The benefits of keratin hair masks

The benefits of keratin hair masks
The benefits of keratin hair masks

Find out what properties keratin hair masks have, features of use in the salon and independently at home, rules and contraindications for the procedure. Unkempt hair with split ends does not look very attractive. Beautiful styling and even a new haircut will not help to hide the painful appearance of the strands, the condition of which can deteriorate sharply during the holidays. As a result of frequent exposure to the sun and the influence of salt water, the hair resembles tow, the ends begin to break. In the cold season, when the hat is constantly worn, the hair begins to become highly electrified and becomes brittle due to lack of oxygen, therefore, it needs additional care.

Simple keratin masks, which are now produced by world-famous brands, will help to make your hair well-groomed and beautiful; you can also make such compositions yourself at home.

What is keratin and what effect does it have on hair?

Three bottles with keratin
Three bottles with keratin

Keratin is a protein that is 90% protein. Most modern hair care products contain this component, which literally envelops the hair. As a result, an additional protective layer is formed on their surface.

Exposure to various external factors, for example, extreme heat, cold, rain, wind, dyeing and perm, lead to the fact that the strands become very brittle and dull, and various kinds of damage appear.

The most extreme measure is the need to trim long curls. But this trouble can be avoided if you start on time to carry out a special restorative procedure using keratin masks.

The content of this component in the human body is not the same. For example, in the body of mulattoes and dark-skinned brunettes there is a very high concentration of this substance, which creates additional protection when exposed to sunlight. Blondes with fair skin have much less of it, since hair of light shades has a natural ability to repel the sun's rays. People with curly hair have low levels of keratin, as opposed to people with straight strands.

Today there is just a huge variety of products designed for daily hair care - shampoos, masks, serums, conditioners, keratin water, sprays, gels and oils. A few treatments will not be enough to saturate the hair with beneficial protein, as this requires systematic repetitions. However, it is not recommended to use such a composition more often than twice a week.

It is worth considering the fact that such products strengthen only the outer shell of the hair, but inside it remains damaged. To completely get rid of this problem, it is not enough to use only caring formulations, because for this you need to completely revise your own diet.

The lack of keratin in the body immediately negatively affects the appearance - the nails begin to flake, hair growth slows down, and the strands become weakened and brittle. It's easy enough to fix this problem, but review your diet first. It is important that the diet contains foods containing a large amount of keratin:

  • linseed oil;
  • Turkey;
  • sea buckthorn oil;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • fish fat;
  • beans;
  • seafood;
  • legumes;
  • red fish.

If these products are present in the daily diet, the condition of the hair will improve very quickly - the strands become elastic, silky, brittleness and the problem of split ends are eliminated, and the styling becomes unkempt.

The benefits of keratin masks

Girl with curled red hair
Girl with curled red hair

Keratin contains ceramides, which have a regenerating function, since there is an instant filling of hollow areas in the hair structure. Provided that the timely start of using keratin masks, you can not only restore, but also save your hair from the problem of fragility and loss. However, it must be remembered that the protein contained in keratin is quickly and easily destroyed as a result of exposure to negative factors.

The main positive qualities of keratin masks are:

  1. The porous structure of the hair is restored.
  2. The problem of split ends is removed, the strands return shine, smoothness and elasticity.
  3. Keratin hair restoration masks can be used at any age.
  4. They are useful for curly hair, as they have a straightening effect and a biolamination effect is created.
  5. The masks contain a natural protein that prevents the onset of hair loss.
  6. Styling is greatly facilitated, as the hair becomes manageable and perfectly smooth.
  7. The volume is returned, which persists for a long time.
  8. Hair is strengthened after frequent use of hot stylers for styling - for example, straightening with an iron, blow drying, curling with a curling iron, extension procedure, etc.

Contraindications for the use of keratin masks

Girl and containers with keratin
Girl and containers with keratin

Keratin is a proteinaceous protein that acts as a building block for cells. That is why there are practically no contraindications to the use of keratin masks. There are only a few general guidelines that you shouldn't ignore:

  1. If there are abscesses, ulcers or cuts on the surface of the scalp, it is better to postpone the use of keratin masks, otherwise not the most pleasant sensations may appear during the procedure.
  2. When applying a keratin mask to your hair, which was purchased in a store, you need to be very careful. Special attention should be paid to the composition of the product, which should not contain harmful chemical elements. No less important is the manufacturer of fragrances, as well as the presence of GMOs in the composition, which can provoke a strong allergic reaction.
  3. For the care of very oily hair, it is recommended to apply this mask once a month as a preventive measure. The fact is that the protein has a fairly dense texture, which makes the hair heavier.
  4. Before using the mask, a sensitivity test is carried out - the product is applied to the skin on the back of the head and left for a while. If itching does not appear, then you can carry out this cosmetic procedure.

Features of the use of keratin masks of famous brands

Keratin balm bottle
Keratin balm bottle

To date, a fairly wide range of various salon products is presented on store shelves, from shampoos to gels containing keratin. Many well-known brand cosmetic lines produce keratin masks. To restore hair, it is recommended to have in your own arsenal a variety of products designed to restore hair.

Such cosmetic products are sold in a wide range of supermarkets and specialty stores. It is very important to choose the right products, if necessary, you can consult with the seller who will tell you which product is ideal for a given case.

Apply a protective keratin mask to washed and clean hair, evenly distributing it over the entire length. Particular attention is paid to the split ends, then the strands are carefully combed and the hair should dry on its own, without using a hair dryer.

Before starting a keratin hair treatment, it is not recommended to dye it, it is necessary to minimize the use of various styling chemicals. If you neglect this advice, all the results obtained will be reduced to zero.

If you want to heal your hair using keratin masks, it is recommended to first cut off all split ends. If possible, it is worth treating the strands along the entire length with hot scissors, due to which all damaged areas of the hair follicle are sealed.

To ensure the full restoration of weakened and injured hair, it is recommended to use not only keratin masks, but also keratin water. This product is ideal for daily use, it goes well with ceramide shampoo.

Recipes for keratin masks at home

The girl applies a keratin mask to her hair
The girl applies a keratin mask to her hair

If you plan to prepare keratin masks yourself at home, you must adhere to a few simple recommendations:

  1. Only fresh and natural products that do not contain GMOs should be used. It is desirable that the products are of home origin.
  2. The mask should be prepared just before use. It is impossible to store such formulations, since the useful properties of the mask and the activity of its effect on the damaged hair structure are significantly reduced.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to add products to the mask that can provoke an allergic reaction.
  4. Depending on the existing problem and individual characteristics, you can select the composition and components for the preparation of the mask.
  5. This product should be ideal for a certain type of hair and have a positive effect not only on split ends, but also help accelerate hair growth.
  6. Keratin therapy should be performed regularly - at least twice a month. If such procedures are used too infrequently, there will be no positive effect.

You can use not only ready-made store formulations, but also make a keratin mask yourself at home. Such compositions are prepared according to a similar algorithm:

  • all components are mixed until the composition acquires a uniform consistency;
  • the mask is applied to the scalp with soft forward movements of the fingers, but it is better to use a special brush for this;
  • apply the composition only to previously washed hair;
  • the product is left on for about 30-40 minutes;
  • to enhance the positive effect of the mask, it is recommended to cover the hair with cling film and warm it with a towel;
  • the product is washed off with a large amount of warm running water without using shampoo.

Gelatin mask

  1. A bag of gelatin (11 g) is taken, poured into a glass and poured with boiled cool water (100 ml.).
  2. The gelatin is left on for 15 minutes as it should swell.
  3. After the protein structure of the gelatin has expanded, olive oil (2 tsp) is added.
  4. All components are mixed, and as soon as the composition acquires a uniform consistency, it is applied to the strands and evenly distributed along the length of the hair.
  5. The mask is washed off with warm water without shampoo after 30 minutes.

Aloe mask

  1. The mask contains aloe juice (30 ml), rosemary essential oil (2 tsp), fresh carrot juice (30 ml).
  2. All components are mixed and the mask is ready to use.
  3. The composition is washed off after 45 minutes with cool water.

Vitamin mask

  1. For the preparation of the mask, a capsule of vitamin E and A is taken, which are easy to purchase at any pharmacy.
  2. The contents of the capsules are mixed, and heavy cream (1 tablespoon) and lemon juice (1/3 of the fruit) are added.
  3. The composition is applied to the strands for half an hour, then washed off with warm water.

Fish oil mask

  1. You can use a pharmacy fish oil, sold in capsules.
  2. The contents of 6 capsules are squeezed into the container, then onion juice (0, 5 pcs.) And red pepper (5 g) are added.
  3. The mask perfectly protects hair, activates blood circulation on the surface of the scalp.
  4. As a result of exposure to onion juice and pepper, hair growth is accelerated.
  5. To avoid the unpleasant smell of onions, it is recommended to add any aromatic oil (5–8 drops) to the mask.
  6. The composition is left on the hair for 45 minutes, then washed off with warm water and shampoo.

Salt and Soda Mask

  1. Soda (1 tsp), sea iodized salt (2 tsp) and burdock oil (2 tsp) are mixed.
  2. The finished mask is applied to the hair and left on for 20 minutes.
  3. To enhance the positive effect of the mask, it is recommended that the hair be wrapped in a layer of plastic wrap and insulated with a towel.
  4. The composition is washed off with warm water after a specified time.

Honey mask

  1. The best way to make this mask is to use fresh honey straight from the combs. If this is not possible, it's okay, but the product should not be candied.
  2. Take honey (50 g), preheated in a water bath, since it must have a liquid consistency.
  3. Castor oil (2 tsp) and rose oil (5 drops) are added to honey.
  4. All components are mixed, and the composition is applied to the strands.
  5. The mask is washed off after half an hour with warm water.

Keratin masks are beneficial only if used correctly and regularly. With their help, you can restore weakened and trampled strands, get rid of the problem of split ends. Keratin masks restore smoothness, elasticity, softness and lost volume to the strands.