Shield bath: construction technology

Shield bath: construction technology
Shield bath: construction technology

It is possible to build a shield bath with your own hands, if you carefully follow the construction technology, which we will talk about further. Content:

  • Shield technology
  • Preparatory work
  • Construction Materials
  • Foundation device
  • Erection of the frame and walls
  • Roof construction
  • Bath arrangement

It is possible to build a bathhouse without skills and significant costs for building materials in a few weeks. Even a beginner is quite capable of mastering shield technology. This method will save money and time. And the panel sauna will last more than one year.

Panel technology for building a bath

Construction of a bathhouse using panel technology
Construction of a bathhouse using panel technology

Panel construction technology does not imply the construction of a powerful foundation. Therefore, the construction is lightweight, economical and stable. It consists of layers of frame, base and thermal insulation material. The main advantages of a panel bath include:

  • the efficiency of the construction process;
  • minimal shrinkage due to the lightness of the building;
  • the possibility of construction on weak soils;
  • an abundance of options for interior and exterior decoration;
  • relative cheapness;
  • fast heating.

It is much more profitable to build a panel bath with your own hands, since there is no need to attract lifting structures and other construction equipment. As for the shortcomings, there are:

  1. Relatively short service life. With proper wood processing and additional strengthening of frame racks, such a structure will last 10-15 years.
  2. Lack of solidity. Provides reinforced thermal insulation.

Preparation for the construction of a panel bath

Shield bath project
Shield bath project

To begin with, select a project for a panel bath, purchase the necessary building materials, stock up on the necessary tools. It is necessary to draw up a construction project sequentially:

  1. Choosing a place for a bath. It is important to take into account the structure and type of soil, the level of passage of groundwater. It is better to build a shield bath on a flat surface next to the house. Large tree roots must be removed from the ground.
  2. We determine the optimal dimensions of the structure. The area of the steam room should provide each visitor with a space of about 1-1.5 sq. m.
  3. We indicate the number of rooms in the project. In addition to the standard rest room, bathroom and dressing room, you can equip a firewood and a terrace.
  4. We mark the scheme of supplying sewerage, ventilation, water supply and electricity.
  5. We choose a stove for a bath and indicate its location in the project. It can be: stone, metal stove or more modern models.

Building materials for a panel bath

Material for the construction of a panel bath
Material for the construction of a panel bath

An important stage in preparation for the construction process is the purchase of the necessary materials. Their quantity must be calculated in accordance with the project, and the quality must be chosen at your discretion and financial capabilities. To build a shield bath, you will need:

  • piles (from 700 rubles apiece);
  • sand (about 200 rubles per ton), cement (150 rubles per 1 bag), crushed stone (400 rubles per ton);
  • timber 12/12 cm (from 4 thousand rubles per running meter);
  • bars 4/7, 5 cm (from 25 rubles per square);
  • boards 15/3 cm (from 250 rubles apiece);
  • basalt slab or mineral wool (from 150 rubles per roll);
  • roofing material (350 rubles roll);
  • euroruberoid or metal tile (from 250 rubles per square meter).

Features of the foundation of the panel bath

Erection of a columnar foundation
Erection of a columnar foundation

Before you figure out how to build a shield bath, you need to decide how to establish a foundation for it. The columnar view is optimal in this case. For its installation, either asbestos-cement pipes or removable formwork made of roofing iron are used. In the first case, the work is carried out in the following sequence: we make markings for the pillars; we drill holes in the soil (1-1.5 meters deep); pour a layer of reinforced concrete on the bottom or pour a mixture of gravel and sand; we install it in the holes of the pipe, checking its location with the level, and fill it with sand; pour concrete and wait for solidification.

IMPORTANT: This method of building a foundation on heaving soil involves the preliminary installation of a reinforcing grid in the pipes. It is also considered simple and economical to erect a columnar foundation using removable formwork. For this:

  1. We twist a sheet of roofing iron into a pipe and weld two handles. A thick rod or wire will work best for this.
  2. We make a hole in the ground. Its diameter should be slightly larger than the "pipe" made.
  3. We install the formwork in the resulting pit. After that, be sure to check its position using a level.
  4. We fall asleep with fine sand.
  5. We insert a reinforcing grid into the pipe and fill in 2, 5-3 buckets of concrete mortar.
  6. We raise it to 0, 3-0, 4 meters up and pour concrete again.
  7. We repeat this process until the bar is raised to the desired level. Having reached the ground level, fill in the solution, wait for it to solidify and remove the formwork.
  8. We insert threaded studs into the fresh solution. They will be needed as fasteners for the basement strapping in the future.

After installing the foundation, cover it with roofing material and wait two weeks until it solidifies completely. You can also use thick burlap as a cover.

Erection of a frame for a panel bath

Construction of the walls of the shield room
Construction of the walls of the shield room

The most important point in the preparation of wood for the frame is its treatment with an antiseptic. This will prevent mold growth, mold growth and insect breeding. This means that it will also increase the service life of the structure.

The frame is erected in stages:

  • To begin with, we lay a timber on the foundation pillars around the perimeter and connect it in the corners.
  • We prepare the holes for the racks in the upper bar.
  • We insert vertical racks at the corners and perimeter of the bath at a distance of a meter from each other. We fix them with spacers.
  • We tie the upper ends with a support bar. It will become the basis for the roof.
  • We attach the horizontal jumpers to the posts.
  • We install doors and windows.
  • We sheathe the frame and construct an additional sheathing for the insulating layers. First, a water-repellent film is laid, then a heater, and then a membrane vapor barrier.
  • We carry out external finishing. Use a block house, lining, siding or other materials for this.

The arrangement of the panel bath inside is carried out in the following sequence: we make a concrete screed for the floor, lay ceramic tiles on it and rub the seams; we build a crate on the walls, ceiling and lay insulating layers as we did outside; we sheathe walls, we carry out decoration work. The optimal material is lining.

Construction of a roof for a panel bath

Sauna roof
Sauna roof

The roof of the panel bath is easily installed if the process is carried out in stages:

  1. We collect the rafter system below and install it on the Mauerlat.
  2. We nail a solid crate to it.
  3. We lay the vapor barrier layer, then the insulation.
  4. Cover the top with a waterproofing film.
  5. We fill the slats perpendicular to the crate.
  6. We install roofing material.

Arrangement of a panel bath

Upon completion of the roofing work, we proceed to the arrangement of the bath. To do this, we lay water supply and sewerage pipes, organize the power supply of the structure, equip the premises. We install benches and a stove in the steam room, equip a bathroom, and furnish a rest room.

For a detailed acquaintance with the technology of building a panel bath, check out the video:

Even without the skills and knowledge of how to make a shield bath, you can build this structure in a short time. In addition, this technology will significantly save on construction.
