Liver salad with arugula and cabbage

Liver salad with arugula and cabbage
Liver salad with arugula and cabbage

Cooking a simple salad with liver, arugula and cabbage. This is a very unusual combination of products, while all the ingredients are healthy and in perfect harmony with each other. Step-by-step recipe with a photo. Video recipe.

Ready salad with liver, arugula and cabbage
Ready salad with liver, arugula and cabbage

Literally 15 minutes, and a light but hearty dinner is already on the table! A salad with liver, arugula and cabbage will diversify the festive table, it is also suitable for a romantic dinner and for gatherings with girlfriends. It is delicious and full-bodied. He will be satisfied with liver admirers and those who care about their health. Since the liver is rich in macro and microelements (calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, chromium, copper, etc.). This product is especially useful for children and pregnant women. And such salads delight housewives with their simplicity and cheapness.

The proposed salad can be served with both cold and hot liver. In the first case, the dish acts as an appetizer, and in the second, it completely replaces the main dish. Salad by-product can be boiled or fried in a pan. The second option is more high-calorie, keep this in mind when preparing a dish. If for the recipe you choose the heat treatment of the liver, then take it chilled, without preliminary freezing. Otherwise, when frying, it will give up all the juice, it will be stewed and it will not be possible to achieve a delicate texture inside, and a golden brown outside.

See also how to make a liver, arugula, and raspberry salad.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 129 kcal.
  • Servings - 2
  • Cooking time - 15 minutes for slicing food, plus time for cooking liver


  • Liver (boiled in the recipe) - 200 g
  • Olive oil - for dressing
  • Young white cabbage - 200 g
  • Salt - large pinch or to taste
  • Arugula - several branches

Step by step preparation of salad with liver, arugula and cabbage, recipe with photo:

The liver is boiled, chilled and sliced
The liver is boiled, chilled and sliced

1. Before preparing the salad, boil or fry the liver until tender. Cool it if desired or use warm. How to properly fry or boil the liver, you will find step-by-step recipes with photos on the pages of the site. To do this, use the search string.

Arugula sliced
Arugula sliced

2. Wash the arugula, dry it with a paper towel and chop it.

Shredded cabbage
Shredded cabbage

3. Wash white cabbage, dry and chop finely. Peking cabbage is suitable instead. Her leaves are juicy and crispy.

Ready salad with liver, arugula and cabbage
Ready salad with liver, arugula and cabbage

4. Place all food in a deep bowl, season with salt and oil. Stir the ingredients and serve the liver, arugula and cabbage salad to the table.

See also a video recipe on how to make a salad with chicken liver and cabbage.
