Pumpkin in lemon caramel

Pumpkin in lemon caramel
Pumpkin in lemon caramel

Pumpkin in lemon caramel is an original and easy-to-prepare dessert. This recipe will teach kids to pumpkin dishes, after which they will definitely fall in love with this root vegetable.

Ready pumpkin in lemon caramel
Ready pumpkin in lemon caramel

Recipe content:

  • Good to know about pumpkin
  • The health benefits of lemon
  • Ingredients
  • Step by step cooking
  • Video recipe

Good to know about pumpkin

Dishes made from pumpkin are popular and loved all over the world. In European countries, salads, casseroles, mashed potatoes, soups are prepared from it, and in Austria you can even taste pumpkin coffee and schnapps. In Armenia, pumpkin is stewed with lentils, baked, stuffed with dogwood with nuts or rice, added to pilaf, and in India they make excellent halva from it.

Why is pumpkin useful and why is it advised to include it in the children's menu and the diet of the elderly? Regular consumption of pumpkin will replenish the body with essential vitamins and minerals. The pulp of the product contains beta-carotene and antioxidants. Beta-carotene entering the body is converted into the essential vitamin A, which normalizes the functioning of the immune system. Vitamin A also takes care of the health of the skin, hair, eyesight and bone health.

Also, pumpkin is recommended for dietary nutrition. For example, starting with obesity and atherosclerosis, and ending with diseases of the nervous and genitourinary system. For people seeking to lose weight, pumpkin dishes are also very useful. After all, its calorie content is very small, 100 g contains only 28 kcal. At the same time, unlike cabbage, which is difficult to eat, pumpkin saturates the body very well and for a long time. Another good property of pumpkin is its long shelf life, which allows it to be consumed when the body needs to obtain vitamins and its beneficial properties.

The health benefits of lemon

Lemon pulp contains a huge amount of organic acids, pectin substances, sugars, phytoncides, carotene, vitamins like thiamine, ascorbic and galacturonic acid, riboflavin, rutin, flavonoids, coumarin derivatives, sesquiterpenes, eridictiol, hesperidin, eriocitrin.

Many of these substances are very useful for hypertension, heart disorders, urolithiasis, vitamin deficiency and gastrointestinal diseases. Also, these fruits are used for hypovitaminosis, rheumatism, disorders of mineral metabolism, scurvy, atherosclerosis, sore throat and gout.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 33 kcal.
  • Servings - 2
  • Cooking time - 50 minutes


  • Pumpkin - 400 g
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - to taste (can be replaced with honey)

Cooking pumpkin in lemon caramel

Peeled and sliced pumpkin in a baking dish
Peeled and sliced pumpkin in a baking dish

1. Since the fruit of the pumpkin is always large, cut off the necessary part from it, and send the rest of the pumpkin to the refrigerator. But know that if you have already cut the pumpkin, then it will not be stored for a long time, it should be used within a week. Peel the slice of pumpkin and cut the pulp into cubes no more than 2 cm in size. Put the pumpkin slices in an even layer in a heat-resistant form. A baking dish can be any: ceramic, glass, clay and even silicone.

Diced lemon added to pumpkin
Diced lemon added to pumpkin

2. Wash the lemon, peel and cut into slices the same size as the pumpkin. Place the lemon wedges on top of the pumpkin. Do not throw away the peeled peel; you can use it for brewing tea, making puddings, or simply twist it with sugar.

Foods are flavored with sugar
Foods are flavored with sugar

3. Sprinkle the pumpkin with lemon sugar, which you can replace with honey, but only if you are not allergic to bee products.

The products are mixed
The products are mixed

4. Stir the pumpkin and lemon well to distribute the sugar evenly. Cover the baking dish with a lid or wrap in baking foil. Heat the oven to 200 degrees and send the pumpkin to bake for 35-40 minutes. If you want the pumpkin to be covered with a golden crust, then remove the lid (baking foil) from the mold 10 minutes before cooking. Dessert can be served both hot and chilled.

See also the video recipe on how to cook pumpkin in lemon caramel.