What is a self-leveling 3D floor, what are its pros and cons, features of creating a decorative layer, installation technology. Self-leveling 3D floor is a unique surface that does not have seams and consists of three layers, such as a base, a three-dimensional picture, and a topcoat. The installation process is not much different from pouring a conventional polymer floor. And the result depends on your creativity and skill.
What is a self-leveling 3D floor

Several decades ago, it was possible to make an unusual floor decor using the so-called "chintz method". This is the "progenitor" of modern 3D floors. The fabric was spread on the surface and varnished over it. This resulted in a beautiful and original floor covering. Nowadays, technology has stepped forward, and you can create your own works of art on the floor using modern materials and tools.
Self-leveling 3D floors came to the interior of apartments and houses from the street. It was there that artists first experienced the power of optical illusions, creating amazing images on asphalt in the style of Madonnari or Street Painting. In 3D technique, the drawing seems to be real, three-dimensional from a certain distance and at a certain angle.
The main task of a designer creating a model for a 3D floor is to make the illusion of three-dimensionality, a "wow" effect, to bring the image as close as possible to realistic. This is the main difficulty when installing such a self-leveling floor. For the rest, the technology of work is quite simple and straightforward: one of the varieties of mineral or polymer filling is used, which fixes the drawing from above.
It is worth noting that self-leveling 3D floors are quite an expensive pleasure. Moreover, if you order the creation of such a coating from professionals, then the lion's share of the cost will be paid precisely for the development of a unique image. However, if your imagination works well for you, then you can make such a three-dimensional picture with your own hands. Alternatively, you can order an image from a designer, and carry out the rest of the work yourself.
In addition, you can make 3D from a regular floor without using printed pictures. To create optical illusions and volumetricness, you can use various objects, painting on a rough surface.
Advantages and disadvantages of self-leveling 3D floors

Like any floor covering, a self-leveling volumetric floor has both pros and cons. The advantages of this surface are:
- Excellent waterproofing … The self-leveling floor is seamless. It does not pass or absorb moisture, so you should not be afraid of spilled water - it will not leak to the neighbors on the lower floor and will not ruin the flooring itself.
- Hygiene … The seamlessness of the coating guarantees that there will be no joints and cracks, which means that dust and dirt will not accumulate. Removing dirt from such a floor is easy with a damp cloth.
- Wear resistance … Manufacturers give a guarantee for the polymers used to create such a floor for 50 years or more. The duration of the self-leveling coating operation depends on the purpose of the room and the level of traffic in it. These floors can be poured even in garages, warehouses and public places. They will not crack, even if a heavy object is dropped on them.
- Fire resistance … The polymer coating does not burn. Therefore, it can be laid even in rooms where fire safety control is strengthened.
- Antistatic … Self-leveling floors do not accumulate dust, but repel it. Therefore, they are often called "dust-free".
- Anti-slip surface … At first glance, such a floor seems very slippery due to its glossiness. However, it is not. This flooring has a grippy surface, on which slipping is no easier than on oak parquet.
- UV resistance … The self-leveling floor will not fade under the influence of direct sunlight, the image will be bright for many years.
- Resistance to chemicals … This characteristic allows you to install a 3D floor in the kitchen, in the corridor, hallway, bathroom, where it can be washed using detergents.
- Exclusive design … You can create an absolutely unique coating, which will depend only on your imagination and financial capabilities.
Self-leveling floors also have a number of disadvantages that should be taken into account before deciding on such a coating:
- Time consuming and time consuming pouring process … Installation of this floor implies the perfect leveling of the sub-base, as well as the complete drying of each new layer. In time, the procedure can take a month or more.
- Difficult dismantling … It is usually easier to lay a new one on top of such a coating than to remove it.
- Cold surface … It is not recommended to install a "warm floor" system under such a floor for reasons of environmental safety. And the coating itself is quite cold, like the tile.
- High cost of materials and work … Not everyone can afford to equip a self-leveling 3D floor, especially if a professional team of designers and builders is involved. On average, pouring this coating will cost 5 times more than installing ceramic tiles and 10 times more than installing laminate flooring.
- Expensive repairs … If you need to repair a section of a self-leveling 3D floor with your own hands or update the top layer, then this will require considerable financial investments. It should be noted that surface grinding should be carried out quite often - once every 1-2 years.
As for the environmental friendliness of such floors, so far they have not come to a consensus in the construction world. It is believed that bulk polymers are not intended for installation in residential premises, since phenol is released during installation in liquid form. However, a frozen self-leveling floor does not produce any volatile chemicals. And only when heated, it can again begin to release harmful phenol. Therefore, it is not recommended to equip a 3D coating on top of the "warm floor" system. Also, do not put it in children's rooms and bedrooms.
Installation technology for self-leveling 3d floor
Installation of a self-leveling volumetric coating is a rather extended process in time. Therefore, before making a 3D floor in a bathroom, kitchen, corridor or living room, you need to restrict the entrance to the room for the entire period of preparing the base and pouring the decorative layer.
Creating a 3D image for a self-leveling floor

The work on arranging a bulk 3D floor begins with the selection of a picture. This may be the most basic photo you want to take in 3D. If you have the skills to work in photo and graphic editors, then you can prepare the image yourself.
Follow these guidelines when choosing a pattern:
- A picture for a 3D floor must have a high resolution - at least 300 dpi. Therefore, it is best to use images from photo banks.
- The most effective for creating optical illusions are drawings with the effect of depth: an abyss, water, descent. Especially popular is the nautical theme for 3D bathroom floors.
- It is not recommended to use such images and themes as floor 3D pictures: predatory, aggressive animals, evil characters, the illusion of movement (falling, covered with a wave), bulky and too bright objects and details (especially with an abundance of red), small objects enlarged to illogical sizes (for example, a huge tangerine in the kitchen on the floor will not only become boring quickly, but will also look tasteless).
After you have selected the image, let's get to work:
- We photograph the room where the 3D floor is planned. Try to choose the angle in such a way that the floor appears in the picture exactly as you see it from the doorway.
- In Photoshop or another photo editor, we overlay the image on the photo of your floor in the way you want to place it in reality.
- We cut off everything in the figure except for the floor with the image. You should have a trapezoid: narrowed at the top (back) and widened at the bottom (in front). This is how we see the room, according to the laws of perspective.
- Select the Perspective tool and fix the trapezoid into a flat rectangle. Now you can see how you need to print the image for the floor.
- We export the picture and save the file with the *-p.webp" />
If you do not know how to work in photo editors, then contact the designer. In any case, such work will cost less than filling a "turnkey" 3D floor.
Once the image file is on your removable media, contact any company that specializes in outdoor printing. They usually have experience with such graphics, as well as special fill material. The latter must withstand contact with polymer and varnish.
Usually, for these purposes, a durable fabric banner canvas is used, designed for precipitation and temperature drops. You may also be offered self-adhesive vinyl printing.
First, print your image on plain paper in black and white. You can put this rough draft on the floor and evaluate the distortion angles for the optical illusion to work. If necessary, you will correct the perspective before printing the drawing in color on the canvas.
In addition, small decorative elements, randomly or in a certain sequence, are scattered on the floor also create a certain optical effect of volume. These can be shells, pebbles, coins, buttons, etc.
If you are good at drawing, then you can apply a volumetric image directly to the base layer of the floor.
Preparatory work before pouring the 3d floor

Installation of a self-leveling coating is carried out on a concrete screed. It should be perfectly flat. The appearance of the finished 3D floor depends on this. If the concrete base is new, then it is important to withstand a technological break of 28 days. This will remove excess moisture. This indicator by the beginning of finishing work should not be higher than 4%.
The old base should be carefully inspected and all chips and cracks should be filled with mortar. The protrusions must be removed and the surface sanded. It is also necessary to remove any oil stains.
At the end, the surface is primed or treated with an aqueous PVA dispersion composition. It will fill the pores in the screed. We prepare it in a concentration: 1 kilogram of dispersion per 10 liters of water. Leave to dry for 24 hours.
After that, you can fill the base polymer layer:
- We prepare the polymer solution in small portions in accordance with the instructions on the package. Mix using a mixer - manual mixing is not suitable.
- You need to use the ready-made composition for half an hour, until it begins to harden.
- We pour on the surface of the screed in strips parallel to the wall, starting from the farthest from the entrance.
- The optimum layer thickness is 3 millimeters.
- We level the mixture with a rule and a needle roller, which will remove air bubbles from the thickness of the material.
- It should take no more than 10 minutes before applying a new strip.
- We are waiting for complete polymerization. This usually takes 24 hours.
Decorating a bulk 3D floor

The 3d effect can be created by a drawing on a banner canvas, laid on the floor, as well as an artistic painting of a rough base or by placing small objects on it, followed by filling it with polymer.
If you want to make a self-leveling floor using fine decor, then you should first select the color of the base polymer layer. It can be colored, as it will shine through the elements on its surface and serve as a kind of background.
If your decor has holes (for example, shells), then the voids in it must be wiped with polymer clay or plaster and wait until the material is completely dry before proceeding with the subsequent pouring. You need to lay out decorative details on a slightly frozen polymer layer, forming a pattern.
Applying a pattern directly to the floor requires good artistic skills. Alternatively, you can invite a professional. The image is formed with acrylic or polymer paints on a previously prepared polymer base. You can also use a stencil to create a pattern. After the paints are dry, the drawing should be covered with a protective layer of varnish.
The printed canvas is placed on the prepared base and carefully leveled. After fixing on the floor, the film or banner must be degreased with methyl alcohol.
Features of pouring the compound

The finishing layer or compound for the self-leveling floor is very thin - only 0.5-3 millimeters. Therefore, it is important to be extremely careful when working with it.
You can make the polymer yourself. To do this, mix the hardener with epoxy resin in a 1: 2 ratio. In this case, not the slightest lumps should remain in the composition. You can make it easier for yourself by buying a ready-made compound in which all the components are already mixed in the right proportion.
Before making a 3D floor, check that the temperature in the working room is not higher than +30 degrees.
Fill is carried out according to the following instructions:
- Pour the mixture onto the prepared surface and distribute evenly.
- We take a needle roller and roll it over the coating to remove air bubbles.
- Rolling is carried out before the mixture becomes viscous. Thickening usually begins 40 minutes after pouring.
The surface is completely dry after 48 hours. The floor can be used no earlier than after a week.
If the room is large, then you need to cook and pour the compound in portions. Protect the floor from dust and direct sunlight during the drying process.
Protective varnish application

After the finish layer has completely polymerized, it is recommended to cover it with a special varnish for additional protection of the surface from mechanical damage and to maintain gloss.
In hardware stores, you can find different types of protective varnishes that are suitable for covering epoxy floors. Some protect from scratches, others have anti-slip properties, while using others, you will make it easier for yourself to care for the self-leveling floor.
Apply the finishing varnish with a roller or brush in a thin even layer. Leave to dry for a day.
How to make a 3D self-leveling floor - watch the video:

There is nothing daunting in creating 3D floors with your own hands. The main problem can be preparing a suitable image or decor, especially if you do not have artistic skills and do not know how to work in photo editors. In this case, you should seek help from a professional designer. And you can fill the polymer coating yourself, following our instructions.