Find out the features of using masks for skin care with starch, the features of their preparation and benefits for the skin. Proper and regular facial skin care helps to avoid a variety of problems. For this purpose, it is not necessary to use expensive cosmetics, because you can independently prepare effective and completely natural masks at home. For example, it is recommended to use masks with starch for facial skin care. Such pleasant beauty treatments will help to restore the skin to a fresh and rested look, healthy color and natural radiance. In terms of effectiveness, masks with starch are much more effective than expensive salon procedures.
Useful properties and composition of starch

For many decades, it has been known about the beneficial properties of potatoes and their advantages in home cosmetology. Starch is a by-product of potato tubers and looks like a white powder. This product is widely used today both in medicine and in cooking.
For a long time, face starch masks have been used to remove freckles and ugly age spots. This tool helps to significantly improve the condition of the skin, restore a healthy complexion, while the natural protective properties of the epidermis are enhanced.
Previously, potato starch was used as follows - the potato tubers were thoroughly washed and peeled, after which they were chopped on a grater and squeezed well. A sediment remained at the bottom of the container, which was mixed with sour cream or yogurt. The resulting composition was used as a face mask.
Starch has a lot of positive qualities, but it acquired the greatest value due to its ability to improve the blood circulation process. As a result, the skin becomes elastic, a healthy color returns, mimic wrinkles are quickly smoothed out, and a glossy, almost imperceptible shine appears.
Today it is not necessary to make starch yourself, because you can buy it ready-made. Due to its high efficiency and fairly low cost, this product can be used by anyone. This product, obtained by processing potatoes, does not contain any harmful and hazardous substances. This is a completely natural and quite affordable remedy with which it is easy to maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the facial skin.
Due to the fact that starch does not have a pronounced aroma, we can say that it is odorless at all, therefore it is often used as a basis for a variety of cosmetic masks. It is recommended to mix it with natural honey, various medicinal herbs, fruits and berries. If you combine starch with a little warm water, the result is a viscous, thick mass, similar to a paste.
The starch contains a large amount of valuable trace elements and vitamins that have a positive effect on the condition of the facial skin:
- Ascorbic acid, which is a powerful natural antioxidant.
- Vitamin C, which contributes to the intensive restoration of injured cells of the epidermis, while stimulating the onset of skin rejuvenation.
- Vitamin E reliably protects cell membranes from various damage.
- Iron helps to improve the blood circulation process, and skin cells are also saturated with the necessary amount of oxygen.
- Potassium retains moisture in cells, thereby preventing overdrying of the skin.
- Vitamin PP has detoxifying properties and significantly improves the process of blood microcirculation, ensures full and proper cell respiration.
- Choline regulates the sebaceous glands.
- Selenium provides effective protection of the skin from the negative effects of a variety of external factors.
- Vitamins of group B normalize metabolic processes in the skin.
Subject to regular use of face masks, which include starch, after several procedures, the skin color improves, the manifestations of acne, allergies and dermatitis are removed. The skin is hydrated and tightened. Starch is a unique product, because it has a hypoallergenic and versatile composition, therefore it is ideal for caring for different skin types.
Contraindications to the use of starch masks

Despite the fact that potato starch has a mild and gentle effect, caring for the skin of the face, masks with its addition may not always be used, since there are slight contraindications. The available restrictions include the following:
- during an exacerbation of herpes;
- with various injuries and damage to the skin;
- in the presence of an allergic reaction to starch and individual intolerance to this product.
Advantages of using face starch masks
Using homemade masks containing starch, you can even out the skin tone, conduct an effective anti-aging course. This product will help to brighten the skin, restore its natural radiance and freshness. Starch contributes to vasoconstriction, has a calming effect on irritated and inflamed skin. Homemade cosmetics, which contain starch, perfectly care for the delicate skin of the face and can be used as effective anti-inflammatory masks. If you regularly use homemade face masks with starch, you can achieve amazing results:
- The unpleasant feeling of tightness and dryness of the skin is quickly removed, signs of peeling are eliminated.
- An effective anti-aging course is carried out - existing wrinkles become almost invisible, and the skin becomes more elastic and elastic.
- It soothes irritated and inflamed skin, returns a feeling of comfort, increases the epidermis's resistance to negative environmental influences (for example, heat, hot or cold wind, etc.).
- Starch also has a slight whitening effect, therefore it helps to lighten freckles and age spots, provided that it is used regularly, the skin tone evens out.
- Various types of rashes, inflammation are eliminated, the epidermis is cleared of acne and acne.
- Skin relief is leveled, natural velvety, elasticity and silkiness return.
- It helps to remove oily sheen, narrows pores, removes blackheads, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.
Masks with starch are recommended for the care of mature and aging skin, thanks to which it becomes possible to quickly get rid of the signs of aging. This natural remedy significantly reduces the appearance of wrinkles, making them less visible, while stimulating the production of elastane and collagen.
Cosmetics with starch are more effective than botox, but have a completely natural composition, providing the skin with a mass of valuable substances and minerals. Also masks with starch have a softening and whitening effect.
How to use starch face masks?

Recently, in order to tighten the skin, more and more women decide on Botox injections. However, this cosmetic procedure is quite dangerous, especially if it is performed by an inexperienced specialist. You can quickly tighten your skin on your own at home, using only natural and completely safe products, for example, a mask with starch.
Provided that such a cosmetic procedure is carried out regularly, the skin of the face is tightened, even deep wrinkles are eliminated, signs of aging and wilting are removed, the epidermis becomes elastic, natural softness and velvety return. It has a mild whitening effect.
In home cosmetology, you can use a pure mask with starch or combine it with some other ingredients, which greatly enhances the effect of the procedure.
Anti-aging face masks with starch
In order to conduct an effective course of facial skin rejuvenation at home, you must adhere to the following scheme:
- First you need to prepare a starch paste. In 0.5 glass of water, 1 tbsp is dissolved. l. starch, after which the resulting composition is poured into a saucepan and 500 g of boiling water is added. All components are well mixed to obtain a mass of homogeneous consistency. The composition is put on a minimum heat and warms up for a while, until it thickens. It is important to remember not to bring the mixture to a boil.
- The resulting composition is left for a while to cool completely, after which fresh carrot juice (5 tablespoons) and sour cream (1 tablespoon) are introduced.
- Once the mixture is at a comfortable room temperature, it can be applied to previously cleansed skin.
- The mask is left on for about 20-22 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water and any nourishing cream is applied to the skin.
The finished mask with starch can be stored in a container with a tightly closed lid in the refrigerator, but no longer than 3 days. This cosmetic product is one of the most effective and after the first use, a noticeable result will appear - the skin is smoothed out, wrinkles become less noticeable. This mask should be used for 4-8 days, depending on the severity of the problem and what effect should be obtained as a result.
To restore skin tone and elasticity, it is recommended to apply a mask with starch, salt and natural honey. In this case, you will need to mix starch (1 tbsp. L.) With salt (1 tsp.), Then warm milk is introduced, and all the components are well mixed. Then liquid honey is added (1 tbsp. L.). The finished mask is applied to the skin and a light massage is done. After the mask hardens, the skin feels tight, but this is normal. After 15 minutes, you need to wash with cool water and apply any nourishing cream to the skin.
Brightening face masks
To lighten the skin of the face, make freckles and age spots invisible, it is recommended to use a mask with starch and lemon juice. The last component can have an irritating effect on the epidermis, but due to the combination with starch, it is significantly softened. Subject to regular use of such a mask, after several procedures, the skin of the face will noticeably brighten.
To prepare the mask, you must take equal amounts of fresh lemon juice and starch (1 tablespoon each). The composition is applied to the skin, with the exception of the area around the eyes, and left for 4-6 minutes, after which it is washed off with plenty of cool water.
Homemade masks with starch have many beneficial properties. But you can achieve the desired result only if they are regularly used. Depending on the condition of the skin and the existing problem, you can independently adjust the composition of the cosmetic product.
Watch this video how to make a starch face mask to get rid of wrinkles: