With the limited size of the site and a great desire to have their own bath, many resort to the decision - to arrange it in the house. How to implement this idea, we will tell you in our material. Content:
- Seat selection
- House-bath layout
Construction features
- Erection of the foundation
- Assembly of a log house
- Roof construction
- Floor installation
- Ceiling device
- Internal walls
- Insulation and heating
- Water supply and sewerage
- Power supply
Building a bath house is an attractive solution in terms of functionality and economy. For example, on the lower floor of such a building, a steam room, a washing room, a kitchen, a recreation room, a utility room and a bathroom will easily be located, and the upper floor can be set aside for a comfortable permanent residence.
Choosing a place for a home-bath

Before proceeding with the development of the project, the purchase of the necessary materials and construction work, it is necessary to choose the most suitable place for the construction of a house-bath with a residential floor. For economic reasons, it can be used as an attic, equipped under the roof of the building.
First of all, the construction of a house must be planned where it will be convenient to use it. After all, people here will not only take bath procedures, but also live, possibly, for a long time.
When choosing a place for a future log-bath house, it is necessary to take into account some important features, such as sanitary and fire safety requirements, the relief of the site, the nuances of the location of outbuildings on the site, etc.
The best place for a bath house can be a picturesque shore of some clean body of water - a river, pond or lake. If this is not possible, do not despair - nothing will prevent you from building an excellent pool on your own over time.
To save the budget and ease of use, it is recommended to build a bathhouse on an elevated area of the terrain. This will make it possible to equip the sewerage system with natural drainage along the slope.
It is recommended to plan the windows of the building on the south side - this will make it warmer and more comfortable.
According to the requirements of the Building Norms and Rules, the following distances must be maintained between the objects of the site and the bathhouse:
- To another house, if available - from 3 m;
- From buildings containing livestock and poultry - at least 4 m;
- From other buildings - from 1 m;
- From bushes - 1 m;
- From the trunks of trees of medium height - more than 2 m;
- From the trunks of tall trees - from 4 m.
House-bath layout

There are many projects of bath houses with very different layouts of its premises. The first floor is usually occupied by a steam room, a washing room, a bathroom, a rest room (dressing room) or a kitchen-living room. The continuation of the floor can be an open or closed veranda. The nearby pool, flower beds and other useful vegetation will delight the eyes of the owners and their guests. On the attic floor, you can arrange bedrooms and a living room with a spacious balcony such as a loggia.
The dimensions of the rooms are determined by the selected project. But the bath built into the house should be given the utmost attention. There are special conditions for such "extreme" premises. The bathhouse provided for in the layout of the house is allocated three rooms - a dressing room, a washing room and a steam room. The areas of these rooms are determined by the number of bath users who came for the procedures at the same time.
Each of the premises has its own purpose:
- Dressing room … Here they change clothes, store a supply of firewood, brooms and so on. Often, such premises are equipped as recreation rooms with the installation of chairs, tables, televisions and other benefits of civilization in them. The minimum area of the dressing room is 1.3 m2/ person
- Washing room … Its purpose is clear from the name. Hot and cold water is supplied to the washing room. A boiler, oven and other methods can be used to heat it. If the bathhouse is used for living, the room can be equipped with a washing machine. The minimum area of the washing compartment is 1-1, 2 m2/ person
- Steam room … Its dimensions depend on the dimensions of the oven, the number of visitors, the planned number of shelves. According to the regulations, the steam room must be at least 1 m per visitor.2 area in a seated position of the body.
The following shelf sizes are recommended for the steam room:
- For lying position: length - 1.6-2 m, width - 0.9-1 m;
- For seating: length - according to the size of the walls, width - 0.4-0.5 m.
Bath lighting should be soft. Luminaires must be rated for wet operating conditions.
In addition, the house requires a powerful ventilation system. It is necessary so that the humidity of the bath does not spread to his living rooms.
Features of building a bath house
After choosing a place for building and completing the design, you can proceed to the phased work.
Construction of the foundation for a bath house

For the construction of bath houses, several types of foundations are used. When choosing any of them, it is necessary to take into account the following indicators: soil characteristics, groundwater level, dimensions and weight of the future building.
Types of bases for a bath house:
- Strip foundation … It is the most popular and is used for small buildings with a simple structure.
- Column foundation … It is used for the construction of structures on loam or non-clayey soils with deep groundwater. Its structure consists of brick or concrete pillars. Supports are installed in the corners of the planned building, as well as at the junction of partitions and walls. To increase reliability, intermediate pillars are installed between the main supports with a step of up to 2 m.
- Screw foundation … It is actively used in low-rise construction. It is used in areas with loose soil and high levels of underground sources. Screw pile foundations allow you to build houses on areas with difficult terrain, for example, on the slopes of hills. A screw pile is a metal pipe with a sharp end. Its other edge is equipped with a welded blade, which allows you to quickly and easily bury the pile in the ground and ensure its fixation.
- Pile-screw foundation with grillage … It is based on a screw foundation. Additionally, a pile lining is made using an I-beam, a wooden beam or a channel. This design makes it possible to build on areas with quicksand and even peat bogs.
- Slab foundation … The most versatile and reliable base. Suitable for all areas. Its structure consists of a common reinforced concrete-monolithic slab.
Work on the construction of the strip foundation is carried out in the usual way: with the help of cords and pegs, the perimeter is marked, a trench is dug, a gravel-sand cushion is arranged, the formwork is assembled and installed, reinforcing cages are laid, concrete is poured and distributed at the level. The installation of any foundation is described in detail by the working drawings and the project for the production of work at this facility.
Assembling a log house for a bathhouse

The construction of a house-bath from a bar or log is started after the foundation has been set with the required strength. On average, this takes 1 month.
First of all, you need to choose the material for the construction. For example, pine has high thermal insulation properties, spruce does not rot, fir has high strength and is not susceptible to fungal attack. Therefore, the owner must make the choice of a specific material on his own, taking into account the local climate, the requirements for the house-bath, the available budget and his preferences.
When choosing a log, you need to inspect its end. The cut should not have spots, should be firm, and the shade of its core should be even and slightly darker than the rest of the circle. There should be a minimum number of branches in the log. The presence of gaps in them indicates the rottenness of the wood - a log house cannot be built from such material.
The logs delivered to the site are freed from the bark, and their most powerful specimens go to the laying of the first crown. The best option is larch. Larch is strong, but only suitable for the first two crowns, since its wood, when heated, has an unpleasant odor.
Fir, spruce or pine are traditionally used for the main part of the log house. An important point in the assembly of a log house is the connection in the crowns of its logs. The most popular methods are:
- "With the remainder" and "into the corner" … The use of these methods increases the strength, thermal insulation qualities and stability of the structure, but leads to a large consumption of material in comparison with other methods.
- "In oblo" … With the upper placement of the bowl in such a cut, the roof overhangs are lengthened. For additional strength of the structure, the elements of the log house are strengthened using a straight tenon. Finished corners need to be sewn up with boards to protect them from decay.
- "Into the paw" … A difficult way that requires skill and experience from the performer. This method involves the implementation of additional insulation of the corners - covering with insulation and boarding. The “paw” is equipped with a thorn 1/3 of the width of the “paw”. This addition fixes the connection.
During the installation of a log house, its primary caulking is performed by laying jute or moss between the crowns. Finishing caulking is performed after shrinking the bathhouse six months after the end of construction work. Insulation is carried out along the entire perimeter of the walls. The grooves between the logs are filled with material sequentially from bottom to top.
Construction of a roof for a bath house

The presence of an attic in a bathhouse presupposes a gable roof, which is based on hanging rafters. The lower end of the rafter leg rests here on an outer wall or floor joist. The rafters are installed in increments of up to 1.2 m.
For their manufacture, coniferous wood is used, impregnated with an antiseptic and fire retardant to protect against insects, fungus and fire.
Work on the construction of the rafter system is performed in the following order:
- The material is prepared and the base is marked.
- The horizontal structure of the roof ridge is displayed.
- The rafters are being installed.
- Gables are installed.
After the installation of the rafters, the elements of the sheathing are placed on them, usually a board, plank or timber. The material is laid with gaps or close - it depends on the type of finish selected coating.
The battens are attached to the battens in the transverse direction, and the roofing material is attached to it. Thanks to the slats, the ventilation gap is ensured and the protective film laid down below is pressed.
The roofing material is laid like this:
- The coverage area is measured and the amount of material required is determined.
- The coating is laid according to the technology.
- Fittings are placed.
- Eaves overhangs are being finished.
- Snow holders are installed.
- Attic windows are being mounted.
As a roofing material, metal or soft tiles, ondulin or other types of materials are used at the discretion of the developer.
Floor installation in the bathhouse

The flooring in the bathhouse is carried out after the installation of the drainage and the foundation for the sauna stove. Its blower should be located below the floor of the steam room. This will provide ventilation in the underfloor space. The floor level in the steam room is made 15 cm higher than in the wash compartment. The dressing room floor is 3 cm higher than the washing room floor. The floors of the dressing room and the steam room are made with a slope towards the water flow to the sewer drain. For decking, a grooved or edged board is used. It is attached to pre-assembled and antiseptic-treated lags. The lags are installed according to the project on brick posts or other supporting elements. Floor drains are fitted with siphons. Their use eliminates the possibility of drafts and odors from the sewage system in the steam room.
The floor installation procedure includes the following stages:
- Sub-floor device;
- Installation of waterproofing, insulation and vapor barrier film;
- Laying the flooring;
- Finishing the floor surface with a topcoat.
Ceiling arrangement for a house-bath

The ceiling of the bath house, regardless of the type of room, is a multi-layer structure. It includes:
- Ceiling beams;
- Attic flooring;
- Vapor barrier material;
- Insulation;
- Waterproofing;
- Lathing from a bar;
- Facing material.
Living quarters in the projects of bath houses have a ceiling height of 2, 5-2, 7 meters, an attic floor - 2, 2 meters. Particularly noteworthy is the installation of the ceiling in the steam room. In this room, its height is rarely more than 2-2, 1 m. These are optimal values that ensure the normal energy efficiency of using the steam room and its comfort.
The main details of the ceiling of the steam room are stripes and beams. Additionally, during the installation of this structure, a flooring is arranged with insulation laid on it.
The ceiling beams are made of softwood beams. As a rule, they are cut either into the uppermost crown or into the harness of the structure. The beams located near the chimney are insulated from the general structure with bricks. This serves as a fire safety measure.
The ceiling is hemmed with a 20-30 mm planed board. The thickness of the insulation is selected taking into account the characteristics of the house and the climate of the region. On average, it is 50-200 mm.
Internal walls for a bath house

The bathhouse can have a multi-layer or single-layer wall structure. The finished walls are designed to provide sufficient thermal insulation and airtightness of the premises with a guarantee of their correct air exchange and the exclusion of excessive heat losses.
Traditionally, the wall cladding of the bathhouse is carried out using lining made of coniferous wood. To increase the thermal insulation of the structure, the walls of log cabins are often sheathed with a board. Internal partitions of the bath house are erected using frame-panel technology.
It includes:
- Assembling the frame of the partition from a bar with a section of 100x50 mm and a pitch of 600 mm;
- Laying insulation between the racks;
- Vapor barrier device on both sides of the structure;
- External cladding with clapboard, plasterboard, etc.
Important: finishing work can be performed only after the log house has shrunk. Otherwise, the cladding may deform.
Thermal insulation and heating of a bath house

Thermal insulation of ceilings, floors, interior partitions and roof slopes is performed using mineral wool non-combustible insulation. The version of its execution in the form of plates 0, 6x1 m is the most convenient. The thermal insulation material, supplied in rolls, can be cut into pieces of the desired size. With the recommended layer thickness of 150 mm of the installed insulation, the house-bath will retain heat even in the most severe frosts.
House-bath insulation is carried out according to the following schemes:
- Wall insulation: inner lining, first lathing, vapor barrier layer, second lathing, insulation, vapor-tight membrane, second lathing providing ventilation gap, outer lining.
- Floor insulation: wooden logs, cranial bars, "rough" flooring, waterproofing - the first layer, insulation, waterproofing - the second layer, "clean" floor.
- Ceiling insulation: ceiling lining, vapor barrier layer, insulation - fit between the ceiling beams, waterproof vapor-permeable layer (membrane), 50x50 mm bar providing a ventilation gap, lathing, attic floor.
- Roof insulation: roofing, waterproofing, insulation, lathing, vapor barrier, inner lining.
In all types of insulation, the heat-insulating material is covered from all sides with vapor-proof and waterproofing films and membranes. For a bath house, you can use a traditional stove-heater. It is made by hand or purchased in stores. A separate foundation is built for the stove up to 0.5 m depth relative to the bath floor. A waterproofing layer of roofing material and a number of bricks are laid on the surface of the frozen foundation. After that, a factory furnace is installed or its stone counterpart is built.
A 10 mm steel sheet must be laid on the floor in front of the oven. All objects that are capable of burning must be at least half a meter away from the stove. The finished stove is equipped with a chimney.
Water supply and sewerage house-bath

The best option for water supply to a bathhouse is to take water from a well. Such a system consists of the following elements of a storage tank, a pumping station with a hydraulic accumulator, a boiler for heating water, a supply pipeline, a pressure line, a drain line, a water filtration system, pressure gauges and a fitting.
The pipes used for the water supply determine the purity of the water that is supplied to the bath. Copper pipes oxidize and are expensive. Therefore, it will be rational to use metal-plastic pipes, they are plastic and not difficult to install.
A very effective option is to supply the bathhouse with water from a well. It will need a deep-well pump. Such a pump is capable of producing the purest artesian water and ensuring normal pressure in the system.
Waste water drains must be removed outside the house. The simplest option is a drainage well. In addition, various septic tanks are used, in which wastewater, having passed biological treatment, is removed into the ground through drainage layers of sand, gravel and other suitable bulk materials.
Power supply of the bathhouse

This is a very responsible event that requires appropriate qualifications and knowledge. It must be understood that wooden houses are very vulnerable to improper electrical wiring. Wood ignites easily and sustains fire for a long time.
The laying of cables and the installation of electrical fittings must follow all the rules established for this type of work:
- The supply voltage is only connected via the circuit breakers. For wiring, it is recommended to use a copper wire with a cross section of 3x2.5 in a fireproof sheath.
- Installation of switches, junction boxes and a panel is carried out only in the dressing room.
- Wire routing through walls is done with metal sleeves inserted into pre-drilled holes in the logs.
- In the steam room, the wiring is located in corrugated non-combustible pipes made of metal or plastic.
- In a steam room with wooden walls, the wiring is opened through the attic space. The wires are connected using terminals. Any twisting is prohibited.
- Lighting devices must have a metal body, shades material - glass.
- The heating tank for connection must have an individual wire, the same applies to the washing machine.
- A grounding loop is installed around the building, the shield is equipped with an RCD.
How to build a bathhouse - watch the video:

That's all! Using the information provided, you can build a bath house with your own hands. The main thing in business is to show desire, hard work and perseverance.