Opossums in the wild and at home

Opossums in the wild and at home
Opossums in the wild and at home

How to feed, keep a possum at home so that it lives longer? How do animals behave in the wild? You will find answers to these and other questions by reading the presented material. Opossums (in English opossums or possums) are marsupial mammals. They appeared a very long time ago - at the end of the Cretaceous period (it began 145, 0 million years ago, and ended 66, 0 million years ago).

A little about the history of the species

There are several types of possums. They were able to survive even after many marsupials became extinct as a result of a natural bridge between North and South America - which facilitated the penetration of new species from north to south.

Opossums not only endured the emerging competition, but also spread northward.

The first time about these animals was mentioned by Ciez de Leon in his book "Chronicle of Peru", which was published in 1553. He said that these animals look like small brown foxes with the same head, short legs and long tails. Ciez de Leon, in his book, shares his impressions. He was surprised that the little female put 7 of her cubs in her bag and began to run nimbly, carrying such a load.

These animals were portrayed in the famous cartoon - "Ice Age".

Where do possums live

Where do possums live
Where do possums live

Possums prefer to live in steppes, semi-deserts, forests. They are found both at altitudes up to 4 km above sea level and on the plains. Most opossum species are arboreal or terrestrial, but some, such as the water possum, live not only on land, but also in water.

Opossums are active nocturnal. The distribution area of these animals is from Ontario (southeastern Canada), through the east of the United States, to 52 ° South latitude in Argentina. In the Lesser Antilles, these animals are also found.

Keeping possums at home

Keeping possums at home
Keeping possums at home

It is difficult for animal lovers to resist such an adorable animal and not buy it. Shows what a possum looks like, photo. It can be seen that these cute animals have fluffy fur, sharp-sighted beady eyes, and an elongated muzzle.

If you want to buy a possum, get an individual that is 1, 5? 2 months old. Such an animal will be easier to tame than an adult. Possums are vulnerable and sensitive. In no case should they be beaten, brought up using harsh methods, otherwise they, of course, will not fall in love with the owner. They will respond to love and affection in the same way and will be given to the owner all their lives.

The price of young possums starts from 3500 rubles (40-50 dollars), it is possible to buy it cheaper. Better to buy from a specialist that breeds them. You will be provided with full advice on the care and maintenance of a possum at home, veterinary support and other assistance. The cost of the animal will cost about 6-8 thousand rubles (90-120 dollars), but it will be worth it. Physical measures of influence will make the beast aggressive - it will begin to defend itself by biting and scratching. Sometimes the animal needs to be released from the cage for a walk into the fenced area of the apartment. Arrange a real sports ground for him here. He will amusingly cling to the crossbars with his tail and overcome obstacles.

Keeping possums at home - cage
Keeping possums at home - cage

As for the opossum cage, it should be spacious so that the animal can move freely around it. The cage should not be placed in direct sunlight, near a battery, or in a draft. The latter can lead to colds, and possums are very susceptible to them. If you have several animals of this species, keep each in a separate cage. Indeed, in nature they are solitary animals, they create pairs only during the breeding season.

You need to be prepared for the fact that possums are nocturnal animals, so they can make noise at this time of day. Gradually, you can accustom the animal to the new regime. But you cannot change it abruptly, raising the animal during the day when it sleeps. Gradually shift the mode of the animal, and he will get up and go to bed at the same time with you.

What do possums eat

What do possums eat
What do possums eat

Possum nutrition is another important consideration. It is necessary to properly feed the animal so that it lives longer. Eating mistakes can shorten your pet's life. You cannot feed ready-made food to the animal. In nature, he is used to eating fresh food, provide him with this at home. You can feed the possum:

  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • chicken;
  • small rodents;
  • eggs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • natural yogurt;
  • insects.

You need to add a little vitamins and calcium to the feed. In no case should opossums be given pork or beef. Only occasionally can they be fed with canned food intended for cats, but this should not be abused, since such nutrition shortens the days of the animal's life.

The animal should always have free access to fresh water so that it can quench its thirst at any time.

Possum hygiene

Take care of hygiene right away by placing a tray in the cage. Clean the cage periodically, as the animal loves cleanliness. They take care of their fur themselves, so you rarely need to wash possums. If an unpleasant smell comes from it, perhaps the animal is sick, then it must be taken to the veterinarian.

Breeding possums

Breeding possums
Breeding possums

If you want to get offspring from your pets, buy a male and a female. Gradually accustom them to each other. When you let the male into the cage with the female, make sure that the animals do not show aggression. Indeed, with improper upbringing, feeding, conditions of detention, there are even cases of cannibalism among these animals.

If the female and the male liked each other, mating took place, then already on the 12-13th day, small cubs will be born. At this point, or better immediately after mating, isolate the male by transplanting him into a separate cage.

In the wild, the female gives birth to 18–25 cubs, in captivity - fewer. After removal from the bag, no more than 10 cubs usually remain. Usually the female gives birth once every six months. Some opossum species carry their babies in a pouch, some do not. Lactation in a female can last 70–100 days. Possums reach sexual maturity at six to eight months. From this period, grown up babies themselves are able to reproduce offspring. If you do not want this, isolate the animals by placing them in separate cages.

Interesting fact

If a possum is scared or in danger, it can pretend to be dead. The animal falls, its eyes turn glass, foam flows out of the mouth, a secret that has an unpleasant odor comes out of the anal glands. In the wild, this technique allows the animal to escape from a predator. If he behaves this way at home, then it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the animal, not to frighten him, but to treat him kindly.

If you take proper care of the animal, feed it only fresh products in a balanced way, treat it well, opossum can live in your house for up to nine years … If these conditions are not observed, he will be able to delight with his presence for a shorter time.

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Mexican Mouse Opossum (Marmosa Mexicana)

Mexican Mouse Opossum (Marmosa Mexicana)

Virginian Opossum
Virginian Opossum

In the photo, the Virginian Opossum
