Ceiling insulation with polyurethane foam

Ceiling insulation with polyurethane foam
Ceiling insulation with polyurethane foam

The existing specificity of thermal insulation with polyurethane foam, the advantages and disadvantages of this method, how to properly prepare the ceiling for thermal insulation, the main work, the final finishing with decorative panels. Ceiling insulation with polyurethane foam is one of the most reliable and economical ways of applying thermal insulation. The coating does not require annual renewal or repair. This technology will preserve the indoor climate and is especially popular when decorating a newly built building.

Features of ceiling insulation with polyurethane foam

Insulation of the ceiling with polyurethane foam from the attic side
Insulation of the ceiling with polyurethane foam from the attic side

Let's start with what this insulation is. It is a lightweight and at the same time durable material, which is a kind of plastic, the cells of which are filled with a special gas. As a result of such technological processing, polyurethane foam practically does not absorb water and acquires extremely low thermal conductivity.

Ceiling insulation with polyurethane foam is very easy if you have special equipment and little experience in throwing solutions or liquid mixtures. It is imperative to apply a heat insulator under high pressure. At this time, an instant foam formation occurs, after which a seamless homogeneous surface is created. As soon as it hardens, you can apply the next layer, the thickness of each of which should not exceed 2 cm. It is the liquid version that has become increasingly in demand, because it does not require adjustment, and after application it exactly repeats the shape of the ceiling surface.

This version of insulation works is most widely used for ceilings, since there is no need to create additional fastening structures. This means that cold bridges, which are so often formed when working with roll insulation, will not be created.

The insulation work itself can be carried out both inside the building and outside the floor slabs. Most often, it is the external technology that is used, and in case of impossibility of conducting, they give preference to internal insulation, because the first option provides better heat preservation and protection of the plates from freezing. In addition, it is precisely this technique that does not reduce the usable area inside the room.

But in cases where the room is on the first or basement floor, as well as in apartment buildings, you will have to resort to the internal method. This option is also relevant indoors with high humidity, for example, in saunas, bathrooms, kitchens. Thanks to a special cellular and closed structure, it reliably protects against dampness.

Advantages and disadvantages of ceiling insulation with polyurethane foam

Internal insulation of the ceiling with polyurethane foam
Internal insulation of the ceiling with polyurethane foam

There are plenty of advantages of this method of thermal insulation, but we will highlight the most important of them:

  • The speed of the full cycle of work in a short time allows you to process a significant area of ceilings in the premises.
  • The durability of the structure, because the polyurethane foam is guaranteed for up to 50 years - this is how much the material does not lose its main characteristics.
  • Excellent thermal insulation, which means that heat loss is virtually reduced to zero.
  • Environmental safety, since there are no toxic or poisonous compounds and particles, so you don't have to worry about the favorable microclimate in the building.
  • Unlike roll insulators, polyurethane foam is not in danger of caking over time, that is, it retains its dimensions throughout the entire service life.
  • Thanks to its liquid form, it does not need to be adjusted and cut to fit the frame.
  • In the process of spraying, reliable insulation of all gaps and inconsistencies on the ceiling occurs simultaneously.
  • You can insulate the ceiling in this way, which consists of virtually any building material (from concrete to adobe, wood).
  • Due to the high adhesion density, you can count on the maximum coating strength.
  • The material perfectly protects both from the penetration of noise and extraneous sounds from the outside.
  • Its low weight allows it to be sprayed even from the side of the attic or attic without any danger to the structure.
  • During the application of the liquid material, it simultaneously protects the metal structural elements, protecting them from the occurrence of corrosion foci.
  • Due to the special tightness and water repellency, there is no need to install additional vapor and wind insulation.

Among the disadvantages, you can dwell in more detail on the fire resistance of the material. It cannot be called completely non-flammable, but it itself is weakly flammable and poorly supports the combustion process. That is, if the fire source is removed, the polyurethane foam will not be able to burn further. It is also worth noting that the price of this material is slightly higher than that of the same mineral or stone wool, but it is more convenient to use.

Ceiling insulation technology with polyurethane foam

Before starting work, it is necessary to purchase the required amount of a heat insulator, as well as overhead panels that will close it from above. Calculations are made on the basis of the working area of the insulated ceiling surface.

Preparatory work

Ceiling preparation
Ceiling preparation

If you have unambiguously chosen polyurethane foam for the ceiling, then the surface must be thoroughly cleaned of all unnecessary. To do this, it is first cleaned of the remnants of old whitewash or paint. Remnants of any dirt and dust are completely removed. If the ceiling itself is uneven, then careful alignment must be carried out. The remnants of the old whitewash can be easily washed off if you wet the paint roller with water before this. The procedure is repeated several times, and then the damp whitewash is scraped off with a spatula. Remove excess with a clean cloth. All gaps between the ceiling and walls are tapped to detect voids. To seal them up, you need a little cement mortar or putty. Wide cracks are glued with a reinforcing mesh before the start of covering, so that they do not appear later. After that you can start applying a layer of starter putty, but this is not necessary, as liquid polyurethane foam is excellent and fills in any crevices and depressions by itself. If the putty is nevertheless applied, it is smoothed to an approximately even state using sandpaper with varying degrees of abrasiveness.

Of the tools and equipment for performing thermal insulation, you will need: a special spray gun, a hammer, a chisel, a painting trowel, containers for mixing putty or other working solutions, a screwdriver, a set of clothes (including protective ones), a paint roller, a ruler, a level, a plumb line, sharpened pencil, hacksaw.

Among the consumables, you need to stock up on the following: nails, screws, metal board or profile, polyurethane foam, putty, plaster, glue, plastic panels for sheathing, clean rags, sandpaper.

Installation instructions for polyurethane foam

Applying polyurethane foam to the ceiling
Applying polyurethane foam to the ceiling

Before proceeding with the main work, you need to understand what density of the finished heat-insulating layer is needed. The lower this indicator is, the more the insulation will increase in volume. Low density up to 25 kg / m3 it is not able to withstand a significant load and can only be used for finishing materials. If this figure rises to 40-50 kg / m3, the ceiling will not require additional protection, it is enough to cover with one layer of paint. But if it will be operated in more unfavorable conditions, then you should focus on a density of 60 kg / m3 and even higher.

The main work is performed approximately in the following sequence:

  1. Working equipment for spraying is being prepared, its performance and tightness of connections are checked.
  2. On the most insulated surface, a crate-frame made of metal profiles or wooden bars is installed. The thickness of the guides is determined based on how many layers and how high will be applied.
  3. When installing the battens, it must simultaneously play a leveling role. They put it with a plumb line and level, and thanks to filling the voids with liquid insulation, it is possible to achieve a perfectly flat surface.
  4. As soon as the frame is installed, foam polyurethane foam is sprayed into its cells. This is done with a spray gun.
  5. In the process of work, the intensity of spraying should be regulated, which directly depends on the required layer thickness. It will be determined by the height of the guide profiles (bars).
  6. Spraying begins from the bottom, moving towards the center.
  7. After the first layer dries, another one is made on top of it (if necessary).
  8. As soon as the heat insulator hardens, you can cut off all protruding parts and residues.
  9. If the ceiling is plastered, then a chain-link mesh is pulled over the frozen polyurethane foam directly on the guides. The main solution will be pounced on it, and already on top of it a leveling layer of plaster.

Note! During the work, you will need to acquire personal protective equipment - a respirator and a special suit, which will prevent liquid polyurethane from getting on the skin and into the respiratory tract.

Surface finishing

PVC panels for ceiling
PVC panels for ceiling

We figured out how to properly insulate the ceilings in a room with polyurethane foam. It remains to say about the finishing of the insulated ceiling surface. Decorative panels are considered to be one of the functional solutions for insulated ceilings in modern interiors. They are relatively inexpensive, but they successfully hide any cosmetic flaws.

The main types of panels that you can choose for your room:

  • Fiberboard (Fibreboard) … They can be soft and hard, made from compressed wood fiber. They are very stable and durable, they are distinguished by high hardness, they are convenient in operation and installation. They are usually fixed on the basis of a traditional tongue-and-groove connection.
  • Fiberboard MDF … They differ in medium density and hardness, fire and water resistant, do not require special maintenance.
  • Type-setting panels … They can be rack, tiled, sheet. Some of them are useful for decorating a picture on the ceiling. They are interconnected by grooves and inserts, and additionally fixed with glue or clamps.
  • Gypsum Vinyl Panels … Traditional drywall is used as the base material for their manufacture. Coated with vinyl on top, it becomes much more attractive and aesthetic.
  • PVC panels … For their manufacture, solid polyvinyl chloride is used, to which softeners are added. They are very hygienic, environmentally friendly, and have a long service life.

One of the main advantages of this finish is that the panels can be easily replaced in the event of significant damage. For care, use a damp cloth and a small amount of mild detergent. Installation does not require many years of qualifications and, if desired, and the preparation of the necessary tools, it can be performed in a single day. Fastening the panels themselves is not at all difficult, because they have special grooves on the starting profile, after which they can be additionally fixed to the ceiling with self-tapping screws. It is imperative to check that the first panel is securely fixed, and that all subsequent ones can simply be inserted into the fastening groove.

At the same stage, in those places where it is planned to install ceiling lamps, holes of the desired shape and size are cut under them. Decorative strips are cut to the required length and fixed to the surface across the base, while they should not reach 0.5 cm to each of the walls. Thanks to this tolerance, in the future it will be possible to install skirting boards around the perimeter of the entire room, which will cover the joints.

Each of the subsequent panels will be inserted into the groove from the previous one and screwed with a self-tapping screw approximately in the center. It may be difficult to fix the last panel, but if you cut it a little, then it will easily fall into place.

How to insulate the ceiling with polyurethane foam - watch the video:

Today, the use of polyurethane foam as insulation is one of the best options recommended by experts. It has a long service life, and at the end of the work there is no need to close up the formed joints. In addition, the insulation is safe and resistant to various mechanical influences.