A step-by-step recipe with a photo of making a salad with wild garlic, cucumber and cheese at home. Nutritional value, calorie content and video recipe.

Spring salad with wild garlic, cucumber and cheese will be an excellent addition to both everyday meals and festive feasts. This dish is based on only three available ingredients, which are seasoned with aromatic sauce. Thanks to the cucumber, the salad will automatically acquire a spring and juicy flavor. Hard cheese adds satiety and tenderness. And wild garlic, which has a garlic aroma, combines with these products no worse than garlic. Moreover, it is the addition of wild garlic that makes the salad more interesting, bright and spicy. But here you should also take into account its light garlic aroma with a slightly pungent taste. But this herb has one big plus - one bunch of wild garlic contains as much vitamin C as 1 kg of lemons. And this is what is needed for a weakened spring immunity.
Such a delicious salad is prepared very simply and quickly, in just a couple of minutes. It is full of vitamins and essential oils. This is a real find for a delicious dinner after a hard day's work. Once you have tasted the unforgettable taste of wild garlic, combined with crispy cucumber and tender cheese, and you will cook this salad over and over again.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 52 kcal.
- Servings - 2
- Cooking time - 15 minutes

- Ramson - 20-30 leaves
- Cucumbers - 1-2 pcs. depending on the size
- Hard cheese - 100 g
- Refined vegetable oil - 3-4 tablespoons for refueling
- Sesame seeds - 1 tablespoon
- Soy sauce - 1 tablespoon
- Salt - 0.5 tsp or to taste
Step by step cooking salad with wild garlic, cucumber and cheese:

1. Be sure to wash the ramsons well under running cold water so that dust and dirt do not remain at the junctions of the leaves. Since wild garlic has a garlic aroma, it is best to use it in the evening, or on a day when you do not have to go to work. But if you want to get rid of the smell, first pour boiling water over the herb and then marinate in vinegar. I didn’t do it, but I found such advice from chefs on the Internet.
Remove excess films on wild garlic stems. Cut off the sprouts of flowers that have appeared, they are not needed. Fold the young wild garlic into a bunch and cut into thin strips together with the leaves. Place it on a plate.
Ramson is garden, and there is forest. You can grow it in the garden, or collect it in the forest. When collecting forest grass, do not confuse it with lilies of the valley, because these two plants are very similar to each other. But the lily of the valley leaf, unlike wild garlic, cannot be eaten, because they are poisonous. Therefore, when you buy wild garlic along the trails in spontaneous markets or collect it in the forest, also be careful. Rub the leaf with your hands, and you should immediately hear a sharp and bright garlic smell.

2. Wash the cucumbers with cold running water and dry with a paper towel. Cut off the ends on both sides and cut it into thin quarter rings or medium-sized cubes. Place the cucumbers on a plate on top of the wild garlic.
When choosing gherkins, pay attention that they are not lethargic and very large in size. The color should be even and green, the petiole should be slightly lighter and firm when pressed. Also check for the presence of a "cucumber" aroma.

3. Cut the hard cheese into strips or cubes as you like. For the salad, you can choose ordinary Russian cheese, but the dish will be more piquant if you take cheese with a pronounced aroma and taste, like chader, edam, gouda.

4. In a small bowl, combine soy sauce, vegetable oil and a pinch of salt. Do not overdo it with salt, because salty soy sauce. Stir the sauce with a fork or small whisk until smooth and smooth.

5. Pour the prepared sauce over the salad and stir gently. You can also season it with sour cream or mayonnaise.

6. Before serving, place the wild garlic, cucumber and cheese salad on a serving platter and sprinkle with sesame seeds. You can use sesame seeds raw or pre-fry them in a clean, dry skillet and refrigerate them. The dish should be served immediately after cooking, it is not cooked for the future.