and if you show affection to it, you will be an eyewitness to incorruptible joy and love.

Character of foreign white cats

Two forin whites
Two forin whites

White Siamese cats by nature are social creatures, living under the same roof with a person, they want some kind of equality. Cats will always be happy to accompany their owner when he does some household chores, while they will never interfere and get tangled underfoot. The cat can quietly sit down next to you when you wash the dishes, but it is worth paying attention to it periodically, so your pet will generally be in seventh heaven with happiness. Also, these pussies will never miss a moment, lie with you on the couch or keep company while watching TV.

In principle, foreign whites are quite calm and balanced creatures, they are not prone to sudden changes in activity and are fans of a measured lifestyle. Therefore, such cats can be excellent companions for the elderly and people with the same calm, homely lifestyle.

If the pet is given the proper amount of attention, then he will soon simply not imagine his life without you, so it is not recommended to have such a cat for people whose work is associated with frequent business trips. Even if you have a large family, white foreign cats choose one owner for themselves, they respect him as their friend, the rest of the foreign white family will be well treated, but no one else will expect such strong love and affection from him. In addition, these unique cats have such a character trait as jealousy, especially for other animals. They can easily be offended if they suddenly notice that, for example, the dog has received more attention than their person.

With young children, snow-white forin whites behave with restraint, they will play with them and allow themselves to be squeezed and stroked, but only if the children do not cause them discomfort or, moreover, pain. After such incidental situations, all friendship between a child and a cat is reduced to ordinary living in the same house, the animal will simply avoid its potential "enemy" in the guise of your child. But the cat in no way will "give change" to the baby, she will not scratch or bite him - she will simply leave, with her inherent pride.

No matter how calm your pet is, he still does not take energy. He will be happy to run, jump and play with the toys presented to him. Moreover, physical activity is extremely necessary for him, in the absence of it, the cat can become lazy, and this is already very negatively reflected on its psychological and, most importantly, physical state of health.

Foreign Whites also love to chat, they can tell you how their day went if they missed you a lot, but mostly they use their voice to notify, about some need, for example, when you want to eat or walk down the street. Their meows are quite loud, but at the same time soft and not very shrill.

In general, cats of this species are very independent creatures, so do not be surprised if you notice that your pet can sometimes afford to show some arrogance, this happens when a cat is unhappy with something or when there are strangers in the house. At such moments, it is good to show her a little attention and affection, and all these small "whims" will quickly go nowhere.

Foreign White cat breed external standard description

Foreign white appearance
Foreign white appearance

Foreign white is a cat that has a rather strong and muscular body, but at the same time it has some kind of unsurpassed elegance and sophistication. All representatives of this breed belong to the category of medium-sized cats, for some individual individuals small sizes are permissible. The average body weight of a white Siamese cat ranges from 3 to 6 kg.

For representatives of pets of this breed, TICA (International Cat Association) has legalized certain criteria for appearance, they are uniform for the entire species group, which includes Oriental cats, Siamese and Balinese.

  1. Head forin white has a regular wedge-shaped shape, which looks more like an isosceles triangle with slight bends. The head is small in size, but in relation to the body, its parameters are very correct and harmonious. If you look at the cat from the side, you cannot help but notice how clearly all the protruding parts of the skull are visualized. Very accurately drawn and tucked cheeks, chin and forehead are wide enough, but at the same time the muzzle retains all its cuteness. The nose is somewhat elongated, straight, without grooves and humps, with a smooth and hardly noticeable transition to the forehead.
  2. Eyes in individuals of this breed, they differ not only in the color of the iris, which is presented in a deep bright blue color scheme, but also in their most beautiful almond-shaped form. The cat's visual organs are quite close to each other, but they are very slanted, which gives the impression that they are simply huge. But it only seems so visually, in fact, the eyes are slightly larger than average. Special for this breed of cats and their look, which is fraught with beauty, attentiveness and a kind of bottomlessness.
  3. Ears foreign whites are another feature of white foreign cats. They are similar in shape to a triangle, rather wide and large in relation to the size of the head, so they immediately catch the eye. A bit like locators. Ears are placed at a great distance. In order to check whether the kitten meets the breed standard, it is necessary to draw a conditional line from the cheekbone to the base of the auricle - in purebred individuals it will always be straight. We can say that the cat's ears are a continuation of the contour of the muzzle.
  4. Torso - at first glance it seems thin, but if you look closely, you can see how well developed muscle tissue in these cats is. It's just that it is developed somehow correctly and in moderation, which does not create the impression of enormity, but retains all the grace and grace. Their chest is well developed and strong. The neck is straight, of medium length, with a tendency to taper from the shoulders to the head.
  5. Limbs straight, long, all joints are clearly visible on them. A little thin, but not devoid of strength and power. The paws end with a relatively large brush, rounded in shape. The pelvic bones are slightly raised above the shoulder line, due to this, their gait more closely resembles that of a feline native to the wild.
  6. Tail process forin white is rather long, narrowing noticeably from base to tip. It is characteristic that the tail of these cats is always a "pistol".
  7. Wool. This is perhaps the most important and decisive factor in breed recognition. The coat length of Foreign White cats is very short, there is no undercoat. The coat is dense, uniform and smooth. From a distance, one might think that they do not have a "fur coat", but this is just white skin. As for the color, it can only be white, without any shades and reflections, and without a single hair of a different tone, with the exception of newborn kittens, this is permissible for them.

Health of the white foreign whites

White forin white
White forin white

By nature, these seemingly fragile cats got pretty good health and good body defenses, but this does not mean that they are not susceptible to any feline sores. Also, like all other felines, they can be infested with parasites, therefore it is necessary to carry out regular deworming.

It is extremely important to strictly follow the vaccination schedule and to do them preferably in a veterinary hospital. Do not forget from time to time to show your, even the healthiest, pet to a specialist for the purpose of a general study of the body, since many feline diseases can develop without obvious symptoms, and they need to be diagnosed in advance. If, nevertheless, everything is fine with foreign white, then in this way you will calm yourself once again.

But this breed also has its own "Achilles' heel" - these are their teeth, they are prone to the formation of tartar and inflammation of the gums, therefore, in caring for them, one of the main nuances is oral hygiene.

Also, cats are susceptible to respiratory diseases, in this regard, make sure that your pet does not freeze in any case, and in the cold season, it is better to limit it from walking in the fresh air.

Caring for foreign white at home

Foreign whites are playing
Foreign whites are playing

Despite all the elegance and grandeur of this breed, these cats do not need any special care, moreover, they are more able to take care of themselves.

  1. Hair care. This is not to say that the "fur coat" of these cats requires something supernatural. In order for their fur to look beautiful and silky, it will be enough to style them with a damp palm several times a week. You also need to comb them, but if your cat doesn't like this procedure, it's okay, it will be enough to scratch him a little once a week. Their wool, even during the molting period, does not fall out abundantly, and such regularity is quite enough to put it in order, well, to collect what you may have all over the house.
  2. Bathing. Due to the fact that the fur of the forin whites is snow-white, so that it remains so and remains without bath procedures. The optimal frequency of bathing is once a month, it is better to teach the cat to wash from the very childhood, and at first you need the kitten to take a bath at least once a week, so it will quickly overcome the fear of this procedure hated by cats. Some quality shampoo for cats is perfect as a detergent, it is important that it does not dry out the skin. And to 100% prevent dry skin, you can use a cream conditioner.
  3. Hygiene of the eyes. Since the eyes of these kittens are large, and the eyelashes are short, they have no protection from dirt and dust, so it is important to monitor this. To do this, it is necessary to regularly wipe the eyes of forin white with cotton pads, previously moistened either in a decoction of herbs, or in tea leaves or in an antiseptic solution, furacilin is well suited. As for these liquids, it is important to know that you cannot use strong, freshly brewed tea; a once used tea bag is useful for wiping cat eyes, so that the solution is weak. Furacilin can be purchased ready-made at the pharmacy, or prepared by yourself. To do this, you need to buy furacilin tablets, then crush half of one tablet and dissolve in warm boiled water. Make sure that the solution is not hot.
  4. Ear care. In order for your kitten to have no hearing problems, he needs to clean his ears at least once every two weeks. It can be made using ordinary cotton swabs dipped either in a special solution that can be bought at veterinary pharmacies, or in a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide and water, mixed in a 2: 1 ratio.
  5. Oral hygiene. Since teeth are the weak point of forin white, do not forget to brush them at least once a month with a soft toothbrush. You can also purchase special foods that effectively clean the teeth. But as practice shows, with a properly selected and balanced diet, these cats do not have any problems.
  6. Claws. Something, but the claws of these cats grow quickly and they need to be grinded or trimmed, or better, both. Therefore, when you buy a kitten, buy a scratching post so that he immediately gets used to it, at a more mature age he simply may not perceive it. It is necessary to cut the claws as they grow, this should be done extremely carefully and scrupulously, so as not to damage the many nerve endings that are in the nail bed.
  7. Toilet. Usually, there are no difficulties with toilet training with this breed of cats. Due to the fact that they are very smart and quick-witted, cats from the very first days are able to establish a relationship between themselves and the capacity that they are shown for some reason. The only thing that can happen is that the cat can relieve herself in some other place if her toilet is not cleaned on time, as far as the foreign whites are clean, they are so squeamish, so do not forget about it.
  8. Walking. These cats love to walk in the fresh air, if you have the opportunity to have good weather outside, take your companion for a walk. It is best to do this on a harness, since in the process of walking, this fluffy can stare somewhere or think of something for himself and leave, wherever his eyes look, so that you will not have time to keep track. Do not go for a walk in frosty and rainy weather, this is fraught with pneumonia for your pet. It is also not advisable to go outside in the summer heat, a large amount of ultraviolet radiation is harmful to their health, it is better to wait in the afternoon or go out early in the morning.
  9. Educational process. These cats are already smart and well-mannered, but if your foreign white has tricked something - in no case shout at him, and even more so do not use force. They are very vulnerable, touchy and one might say - vindictive. It is better to calmly explain to the cat what is wrong, be sure, he will understand you. Praise him often, and he will try to be better and better every day.
  10. Nutrition. At the expense of food for foreign whites, there are no special restrictions and rules. If you decide to feed your cat with food - please, it can be either dry or wet, the main thing is that it is of high quality and contains a maximum of useful substances. It's just that it is better to feed kittens with natural products, such as low-fat meats, offal, dairy products, vegetables. Fish can be given occasionally. Such a diet can be the main one for adult cats, if you do not want to feed with industrial feed. The main thing is that the meat "dishes" are thermally processed. Also, don't feed your cat food from your dinner table. If you are still a supporter of natural nutrition for your pet, do not forget to periodically feed your kitten with vitamins.

The appetite of the snow-white forin whites is quite good, but due to their natural energy and active lifestyle, cats almost never have such a problem as being overweight.

It is also important to remember that a container with clean and always fresh drinking water should be placed near the plate with food.

Purchase and price of Foreign White breed

Foreign white kitten
Foreign white kitten

The average cost of a foreign white kitten with all the documents varies from 35,000 to 50,000 rubles.

More information about the breed in the video below: