Learn how to properly make and use starch face masks that can be a natural alternative to Botox. Quite often there are situations when there is a sorely lack of time or there is no financial opportunity to regularly visit beauty salons. But this is not a reason for frustration, because you can take care of yourself on your own at home, and the resulting effect will be no worse. In addition, the main advantage of home cosmetic procedures is that only natural ingredients are used for their implementation.
For girls who dream of preserving youth, the best way to restore the beauty and elasticity of the skin of the face is simple starch. Masks with its addition will be an excellent alternative to botox, but at the same time mobile facial expressions remain and the cosmetic procedure does not cause any unpleasant sensations or consequences (for example, immobility of the upper lip, asymmetry of the face, swelling, weakness, etc.).
Potato starch is a completely natural component, which does not contain harmful chemical additives. Consequently, such masks are completely safe and harmless, but they help to achieve simply amazing results in a relatively short period of time.
How does starch act on the skin?

The composition of potato starch contains a large amount of nutrients and vitamins, which is why it becomes an invaluable tool in the struggle for the beauty and youthfulness of the facial skin.
Starch helps to quickly get rid of the first signs of aging, so the masks in which it is found are considered anti-aging. Such regular beauty treatments tighten the skin and can achieve the following results:
- in a relatively short period of time, fine mimic wrinkles are eliminated;
- the number of crow's feet around the eyes decreases;
- the skin of the face is tightened and rejuvenated;
- various skin problems are eliminated.
Starch composition

Starch includes in its composition a large amount of valuable vitamins with trace elements, which have a positive effect on the condition of the skin of the face:
- Vitamin C is a very strong and completely natural antioxidant. Vitamin C was able to become famous due to its unique properties of repairing injured cells, while it has a stimulating effect on the process of skin rejuvenation.
- Vitamin E protects cell membranes from damage.
- Vitamin PP possesses a strong detoxification effect, due to which the process of blood microcirculation is improved, and full and proper cell respiration is ensured.
- Iron helps to improve the blood circulation process, the skin is saturated with the required amount of oxygen.
- Potassium helps to retain valuable moisture on the surface of skin cells.
- B vitamins have an effect aimed at normalizing the metabolic processes of the epidermis and dermis. Thanks to the regular use of masks, which contain starch, the general condition of the skin of the face improves, the problem of acne, inflammation, allergies, dermatitis is eliminated. At the same time, there is an intense hydration of the epidermis, a pronounced effect of skin tightening appears.
- Choline provides regulation of the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
- Selenium provides effective protection of the skin of the face from the negative effects of various external factors.
Starch is considered a versatile product, as it has a hypoallergenic composition, therefore it is ideal for caring for different skin types. This product has pronounced properties of improving the blood circulation process, so the skin is quickly smoothed and a slight glossy shine appears.
Homemade starch face masks

It is important to remember that before using any cosmetic mask, it is imperative that you first cleanse your face. The composition is applied to slightly moisturized skin and left on for about 15 minutes.
After the specified time, the mask is washed off with a large amount of warm water. To get the desired effect, you must complete a full course of using masks with starch. Typically, 10-15 treatments may be required, depending on the condition of the skin. No more than three masks should be done within a week.
If you adhere to all these simple recommendations, you can achieve amazing results in a relatively short period of time. Before you start using cosmetic masks, which contain starch, you must carefully study all the indications and contraindications.
It is worth abandoning such procedures if there is:
- severe peeling of the skin of the face;
- the presence of a variety of infectious skin diseases;
- cracks and open wounds on the surface of the skin of the face.
The benefits of starch masks

The starch contains a large amount of nutrients and elements, due to the effect of which there is an accelerated smoothing of wrinkles. Also, regular use of these cosmetic procedures helps to get rid of problems such as acne, rashes, acne, etc.
Any cosmetic mask containing starch has a lot of positive qualities, therefore, a positive effect on any type of skin is provided. A beneficial effect is exerted on the skin, the processes of cell regeneration are accelerated, all internal processes occurring in the epidermis are activated.
Due to the influence of starch, skin cells are saturated with the required amount of oxygen, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, the level of humidity is adjusted, and the epidermis is fully saturated and nourished.
But in order to prolong the youthfulness of the skin and consolidate the result obtained, it is necessary to use such masks regularly, as natural preventive measures. After a full course, the skin becomes fresher and more well-groomed, the face looks rested.
It is necessary to choose masks for a face with starch taking into account the type of skin, the existing problem and its severity.
Types of face masks with starch

Starch is considered a versatile ingredient, so it can be mixed with other optional ingredients. To date, there is a fairly large number of a wide variety of mask recipes that contain this product, which greatly facilitates their choice.
Starch and egg white face mask
This mask is ideal for treating oily and problem skin. To prepare such a composition, 1 tbsp is taken. l. potato starch and mixed with a little warm water. You need to add so much liquid so that as a result a thick, mushy mass is formed, which can also be called a paste.
Then the resulting composition is ground with one egg white. Lemon juice can be used as an additional ingredient, but it is added in a small amount (a few drops are enough).
The finished mask is applied to the previously cleansed face skin, evenly distributed over its surface. After 15 minutes, you need to wash with warm water, completely removing the remnants of the mixture. Regular use of this starch mask will help tighten the skin, smooth out wrinkles and tighten pores.
Face mask with starch and honey
This starch mask is ideal for mature and oily skin. To prepare the mask, you will need to take honey and slightly warm it in a water bath, but it must not be overheated, otherwise all the beneficial properties and nutrients will be lost.
Honey, milk, starch and fine table salt are mixed in equal amounts. All components are thoroughly mixed, after which the resulting composition is evenly distributed over the surface of the previously cleaned and slightly damp skin.
After 20 minutes, the rest of the mixture is washed off with cool, but not cold water. As a result of constant use of such a mask, even deep wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin is saturated with a lot of nutrients and vitamins.
Starch and carrot face mask
The main advantage of this mask is that it is ideal for all skin types. It turns out to be intense nutrition, hydration and a pronounced lifting effect.
To prepare such a mask, you need to take a carrot and prepare fresh juice (5 tablespoons). To do this, the carrots are cleaned, crushed on a fine grater, then transferred to cheesecloth and squeezed out the juice.
Take 100 g of boiled water and mix with 1 tbsp. l. potato starch, then the composition is placed on low heat and another 500 g of boiling water is added. The mixture is boiled until it thickens.
Then you need to wait a while until the mixture cools down, after which 5 tbsp is added. l. fresh carrot juice and 1 tbsp. l. homemade sour cream. All components are well mixed, and the mask is applied in a thick layer to a clean face. After 20 minutes, the rest of the mixture is washed off with warm water.
Face masks with starch and kefir
This type of mask is most effective for problem skin care. Thanks to its regular use, light whitening of the face is carried out, the skin is tightened, and a rejuvenating effect is obtained.
To prepare the mask, you will need to take egg white, starch and kefir. Kefir is mixed with starch in equal proportions until a thick enough gruel is obtained, then egg white is introduced.
The finished mask is applied to clean skin and left for 12 minutes, after which it is washed off with plenty of cool water. It is enough to carry out this procedure several times a week.
Starch and banana face mask
This version of the mask has a pronounced anti-aging effect. It is recommended to be used regularly for the care of mature and aging skin.
To prepare such a mask, you will need to take the pulp of a ripe banana and mix it with 0.5 tbsp. l. cream, then add 1 tbsp. l. potato starch. All components are thoroughly mixed, after which the composition is applied in an even and thick layer to clean face skin and left for 10 minutes. After the specified time, the remnants of the mask are washed off with warm water.
Having experienced the effect of at least one of the above anti-aging masks with starch, you can no longer spend finances on expensive cosmetic procedures in beauty salons. Regular use of such masks helps not only get rid of wrinkles, but also solve various problems associated with the condition of the skin.
How effective starch-based masks are, see this video: