Dessert with custard, blackberry, peanut and chocolate

Dessert with custard, blackberry, peanut and chocolate
Dessert with custard, blackberry, peanut and chocolate

A treat for a festive and everyday table - a dessert made from custard, blackberries, peanuts and chocolate. A step-by-step recipe with a photo of cooking at home. Video recipe.

Added chocolate with blackberries to the glass
Added chocolate with blackberries to the glass

Custard is most often used for Napoleon cake. However, in its own form, it is no less delicious dessert. If you boil a thicker cream, cool it, pour it into glasses, add fresh berries or fruits, chocolate or nuts, you get a wonderful treat. I suggest making a light summer dessert with custard, blackberries, peanuts and chocolate. The recipe is incredibly simple, only adjusting the sweetness of the cream during cooking is possible. It does not require pharmaceutical precision, a little more or less sugar or oil is allowed. You can also vary the amount of fruits, nuts, chocolate …

There are many custard recipes! Therefore, you can cook it according to your favorite proven recipe based on eggs or only yolks, milk or cream, with flour or starch. Optionally, you can make a chocolate or coffee custard, with or without butter. The preparation of the cream is not limited to a strict recipe, feel free to turn on your imagination and experiment. You can even complicate the task a little, and add gelatin to the cream. Then you get the consistency of the mass similar to a soufflé or jelly.

See also how to make summer blackberry desserts.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 359 kcal.
  • Servings - 2
  • Cooking time - 5 minutes, plus time for boiling and cooling the cream


  • Custard - 200 g
  • Roasted peanuts - 40 g
  • Dark chocolate - 50 g
  • Blackberries - 50 g

Step-by-step preparation of a dessert from custard, blackberries, peanuts and chocolate, recipe with photo:

peanuts are peeled from the husk, the chocolate is cut into pieces
peanuts are peeled from the husk, the chocolate is cut into pieces

1. Grind dark chocolate into medium-sized pieces. For preparation, you can use sweet cocoa powder instead of bar chocolate.

Peel the peanuts. If the kernels are raw, pre-fry them. This can be done in a frying pan, oven, or microwave. You will find these detailed recipes on the pages of the site.

Custard is poured into a serving glass
Custard is poured into a serving glass

2. Place 1/3 of the custard in glass goblets.

Added peanuts to the glass
Added peanuts to the glass

3. Then add a few kernels of roasted peanuts.

Added chocolate to the glass
Added chocolate to the glass

4. Add chocolate pieces or cocoa powder.

Added blackberries to the glass
Added blackberries to the glass

5. Wash the blackberries, dry with a paper towel and add to the glass with cream.

Custard is poured into a glass
Custard is poured into a glass

6. Pour the custard over all the food, filling the glass one third full.

Added peanuts to the glass
Added peanuts to the glass

7. Then repeat the steps and add the peeled peanut kernels.

Added chocolate to the glass
Added chocolate to the glass

8. Add the chocolate pieces.

Added blackberries to the glass
Added blackberries to the glass

9. Add the blackberries.

Cream is poured into the glass
Cream is poured into the glass

10. Fill a glass with custard.

Added peanuts to the glass
Added peanuts to the glass

11. Complete the steps and garnish the custard dessert with peanut seeds.

Added chocolate with blackberries to the glass
Added chocolate with blackberries to the glass

12. Sprinkle the treat with chocolate and add the blackberries.

See also a video recipe on how to make a chocolate dessert.
