Description of the spice, features of its growth. What biologically active components does it have? Are there medicinal properties. The risk of frequent use of the spice and contraindications for use. Recipes for dishes with cumin. Interesting facts about the plant. In addition, zira helps with flu and bronchitis, as it clears the airways, stimulates coughing. Also, the spice has a beneficial effect on the condition of the teeth and gums.
Zira essential oil fights dandruff, removes stagnation and rashes on the epidermis, has a whitening effect, smoothes wrinkles, removes age spots and tones the skin. It also has an anti-cellulite property: former elasticity returns, tissue texture is restored, blood circulation is accelerated, and further formation of fatty deposits in the subcutaneous tissue is prevented.
Harm and contraindications to the use of Zira

Zira, like all other foods, if consumed excessively, can provoke an allergic reaction, pain symptoms and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to control its inclusion in the diet so that there are no disruptions in the body.
Consequences of Zira abuse:
- Frequent urge to use the toilet … The components of the spice have a diuretic effect, and, as a result, phosphorus and calcium begin to wash out from bone tissues, sleep problems appear, and nervous irritability increases.
- Blood pressure drops … There is dizziness, a squeezing feeling in the temples, nausea, blood vessels are clogged with cholesterol plaques, blood flow worsens.
- Deterioration of brain activity … An insufficient amount of oxygen is supplied, the functionality of the central nervous system is impaired.
- Allergy … Rashes, acne, inflammation occur on the skin, heart rate increases, excessive sweating, absent-mindedness, dry eyes, conjunctivitis, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, loose stools, damage to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders.
- Toxic shock … The immune system weakens, fainting, epidermal necrosis, dehydration, muscle aches, weakness, apathy, redness of the eyes.
Damp spice seeds are not recommended. Before adding cumin to your diet, you need to consult with a qualified specialist, undergo examinations and find out if the plant will harm the body. Absolute contraindications to Zira:
- Increased acidity … Bitter or sour belching, paroxysmal pain in the abdomen, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, increased pathogenic microflora, flatulence, skin rashes, joint pain, metabolic failure.
- Stomach or duodenal ulcer … Bloating, sudden weight loss, loss of appetite, vomiting, undigested food debris in the feces, internal bleeding, general intoxication, fever, depression.
- Obesity … Since the spice has a high calorie content, it is not recommended for those who have problems with overweight.
- Individual intolerance to individual elements … Bloating, yellowing of the sclera of the eyes, deterioration of lactation, failure of digestion, fever, staphylococcal infection, swelling, constipation, muscle cramps, profuse salivation, dizziness.
- Diabetes … Spice ingredients can lower blood sugar.
In case of poisoning with zira, it is necessary to provide first aid before the arrival of an ambulance. The patient should be put on the bed, given a laxative and thus carried out gastric lavage. You need to drink salted water as much as possible.
Cumin recipes

This spice is often added to flavor confectionery and bakery products, dairy products, potato soups, pickles, pickles, vegetable salads, fish dishes, meat and pilaf. Both crushed cumin and whole grains can be used.
The following recipes with cumin are distinguished, characterized by rich taste, nutritional value, unique aroma properties and ease of preparation:
- Pork shurpa … A kilogram of pork is washed, cut into large cubes and fried in sunflower oil in a cast-iron cauldron. 300 grams of onions and 300 grams of carrots are also chopped in large pieces. When the meat is golden brown, you can add vegetables and fry for 3-4 minutes over low heat. 300 grams of bell pepper get rid of seeds, cut into large strips and toss to the rest of the ingredients. At this time, a half a kilogram of potatoes is peeled, chopped into 6 pieces and placed in a cauldron. All products are simmered over low heat for about 12-15 minutes. Then 2 liters of filtered water are poured in, salted to taste and cooked for an hour and a half. It is necessary to periodically stir the shurpa and remove the foam. At your own discretion, you can season the dish with red pepper. After a while, add 200 grams of tomatoes cut into 4 parts. After that, 8 cloves of garlic are passed through a press and seasoned with cumin rubbed with fingers. At the end, the shurpa is sprinkled with chopped herbs and served to the table.
- Beef lagman … A pound of noodles is boiled in salted filtered water and then washed once. 450 grams of beef is cut into small slices. Peel and dice 2 onions, 3 potatoes, bell peppers and 2 carrots. 4 cloves of garlic are squeezed out to them through a press. 50 ml of sunflower or olive oil are poured into the cauldron and the beef is fried until tender. After that, add all the vegetables, mix, put on low heat and stew for 5-7 minutes. Then poured into a cauldron 250 ml of filtered water. Salt and add seasonings at their own discretion. At the end, pour a pinch of cumin and cover the lagman with a lid for a few minutes. A bunch of greens is chopped and crumbled into a dish.
- Carrot puree … A pound of carrots and 4 cloves of garlic are peeled and placed in boiling water. Cook until cooked. Then the vegetables are transferred to a blender, 6 tablespoons of sunflower oil and a few tablespoons of the liquid in which everything was cooked are added. Beat the ingredients at low speed so that the carrots are not completely mashed. Then add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, crushed cumin and cilantro and beat again.
- Pilaf in a slow cooker … 800 grams of chicken meat is washed under running water, cut into small slices and put in a slow cooker. Sprinkle with vegetable oil and indicate the "Baking" mode for 25 minutes. Half the onion is chopped into rings and fried in a skillet. Carrots are passed through a coarse grater and added to the onion. A glass of rice is washed several times in water and poured into the meat along with vegetables. The ingredients are salted and seasoned as you wish. Pour everything with water so that it overlaps the rice by 1 cm. Set the "Pilaf" mode. A few minutes before the end, add the garlic cloves and chopped herbs.
Due to its pronounced aromatic and taste characteristics, cumin is often added to traditional dishes of Mexico, Syria, Iran and Africa.
Interesting facts about zira

The island of Comino, located in the Mediterranean, is named after the plant. It is completely covered with cumin fields.
In Africa, Mexico and Asia, cumin is called the Queen of Spices. It is added to almost all dishes. And from Sanskrit, the name of the plant is translated as "smelling good".
Crushed cumin seeds are added to the spices of dukka, curry, chutney, zatar, Yemeni seasoning, baharat, and garam masala.
In ancient Egypt, zira was used for the mummification of high-ranking officials.
The spice was used in Ancient India and Ancient Greece as a healing agent. Zira is repeatedly mentioned in the writings of Pliny the Elder, Hippocrates, Dioscorides. It is described that the seeds have a positive effect on the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract and increase the tone of the body.
In the Middle Ages, it was assumed that if during the entire wedding ceremony the newlyweds carried a bag of cumin seeds with them, then their life would be rich, full of love and mutual understanding.
If you grind the cumin and lightly fry, then the aroma will increase several times.
Watch a video about the spice zira:

The spice is mentioned in the Bible. It is described that zira was used as the currency used by the clergy.