Do-it-yourself drywall slopes: 2 ways

Do-it-yourself drywall slopes: 2 ways
Do-it-yourself drywall slopes: 2 ways

Slopes are the interior of a window or doorway. As a rule, the window slopes are turned at a slight angle towards the room, and the door slopes are straight. Although in old houses with thick load-bearing walls, open doorways can be found. Traditional building technologies involve plastering slopes with lime or gypsum mortars. Plastering requires high qualifications of the master, as well as special care of execution. They are made not only during the complete renovation of premises.

When replacing windows or doors, existing slopes are partially destroyed. Restoring them by plastering is not always convenient. The plaster layer on these bevels will dry for a long time (about 4-5 days), and then they still have to be prepared and painted.

In order to avoid the inconvenience associated with plastering, installation materials can be used. In the manufacture of slopes, lining is used (plastic or MDF), drywall. Installation from gypsum plasterboard can be carried out in two ways - frame or glue.

Materials and tools for the device of plasterboard slopes

For the manufacture of slopes, you will need a plasterboard sheet with a thickness of 12, 5 mm. It is better to make window and door elements in damp rooms from moisture-resistant gypsum plasterboard.

Plasterboard glue
Plasterboard glue

Photo of gypsum plasterboard glue When pasting the slopes of the plasterboard, plasterboard glue is used. The approximate consumption of glue is about five kilograms per square meter. The exact consumption depends on the type of adhesive used and the condition of the wall surface.

The metal frame of plasterboard slopes is made of CD and UD profiles. To fasten the profiles to the base, you will need dowels and screws. In addition, for the device of window openings, a sealing tape will be needed, and for door openings - a paper metallized tape.

From the tools you will need a perforator or percussion drill, a grinder or metal scissors (for cutting a metal profile), a drywall knife. When marking drywall profiles and drywall sheets, use a tape measure and a metal square. The verticality and horizontalness of the surface of the slopes are controlled by the level.

Technology of plasterboard slopes on a metal frame

Technology of plasterboard slopes on a metal frame
Technology of plasterboard slopes on a metal frame

Do-it-yourself installation of plasterboard slopes on a metal frame begins with the vertical elements of the opening. At the edges (perpendicular to the floor), the guides from the UD profile are fixed. If the UD-profile is to be attached to the frame of a metal-plastic window, then a sealing tape must be laid between the frame and the profile in order to avoid freezing of the profile in winter.

Then a CD-profile is installed perpendicular to the guides and the slope is sewn up with a GK-sheet. After the vertical parts of the opening are protected with plasterboard, proceed to the installation of the upper part.

With a shallow slope depth, it is better to install the guide profile only on three sides - on the window frame and on the already finished parts of the plasterboard sheathing. After installing the gypsum board, a gap of about 1 cm is formed between the outside of the lintel and the gypsum board. This gap is filled with drywall glue.

Straight slopes are usually arranged in doorways. Therefore, the guide profile on the lintel is attached from four sides. After the drywall is mounted on the openings, a metallized tape is glued to the corners of the vertical elements of the slope. It will protect the corners of doorways from mechanical damage. For the same purpose, metal corners can be installed on the corners.

The device of slopes from gypsum plasterboard with the glue method

Installation of drywall slopes with the glue method
Installation of drywall slopes with the glue method

The glue method for the device of plasterboard slopes is more complicated than the device on a metal frame. In order to stick a sheet of drywall with exact observance of the slope angle, you must have certain skills. Therefore, it is worth resorting to pasting the slopes with plasterboard only in those cases when, for some reason, it is necessary to comply with the existing dimensions of the opening as accurately as possible.

Details for each side of the slope are cut out of a solid gypsum board and attached to a continuous layer of glue. Until the glue has set, the drywall sheet is leveled, checking the parameters of the slope with a level.

When arranging drywall slopes with our own hands, we save time, and also get a perfectly smooth surface. In order to prepare such surfaces for final finishing (painting), it is enough just to stretch a thin layer of finishing putty.

Watch a video with tips on glue installation:

Video on how to make drywall slopes with your own hands (expert advice):
