Garden hibiscus - flower of love

Garden hibiscus - flower of love
Garden hibiscus - flower of love

The flowers of beautiful women or the flower of love - this is the name of the garden hibiscus, which is popular in the Hawaiian Islands. On holidays, Malaysian girls adorn their hair with bright, dazzlingly beautiful flowers of this plant. The widest color range of flowers perfectly emphasizes the beauty of black curls. Hibiscus is a very attractive plant, the presence of at least one representative of these flowering shrubs on the balcony, terrace or in the garden instantly cheers up and creates a festive, carnival atmosphere.

Growing garden hibiscus on the site does not cause much trouble, while its splendor evokes a sense of calm, serenity, transferring it to the exotic world of vibrant nature: deep blue sky, blue-green sea depths and amazing golden sand.

Description of garden hibiscus

Garden hibiscus belongs to the Malvaceae family. According to various sources, more than 200 species of this plant are found in nature. Mostly distributed in China, South and West Asia, on the islands of Polynesia and other regions in which a tropical climate prevails.

Flowers in most species are graceful, large (sometimes reaching the size of a soccer ball), brightly colored. Individual species differ significantly from each other. Various shapes and colors, the size of the plant itself and its flower. The life forms of garden hibiscus are represented by shrubs, semi-shrubs, herbaceous plants and even small ornamental trees. There are herbaceous hibiscus or frost-resistant garden hibiscus, Chinese or Chinese rose hibiscus, changeable, trifoliate, and marsh hibiscus.

Numerous varieties of flowering hibiscus with funnel-shaped simple and double flowers are very attractive and exotic. The color gamut of plants is infinitely wide: you can find flowers from white, yellow to dark red, bright crimson, lilac, purple and violet. There are also two-tone variations, as in the photo below:

Garden hibiscus bicolor
Garden hibiscus bicolor

Hibiscus garden two-color Garden hibiscus or Syrian is very popular among gardeners. It is ideal for small gardens. Saucer-like, gorgeous bright flowers come in a wide range of shades: from delicate white to provocative red, from light blue to deep purple. In some plant varieties, a dark speck stands out in the throat of the flower, only emphasizing the exotic appearance of the plant. Golden stamens, fused into a long tube that extends far beyond the petals, only add splendor to the flowers. In our climatic zone, the cultivation of garden hibiscus is most favorable, since the plant is able to withstand frosts down to -25 ° C.

The shape of the bush is compact. The upright shrub is an excellent solidary plant that can take its rightful place at the entrance to the house or in the center of a flower garden.

As a low-growing shrub, growing no more than 1.5 m in height, garden hibiscus is used in a shrub or mixed border and fits perfectly into the interior of any garden plot. It is successful to grow a flower in combination with lavender and ground cover roses, as well as contrast with evergreen shrubs. Long bloom from early July to late September makes this shrub desirable in our backyards.

Hibiscus garden care

Hibiscus garden care
Hibiscus garden care

Planting garden hibiscus in the spring. A young plant needs sufficient wind protection.

For the successful cultivation of this beautiful shrub, it should be provided with an abundance of moisture and light, and a fairly high temperature - hibiscus is thermophilic. In shaded conditions, the shrub grows more slowly and does not bloom so abundantly. For regions with a cool climate, more hardy, non-double varieties have been developed. The abundance of flowers is facilitated by light pruning every 2-3 years. Garden hibiscus should be watered every day, but little by little, do not fill the bush.