Distribution history, types of Achatina, behavioral features, diseases, care tips, content and their application, interesting facts. Acquisition. These are some kind of unearthly, cosmic creatures. Looking at them, you can sit and meditate for hours. They evoke incredible feelings. Some people say they are nasty and nasty, while others really like them. Do not rush to draw conclusions, weigh the pros and cons. Sometimes you get to know them better enough and your opinion will change.
Someone does not have enough time for pets, but they want to communicate with a living being. Many people suffer from allergies, so they also cannot have a pet for the soul. These are the very beings that can solve these problems. And, however, whether to start them or not is a purely personal matter - it's up to you to decide.
History of the distribution of giant snails

Terrestrial gastropods are common in almost all continents of the world. Their variety is amazing. And this is expressed not only in the color, shape of their shells, but also in size. Achatina are giants in the snail world. Some individuals reach 28 to 30 cm in length. These are tropical inhabitants, lovers of humid climatic conditions. They are mainly found on the mainland of Eurasia and the African continent. They say that the Achatins appeared and gradually adapted to the environmental conditions in eastern Africa, the island of Madagascar, for a very long time. Gradually, they spread along the entire coast of the Indian Ocean, and then the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.
Achatina also got to the warm regions of the United States of America, where they multiplied very quickly, harming not only plants, but also the homes of Americans. The snails ate the plaster that covered people's homes. This all happened because they did not have enough calcium for the development of their seashells. Since these mollusks reproduce very quickly and eat a lot, a whole disaster began in this country. People were forced to take appropriate measures to combat the invasion of Achatina in order to prevent natural changes due to the damage they caused. Now in America, these snails are banned, even as pets. For their maintenance, you can get imprisoned for up to five years. In countries with cold environmental conditions, they are not hazardous to agricultural land. Because they simply cannot survive there. The temperature at which Achatins can feel good should be at least 22 degrees Celsius all year round.
In their homeland, Achatina are not a "natural disaster" and do not bring so many problems, because their numbers are regulated by another snail - "partulidae", which eats not only plants, but also their own kind. In fact, if snails live in stable numbers, they are beneficial. These are "forest cleaners" who eat the decomposed parts of plants and their fruits, animal excrement, etc. Only young specimens of gastropods can harm. They eat not only fresh leaves and shoots, but also ovaries of various fruits.
In almost all countries of natural habitat, these mollusks are eaten. In some countries, they are even considered medicinal. So this also regulates their numbers. There are entire farms in Japan to breed them. They are considered a real delicacy and are used to prepare many different culinary dishes. They are also prepared in Belgium. Snails of a certain age are suitable for food. Adults are not tasty.
In countries with cold environmental conditions in which Achatina cannot survive, oddly enough, they are brought up at home as pets.
Types of Achatina

- Achatina fulika. In captivity, it grows 20 to 22 cm. The colors of the shell and legs are varied. Shell pigmentation: orange, brown, black. Not whimsical and easy to maintain. Therefore, most of all they give birth to just such a look. Life expectancy is 5–8 years. Reproduce well. Lay up to 290 eggs. Slower. They take food in turn so as not to interfere with each other.
- Achatina reticulata. Breeders are happy to keep this type of snail. The color of her leg is not uniform: the head and neck are darker (brown or blackish), and the edge of the leg is light. Dots or stripes on the sink. There are albinos among the species. They are smaller, but very beautiful. They are more curious and sociable in their behavior. They grow faster than others. They can lay up to 300 eggs.
- Achatina Immaculata. A distinctive feature of their color is a strip starting from the head and going down the leg, and the rim of the shell in pink or light purple tones. The shades of colors are very variable. There is a panther among the species. The maintenance does not require special care. Clutch contains up to 200 eggs.
- Achatina albopicta. Outwardly, its shell is similar to Achatina reticulata, but smaller in size up to 16 cm. At the end, the shell has a pink tip, and white or yellow along the rim. Differs in great gluttony.
- Akhatina andradeli. Its shell has a distinctive color with a yellowish tinge, so the species is called “lemon”. They are small in size up to 6–8 cm. In cultivation and care they do not differ from other snails. It does not lay eggs, but gives birth to live snails up to 28 pieces.
- Brown Achatina. It looks like a fulica. It differs only in the structure of the shell, the turns on it are more round. It is somewhat more massive. When in contact with a person, she is not at all shy. More rare in snail collections. Contains the same as fulica.
- Achatina Achatina (common Achatina or tiger). The largest species of molluscs. In natural conditions, they reach up to 30 cm, and in apartments up to 28 cm. Coloring depending on the subspecies. The central tone color is light yellow or orange. There are irregular stripes along the shell: wider or narrower, even and broken. Their color is brown or black. In nature, the color of their legs is deep black, in captivity, lighter. Live from 7 to 10 years. Calm, not active. They like to sleep in a dark house. Ready to lay eggs after 2–3 years of age. The eggs are larger in size.
Features of the behavior of Achatina

They are perfect pets. You do not need to walk with them, they do not need to be combed out, they will never bite or scratch you, they are not allergic. Moreover, in addition to their cosmetic benefits, they also treat the nervous system. When you observe or communicate with Achatina, it kind of bewitches and soothes. It is very pleasant to contact them. When you pay attention to them, then after a while, they recognize their master. The owner of the snail is distinguished by the structure of the skin. They never hide, reach for him with their horn-like eyes and even know his movements.
They love to sit on their hands for a long time, to look at everything around. They stretch their long necks so fancifully that they look like horses. Achatina are moisture-loving and love to swim. But this does not mean that they need to be immersed in a basin of water and they will swim there. They need to be sprayed with water from a spray bottle or placed in a small plate with a little liquid.
Diseases of Achatina

Snails don't get sick. They are carriers of salmonella and helminths. When participating in exhibitions, the owner must provide the test results for the absence of parasites in his Achatina. But even with their presence, it is impossible for a person to become infected, because they do not live in the human body, but parasitize only in mollusks. Since Achatina bred at home are pets, they cannot have parasites.
Breeding snails

Achatina are hermaphrodites. Each snail itself determines whether it is a girl or a boy. On the side of the cheek of the snail there is a small dot-hole. When they meet, they begin to hug and, with the help of an organ that emerges from this hole, exchange seminal fluid. When fertilization has occurred, even both snails can lay eggs. For reproduction, an individual of the same species is needed. If the snail lives alone, it can also lay fatty eggs, but none of them will hatch.
Content and tips for caring for Achatina

If we are going to start Achatina, then for this we need a container. They can be kept in glass and plastic containers. Their size should be increased as the “pet” grows, per adult, not less than 5 liters. The device of a terrarium for snails must include certain rules.
It requires a backing. This can be soil that does not contain fertilizer. Coconut flakes or forest cover moss are best. You can sew a special non-woven mattress, and a synthetic winterizer is put inside. It is very convenient. Firstly, it does not need to be changed like a soil, but it is enough to rinse it under water and squeeze it out. So it will already contain the necessary moisture for the snails. The base with which you decide to cover the bottom of the container is sprayed with water from a spray bottle every day.
You can put an additional source of moisture, a plate where a little water is poured, depending on the size of the snail, from 2 to 4 mm. If you fill it more than necessary, then Achatina may choke.
After all, the spiracle of the mollusk is located directly under the shell. Many people wrongly think that he has a nose that is on his head and he breathes like a human. On his face there are two pairs of horns: the upper ones are eyes, and the lower ones are tentacles with the help of which he orients himself in space. He finds his friends, food, finds out where it is dangerous for him, and where it is safe.
You can decorate the Akhatin dwelling with fancy wooden snags. They don't have to be thin and sharp. Before arranging the interior, they need to be scalded with hot water. The snails will "travel" along them and eat the bark of the tree.
Additional lighting is not required for snails, as they live by burrowing into the litter of the rainforest. But they love warmth. If it is cold in your apartment during the winter, you can additionally heat the terrarium. One way is to fill a small plastic bottle with hot water and wrap it in newspaper to prevent the Achatina from getting burned. The bottle is placed in the center of the container.
In a cold room, they are best kept in a plastic enclosure rather than a glass enclosure. After all, glass cools faster, it has low thermal conductivity. Don't forget to clean the container the snail is in. This should be done at least once a week. The walls are washed with a damp sponge and the substrate is replaced. Change the water in your bathing and drinking bowl regularly, every two days.
Achatina feed on plant debris. Don't put too much food in, it may start to stink. Little by little is better, but often. You can feed her with any vegetables and fruits, except citrus fruits: cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplants, potatoes, apples, cabbage, bananas, peppers, etc. By eating multi-colored vegetables and fruits, the Achatina shell will acquire their shade. Many breeders claim that Achatina have their own eating habits. For example, they are very fond of cucumbers and bananas. And some individuals are so spoiled that if they are not given their favorite food, they will completely refuse to eat and go into hibernation.
A great treat for these clams is paper, but not waxed. They also eat cereals, for example: rolled oats. They love to eat the juicy bitterness of scarlet. But before eating, you need to cut off its thorns and cut it in half. To build a good, strong shell, Achatina need calcium. For an additional source, you can buy a mineral cuttlefish shell at a pet store, put in regular chalk or scalded eggshells.
Achatins are very fond of "bath" procedures, under a warm stream of water. You can lightly wash their shell with a brush. They cannot eat salt and sugar, as well as various human dishes. Direct sunlight is contraindicated. Like all living things, a draft is harmful. They must not be kept in cold rooms.
Achatina are very curious. They love to climb the owner and look at everything around. But when you take your pet, you need to do it carefully. The edge of the snail shell is called the growth zone, and it is soft. If you press down a little more, you might break it. They take the clams under the leg, starting from the head. Try to hold them by the sink - don't drop them. Falling from a great height can damage their "house".
Application of Achatina

Achatina are used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. Various means are made from them, which bring a healing, regenerating and rejuvenating effect. Their mucus is rich in collagen, which gives impetus to excellent tissue regeneration and renewal. Scientists have found that the best effect is brought by live snails, and not products prepared from them in a factory way. Their natural mucus contains not only collagen, but vitamins and allantoin. Breeders in Chile have noticed that after a lot of "socializing" with Achatina, the skin on the hands becomes smoother, more radiant and softer.
Cosmetologists, having learned about such wonderful properties of snails, decided to apply the innovation in beauty salons. Gradually experimenting, cosmetologists began to come up with various procedures that brought a visible healing effect. Ahatino cosmetology helps in reducing wrinkles, has a resorbing effect of various types of scars, scars, lightens age spots and freckles, and reduces unpleasant rashes.
One of the most effective procedures used in salons is massage. If these wonderful creatures live with you, you can carry out such manipulations at home.
They do it like this:
- first of all, you need to wash your face with natural soap or herbal infusions;
- the snail's leg is washed under running water;
- the face is lubricated with moisturizing natural aloe or cucumber juice, for better sliding of the mollusc;
- then Achatina is planted on the face and left to crawl there for 15 minutes;
- at the end of the procedure, the mucus is left for 20 minutes and then washed off.
To obtain a stable result, the procedure is carried out several times a week. In time it takes from twenty to thirty minutes. With regular use, the result will pleasantly surprise you.
If you do not want to engage in breeding Achatina, and they have postponed the clutch, then do not worry, you can use this to your advantage. Eggs need to be collected, rinsed and placed in the freezer for a couple of weeks. Once frozen, you can crumble them and eat them as an additional source of protein and micronutrients.
Interesting facts about Achatina

Achatina can grow up to 2 kg in weight. They see in their own way. Scientists claim that snails can distinguish between light and darkness. Their teeth are in the form of a grater and there are more than 24 thousand of them. Molluscs are deaf, they communicate with the help of the organs of touch - by touch. They can crawl on very sharp and thin surfaces, and will not get hurt, their mucus serves as their protection. When the snail "runs", it develops a speed of 6–8 cm per minute. Achatina meat contains more protein than chicken egg.
Their nervous system consists of approximately 20,000 neurons. Nowadays, shellfish are used as donors of nerve tissue for the treatment of brain diseases. The first successful experiments were carried out on rats.
Acquisition of giant snails

Achatin is best purchased from collector breeders. They are well versed in species. You will know which variety you bought. Experts will explain how to care for your snail. Adults of giant mollusks cost from 500 rubles, small ones - from 50 rubles. Pure albinos will cost more than 1000 rubles.
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