Bath base: finishing options

Bath base: finishing options
Bath base: finishing options

The cladding of the bath basement is necessary not only for the external decoration of the structure. Correct finishing also has protective functions. Our recommendations will help you choose the right material and perform the facing work yourself. Content:

  1. Bath base materials
  2. Siding plinth trim

    • Preparation
    • Siding frame
    • Fastening siding
  3. Plastering the bath base

    • Preparation for plastering
    • Plastering

To create an air gap for floor insulation, after the construction of the foundation, they immediately proceed to the construction of the basement. This design contributes to an even distribution of the load from the building to the foundation. It is also necessary to protect the walls from getting wet and mechanical damage. Traditionally, the height of the base is 0.4-0.5 meters. It is better to clad it before assembling a log house or erecting walls.

Finishing materials for the bath base

Facing brick for the bath base
Facing brick for the bath base

To make the building look aesthetically pleasing, it is important to choose the right facing option. It should be not only attractive in appearance, but also durable, because the durability of the entire structure depends on the quality of the finishing material.

The most common ways of lining a bath base are:

  • Plastering and painting … Suitable for brick buildings. One of the varieties is mosaic plaster. Among the advantages are good air exchange, simplicity and efficiency of implementation, various color options. As for the shortcomings, the main one is the fragility of the coating. You will need to plaster and tint such a base every few years.
  • Covering with tiles … One of the most popular finishing options for the bath base. This material is easy to install, has good thermal insulation characteristics and protects the surface from atmospheric agents.
  • Facing with natural stone … A durable material with which you can embody a wide variety of exterior design ideas, as it is presented in a wide variety of colors and textures. Natural stone looks very respectable.
  • Artificial stone finishing … A variety of colors, practicality and durability are the main characteristics of this material. With its help, you can revet the base of the bath with your own hands. It comes in the form of regular shapes (squares, rectangles) or shapeless elements. The latter type is used to create a unique pattern.
  • Siding covering … The use of this material allows not only to give the plinth an aesthetic appearance, but also to protect it from external influences. Siding is available in different textures. Some of its variants imitate brick, wood, stone. It is successfully used to decorate the basement of a bathhouse and a brick structure. It can withstand significant temperature changes and mechanical stress.
  • Finishing with facing bricks … The masonry is carried out in half a brick. Any dressing system is allowed. The installation of this material is rather complicated and time-consuming.
  • Materials at hand … Despite the emergence of many new building materials, the old methods are still relevant. To decorate the basement of the steam room in the summer cottage, the remains of tiles, shards of glass from colored bottles, and broken dishes are often used. These elements are usually combined to create a pattern.

It is important to choose the material for finishing the structure in accordance with the type of base:

  1. On a strip foundation, they usually equip a monolithic, concrete or brick structure, since the basement performs a load-bearing function.
  2. As for the columnar bases, then a hinged base is equipped for them, which performs more of a protective function than a load-bearing one.
  3. In cases with a pile foundation, the structure is laid out of bricks or formed in the form of an inter-pile wall. This allows for thermal insulation of the underfloor space.

Technology of finishing the basement of the bath with siding

Siding is easy to install. Everyone can cope with the work, even without special construction skills. Depending on the surface area, finishing the bath base with your own hands will take several days. For cladding, you can use wood, metal or vinyl siding. The latter is made of polypropylene, to which special frost-resistant substances are added, as well as components to increase the strength and elasticity of the panels. It is also inexpensive.

Preparation for finishing the bath base

Bath plinth facing
Bath plinth facing

You need to start finishing only after high-quality insulation and waterproofing of the structure. It is also important to make inspection and ventilation holes. The best option is to mount hatches for this at a height of 15 cm from the blind area. It is advisable to cover them with a metal mesh to prevent the penetration of pests and the ingress of ice in winter.

All wooden elements must be impregnated with antiseptics and fire retardants. If the base is brick or concrete, then we level it with adhesive and cover it with a primer mortar. It is desirable to treat the surface with protective impregnations in several layers. We are engaged in facing when they are completely dry.

Siding frame installation

Frame for basement siding
Frame for basement siding

When choosing material for lathing, give preference to galvanized metal profiles. They are more durable and resistant to corrosion. A wooden frame will last much less.

We carry out work in this order:

  • On the surface in a vertical position, we fasten the profiles with a step of 10-15 cm. We rigidly connect them together with galvanized fasteners.
  • At the level of 8 cm from the bottom finishing point, we fix the starting rail in a strictly horizontal position.
  • We fix the corner slats. With the help of the building level, we expose them strictly vertically.
  • We fix the brackets with thermal washers to form a kind of square "network".
  • We install T-shaped moldings to simplify the further fastening of siding panels.

After installing the battens, it is imperative to check all joints for strength, and the corners for evenness.

Features of attaching siding to the basement of the bath

Siding panels for cladding the basement of the bath
Siding panels for cladding the basement of the bath

Having chosen a material that imitates stone, wood or brick, you need to monitor compliance with the general pattern, if any.

We carry out finishing in the following sequence:

  1. Attach the first panel to the starter bar and slide it into the corner bar. We fix a separate element with self-tapping screws.
  2. We insert the second part on the initial bar and push it to the first. Fasten on the thorn-groove system. Be sure to leave a gap of a few millimeters between the elements.
  3. We cover the remaining surface with the material and mount the finishing strip.
  4. Install the last item. If necessary, cut the panel to the required size and insert it into the finishing and corner strips.
  5. We mask the corner joints of the panels with special overhead parts.

Note! If the structure has a protruding base, then the drain bar must be installed at the end of the work.

Rules for plastering the bath base

You can plaster the base of the bath with different mixtures. On sale there is a special mosaic plaster, which contains small grains (0.8-3 mm in diameter). After application, it looks like a multi-colored mosaic. Such plaster is a good option for finishing the bath base, as it is steam and waterproof. However, you will need a foundation before applying it. The latter is always made of cement or lime-sand plaster.

Preparation for plastering the basement of the bath

Coating the bath base with a primer
Coating the bath base with a primer

Before you start plastering the base, its surfaces should be prepared. If the plaster is applied to the surface of a long-built building, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the base from paint and dirt. After the walls are leveled, they need to be primed.

If there are deep cracks or potholes on the plinth, they should be repaired with a special repair compound. Remember, if you are going to plaster a base, insulated with expanded polystyrene or polystyrene, you need to take care of improving adhesion - apply notches and treat with a primer.

Technology for applying plaster to the bath base

Bath base plaster
Bath base plaster

You can start working on applying a layer of plaster a couple of days after the surfaces have been coated with a primer.

We carry out the procedure as follows:

  • We level the surface using a spatula and a special compound. Put the adhesive on top with a notched trowel.
  • Create a reinforcing layer: press the reinforcing mesh in a third of the depth. We smooth the surfaces with a special trowel.
  • After several days, we again process the base with a primer.
  • Place the plaster with a trowel and smooth it with a trowel.
  • To make the layer even and have the same thickness (about 15 mm), we use "beacons" in the process of applying the composition.
  • After the layer of plaster has dried, we grout it. To do this, we select a special metal grater in the form of a grid. The mashing process must be carried out when the composition is not completely dry, but has already been seized.
  • If desired, decorative mosaic can be applied over the main cement plaster. It is also applied by hand and trowelled at the end of the work.

Plastering can be done in different ways. The surfaces of the base can be completely smooth, like a stone, with embossed patterns. How to sheathe the basement of a bath - watch the video:

A competent approach to lining the basement will ensure reliable protection of the structure from negative external factors. From the instructions and recommendations we have offered, you can learn how to make the bath base attractive, functional and durable, how to choose the type of basement structure in accordance with the foundation and what material is optimal for each type.
