Selection of components and preparation of penoizol, methods of application to the ceiling, pros and cons of a foam heat insulator, equipment for self-production of a substance. Insulation of the ceiling with penoizol is the creation of a foamy heat-insulating layer, which is formed after solidification of a liquid foam-based material. The elastic mass applied to the surface fills all the voids, thanks to which the warmth in the room is kept for a long time. The substance is produced directly on the construction site, therefore, for independent work, it is necessary to be well versed in the nuances of handling its components. We learn how to properly insulate the floor from this article.
Features of thermal insulation of the ceiling with penoizol

Penoizol is a synthetic material based on urea-formaldehyde resin, to which other components are added to improve performance. When finished, it looks like a white fine-grained substance and looks like a marshmallow or marshmallow. Elastic to the touch. It goes on sale in the form of foam, chips or boards of various thicknesses, so there are several methods for creating coatings, depending on the state of the workpiece:
- The sheet material is fixed to the ceiling with dowels, like foam. From above it is covered with plasterboard sheets.
- A special structure is created for the crumb, which is filled with a free-flowing mass.
- Penoizol in a liquid state is of greatest interest to craftsmen. The working solution is obtained in a special device, where various substances are mixed, and then applied to the surface under pressure. All operations are performed directly at the construction site. The product differs from other foam substances in that it does not increase in size after curing.
Advantages and disadvantages of ceiling insulation with penoizol

The coating obtained after polymerizing the liquid foam has many advantages.
- To insulate the ceiling with penoizol, it is enough to fill the surface with a layer of 45 mm, which can replace 75 mm of expanded polystyrene or 125 mm of mineral wool.
- The containment shell has good steam permeability, so condensation does not form between it and the cold overlap. It has proven itself well in the insulation of wooden structures.
- Fungus and mold do not take root on the material, small rodents do not like it.
- The coating does not burn, melt or emit toxic fumes when heated. At high temperatures, it simply evaporates.
- The insulator is multifunctional. It is good at absorbing sounds that are transmitted through the ceiling, providing silence in the room.
- The shell does not crack under mechanical stress, only it is springy. After removing the load, the surface returns to its original shape.
- Liquid foam allows you to reliably insulate ceilings of complex shapes. Foam fills any voids without leaving cold bridges. After drying, a monolithic surface is formed without voids and breaks.
- The material is not afraid of temperature changes, and it is often applied from the side of the attic.
- The ceiling covering does not require replacement or scheduled repair for a long time - up to 30 years.
- The dried layer is very light and does not increase the load on the walls. Easy to process after polymerization.
During the insulation of ceilings with liquid foam and during further operation, the master may encounter problems that he should know about in advance:
- High-quality insulation can only be obtained at a positive room temperature.
- After installation, the room will smell of formaldehyde, but after a few days it will disappear.
- Installation cannot be done without special machines.
- The material has a low density, so it has little tensile strength. It can be torn easily.
- Over time, the product shrinks.
Ceiling insulation technology with penoizol
The method of thermal insulation depends on the type of product (foam or solid) and the state of the floor. The liquid is applied from the attic side. To prepare the solution, you will need special ingredients and a mechanical installation. Plate insulation can be fixed from the inside of the room, like polystyrene.
Materials and equipment for work

To make a foamy thermal insulation mixture, you will need the following ingredients:
- Urea-formaldehyde resin … It is the main component that forms the structure and volume of a substance. The brands VPS-G, KF-KhTP, KFMT, KFZh are popular in Russia. All of them contain urea, formalin and various additives. For example, polyvinyl alcohol is introduced into VPS-G at the production stage. Products differ in the percentage of formaldehyde. The most stringent requirements are imposed on VPS-G and KF-KhTP resins, therefore they are more often bought.
- Foaming agent … Creates a large number of volume-enhancing bubbles. There are two types of substances - acidic (ABS) and alkaline. When choosing this component, it is necessary to take into account that ABSK contains sulfuric acid, which, when it comes into contact with the skin, causes irritation.
- Curing catalyst … Fixes the liquid mass in a solid state. For this purpose, we use erthophosphoric acid НЗР04. After mixing with the resin, the polymerization process begins, resulting in the formation of penoizol.
- Water … It is needed to dilute the components to the desired concentration and obtain a foam. It evaporates a few days after being installed on the ceiling. For the production of liquid foam, it is recommended to use soft household water, it is possible from the water supply. The more hard it is, the worse the foaming is.
Apparatus for the production of insulation on a construction site consists of various devices that work together. To get the product, you need at least a minimum set of the product. Due to the fact that you will have to work in the attic, pay attention to the size and weight of the device. If the machine is modern, it can be installed at a distance of up to 40 m from the insulated surface. But if the apparatus is gas-liquid, it should be located at a distance of 7-10 m from the ceiling. A typical plant for the production of penoizol consists of the following components:
- Resin and acid containers … Typically, drums are not supplied with installations, therefore, containers are often used in which the components were transported. The resin is transported in drums with a capacity of 50 liters, where 60-65 kg of the substance is placed. The volume is sufficient for the production of 2-3 m3 substances. In modern devices, the suction hose is dipped through the top of the container. To connect to devices of the first generation, the resin is poured into a barrel with a tap due to the special design of the pumps. The containers for the hardener are usually large, with a capacity of 200 liters. Sometimes the hardener is mixed with a foaming agent in it.
- Pumps for supplying liquid to the foam generator … They must have a speed control function. If the pump is a plunger pump, check that it is plastic or stainless steel.
- Foam generator for mixing air and components to create foam … Available in various sizes and designs. Often combined with a mixer.
- Compressor to supply air to the system … It is not included in the device and must be purchased separately. The power depends on the design of the device. For example, for gas-liquid installations, the blower must provide 400 liters of air per minute and a pressure of 2-6 atm. It can be one unit or two small ones combined into one system. The option with two is preferable, they are easy to lift to the attic or upper floor. For small areas, it is recommended to use a domestic compressor. They are inexpensive but require periodic shutdowns to cool.
- Electric water heater … It is necessary for heating the liquid to a temperature of 50-60 degrees. It is needed to prepare a foaming agent. The unit is also cleaned with hot water.
- Heater for working fluids … Purchased to maintain the temperature of the solution within the acceptable range. Usually used during the cold season. When processing small areas, the mixture can be heated with improvised means, but for a large construction site you will need 1.5-2 tons of warm water, and in this case it is irreplaceable. Usually runs on propane-butane.
Also included are a mixer for mixing foam and resin, a hose for supplying the solution to the place of laying, an autotransformer to ensure normal voltage at the inlet to the installation.
The most popular are two types of machines: gas-liquid and systems with a portable foam generator. The second option belongs to the latest generation devices and takes into account all the shortcomings of the old samples. For example, the permissible distance between the apparatus and the surface to be insulated has increased to 40 m.
Preparation of a mixture for ceiling insulation

After the delivery of all the ingredients to the place of work, you can start the production of insulation. The process goes like this:
- Find a place where you can install the clipper. Usually, all units are located in one box, and barrels for resin and acid are placed on a stand.
- Hose all assemblies in accordance with the device manufacturer's instructions.
- Pour the acid or ingredients for its preparation into a large container - water, phosphoric acid and a foaming agent. Mix the contents of the tank thoroughly.
- Pour carbamide-formaldehyde resin into another barrel.
- Open the taps on the drums to fill the pumps. If the device is gas-liquid, the tanks should be located above the pumps to avoid airing the system. In this case, the liquid moves on its own.
- Connect the device to the mains.
- Turn on the pumps, set the required component flow.
- Start the air compressor. Check the air parameters with a pressure gauge.
- In the steam generator, air is used to transform the solution into foam. The substance is blown into the mixer, combined with the resin and transferred to the sleeve, where the polymerization process begins.
- The mixture is supplied under pressure through a hose to the ceiling. After covering a small area, check the quality of the product.
- Make sure that the resulting mass has good fluidity and fills all voids on its own.
- Check the temperature of the liquid foam, which should be more than +18 degrees. Optimum thermometer readings are + 25 + 30 degrees. If the mixture is cold, the foam structure will be destroyed.
- Study the structure of the substance. High-quality foam is finely porous and dense, individual bubbles are not visible in it. It looks like a monolithic mass of white.
- Poor foaming may mean that the water is too hard. In this case, even an increase in the concentration of the main components will not help.
- After 10-15 minutes, the polymerization process will end. If there is little resin in the material, the material will be very loose. With a large percentage of acid, the insulator burns out and will crumble after solidification.
- The optimal proportion of the components is determined empirically. It is different for different brands of resin.
Installation of penoizol on the ceiling during the construction of a house

This option is usually used to insulate ceilings with penoizol in a private house and involves the use of removable structures to create a base. For work, you need a thick plastic wrap.
Operations are performed in the following sequence:
- Remove any excess items to avoid contaminating them with spray foam.
- Wear goggles, gloves, and other protective equipment against chemicals in the liquid solution.
- Stretch the film under the joists and secure to the beams with a stapler.
- To eliminate sagging of the canvas, fill the slats under it.
- Fill all the space between the lags with penoizol, starting from the far side to the top of the beams.
- After the solution hardens, dismantle the film and slats and level the surface with a knife flush with the bottom of the logs. The material acquires its final strength in 2-3 days.
- Fasten the vapor-permeable film to the rafters from below.
- Install drywall sheets from the room side and walk-in flooring in the attic.
Work with penoizol in residential premises

In a similar way, the floor is insulated if its structure consists of two wooden floorings, between which there is a gap of 50-150 mm. With a smaller gap, the foam entering under pressure will not be able to fill all the voids. The thickness of the deck boards must be more than 50 mm in order to withstand the pressure from the inside. Thin lumber can deform after fluid injection.
To fill the voids, make holes in the flooring with a diameter of 30 mm in increments of 1, 5-2 m. Pump the foam insulation between the boards until the foam is squeezed out through all the holes.
After the solution has polymerized, cut off the protruding mass with a chisel, and close the holes with wooden plugs.
Covering ceilings with a ready-made mixture from cylinders is cost-effective if the area is small. To prepare for use, just shake the container. This is necessary to evenly distribute the propellant, an inert gas that squeezes the contents out. Before insulating the ceiling with penoizol, ensure the temperature of the solution is within +20 degrees, which is optimal for the foam. If work is carried out in winter, lower the cylinder into water heated to +50 degrees. In summer, on the contrary, cool the substance.
How to insulate the ceiling with penoizol - watch the video:

The complexity of insulation with liquid foam of the ceiling is leveled by the quality of the shell and low costs. It is not for nothing that it is recommended for thermal insulation not only of ceilings, but also of the whole house.