The hanger is an obligatory attribute of the sauna interior. There are many options for hangers, which differ in purpose and place of installation. The article lists popular designs of products for baths. Content:
- Material selection
- Wall-mounted crate hanger
- Making hooks
- Knot hanger
- Wooden hanger
- Towel hanger
Every owner can make a hanger for the bath. Take the materials for the product on the market, you can come up with a design yourself or take a hanger from a neighbor as a sample. For a product to serve for a long time, many factors will have to be taken into account.
The choice of material for the hanger in the bath

In order not to remodel the hanger every year, take the choice of material seriously:
- In the dressing room, the structure should be wooden so that the hung wet linen does not get dirty on rust on the metal.
- The hanger in the steam room is made of wood with low thermal conductivity, so as not to accidentally burn yourself.
- For rooms with high temperatures, the hanger is made of deciduous trees. In the dressing room, you can install an accessory made of pine boards.
- The surface of the boards must be free of burrs, chips and irregularities.
- Choose boards that are free from decay.
- Use hardwoods whenever possible.
Wall hanger-crate for a bath

Wall-mounted wooden hanger for a bath is easy to manufacture and is a crate of horizontal and vertical boards. Such crafts can be installed in all rooms of the bath. In the hallway, outerwear is left on it, in the dressing room - underwear and towels.
For work, prepare the following timber: 3 boards 20x100x1120 mm for horizontal lathing; 6 boards 20x120x1500 mm for vertical battens; a board with a size of 20x200x1070 mm for the manufacture of a hook holder; board 20x300x1070 mm for the manufacture of the shelf.
The work plan for the manufacture of the hanger is as follows:
- Sand the boards, round off sharp corners and edges. The edges are rounded so that the varnish and paint fit well during finishing. Check the surface quality with a nylon stocking. Put it on your hand and slide it over the surface - poorly treated areas will appear immediately.
- Lay the two outer boards and three horizontal boards on a flat surface (table, plate). Make sure that the intersecting boards are at a 90 ° angle to each other.
- Connect the boards with wood screws 35 mm long. Screw the fasteners from the back through the horizontal boards.
- Make sure that the screws do not come out from the opposite side of the board, and that the heads are sunk into the wood. For fastening, it is allowed to use furniture screws with a large hole in the head. After assembling the hanger, close the holes with plastic plugs that match the color of the boards.
- Fix the rest of the boards in the same way, maintaining a step of 80 mm.
- Place the hook holder under the batten and secure with two self-tapping screws that are screwed into vertical boards. The holder will increase the rigidity of the structure.
- Secure the board to the upper edge of the holder with self-tapping screws, which will serve as a shelf.
- Make holes in the horizontal board through which the hanger will be attached to the wall.
- Treat the product with a moisture-resistant water-based varnish.
- The hanger can be adjusted to the size of the room. To do this, make your own drawings of the hanger in the bath and its premises, arrange the furniture in the bath, and then adjust the dimensions of the hanger.
Making hooks for hangers in the bath

In rooms with high humidity, hooks should be made of wood. They can be made independently from scrap materials. Birch cuttings for shovels are suitable as blanks.
Features of making hanger hooks:
- Saw off the required number of 50 mm long bars from the handle.
- When determining the number of hooks, proceed from the recommendations according to which a gap of 110-120 mm should remain between the parts.
- Make semicircular grooves on each block using a router bit or miter saw.
- Grind the edges and corners of the bar.
- At the ends of the bars, make fastening holes with a diameter of 3 mm for self-tapping screws. Holes are necessary to prevent the block from cracking when screwing in the fasteners.
- To attach the hooks, use self-tapping screws that fix them to the hanger, and PVA glue, which is used to lubricate the end of the cutting.
Knot hanger for a bath

This is a simple construction of one well-finished board and Y-shaped knots, which is assembled as follows:
- Select knots 1, 5-2 cm thick. Let the wood dry, remove the bark from it, clean the surfaces.
- The end of the branch on which things will hang, sharpen first with a rasp, and then sand with sandpaper.
- For fastening the knots, a 40 mm thick board is required. To make the board look beautiful, give it an original look. It is better to draw the shape of the support board first on a blank sheet, the sketch should not be larger than the size of the board. Cut out the layout of the board from paper, attach it to it and circle it with a pencil. Process the workpiece with a carpentry tool, grind it with sandpaper.
- The knots on the board should be fastened with dowels, so mark the position of the fastener holes on the hanger.
- Make holes in the board and knots for the dowels.
- Press dowels 1, 5-2 cm into the holes of the knots, they should protrude from the knots by 2 cm. Fasten the knots on the board with dowels and PVA glue.
- Cover the hanger with a water repellent compound.
Hanger from wooden chocks in the bath

Such a hanger is made from oak or maple chocks with uncut branches. To make such an unusual hanger, it is advisable to find a ready-made photo of the hanger in the bath with your own hands and use the picture as a visual aid.
Making a hanger from chocks:
- Choose specimens with knots that resemble the hooks of a hanger in shape and size.
- Use an ax to chop the log in half to leave some of the branches. You should get blanks no more than 15x15 cm in size and with knots with a diameter of 3-4 cm. Meter logs will not work.
- Work the side of the chip with a plane.
- Grind the surface of the workpiece, give it a noble look.
- Make several of these hangers, you can install them in unlimited quantities.
- Fix the hangers directly to the wall of the bath with self-tapping screws.
Bath towel rack

This hanger is much more convenient for hanging towels than the traditional hook design. The product consists of six parts: two lateral sides (supports) on which the hanger stands, three stiffening ribs and a board at the top of the hanger.
The hanger is assembled as follows:
- In the upper part of the supports, make holes for attaching the board on which the towels will hang.
- On the side boards, draw the contours of the supports and mark the position of the grooves for attaching the cross boards.
- Make grooves in the boards along the marks. Cut out the supports from the boards along the contours.
- Measure the dimensions of the grooves in the boards and refine the edges of the slats according to their dimensions.
- Lubricate the walls of the grooves with PVA glue or epoxy. To improve the quality of the connection, you can add sawdust left after processing the hanger boards to the glue.
- Insert the slats into the grooves until they stop, secure against moving the hanger board.
- Wait for the glue to dry.
- Sand the entire surface of the product and cover with a water-repellent compound and antiseptic.
How to make a hanger for a bath - watch the video:

The described designs of hangers can be considered mock-ups. In fact, you can change the size of the hanger in the bath with your own hands, the main thing is not to violate the manufacturing principles.