How to make homemade hair shampoo

How to make homemade hair shampoo
How to make homemade hair shampoo

Homemade hair shampoo recipes from available tools. Useful properties, contraindications and features of use. Homemade shampoo is a safe hair cleanser made from natural and affordable ingredients. Despite the fact that now there are many modern shampoos on sale, and you can easily choose the one that is suitable in terms of effect, aroma, composition, made with your own hands are a great alternative to ready-made cosmetics. After all, advertised products in beautiful packaging are not necessarily effective and of high quality, but they are usually not cheap.

Benefits of homemade hair shampoos

Homemade hair shampoo
Homemade hair shampoo

Of course, you need to spend a certain amount of time regularly making a homemade hair wash, but the effect it produces will exceed your expectations, and the benefits will be considerable.

The advantages of homemade shampoos over store-bought products:

  • Ease of manufacture … You cannot store natural shampoo, because there are no preservatives in it. Therefore, make a fresh portion just before washing. It takes very little time, a matter of minutes.
  • Availability … The components that make up homemade shampoos are inexpensive and always at hand - these are common products, herbs and various substances that are commonly used in everyday life.
  • Security … By personally mixing all the ingredients, you will be 100% sure that the composition of the resulting cosmetic product is safe for your health.
  • Versatility … The number of all kinds of homemade shampoo recipes for different hair types is so great that anyone can easily choose the best option for themselves.
  • Environmental friendliness … All ingredients of homemade shampoo are environmentally friendly, you choose them yourself or grow them and control the quality.

Agree, no shampoo from the store has all of the above advantages at the same time.

Contraindications to the use of homemade shampoo

Individual intolerance to shampoo
Individual intolerance to shampoo

Despite environmental friendliness and safety for health, there is still a limitation in the use of homemade shampoo.

Before you wash your hair with a new remedy, you should definitely test it, because there is always a risk of individual intolerance, even a seemingly harmless substance. For example, gelatin is contraindicated in patients with metabolic disorders.

Allergy sufferers and people with sensitive skin (as a rule, it is very light), acutely reactive hyperemia (redness) or rashes upon contact with irritants should be especially careful.

The test is simple: apply the test mixture to the elbow, where the skin is very delicate. If, after twelve hours, there is no redness, itching, or rashes, this means that the tested agent is suitable for use. Contact allergies are not common, but it's best to play it safe and test your reaction before applying your homemade shampoo, not after.

Important! Do not allow the detergent to get into your eyes. Indeed, in the absence of an allergy to the skin, it can occur when the substance comes into contact with the mucous membrane.

Homemade hair shampoo recipes

A huge number of existing homemade shampoo recipes with a variety of useful properties allows you to choose the right option for washing hair of any type and color. Folk remedies can nourish and saturate the curls, give them brightness and shine, improve growth and strengthen the roots, and at the same time they are completely safe, because they are made on the basis of harmless substances and components. Consider some of these popular recipes.

Egg Shampoo Recipes

Shampoo eggs
Shampoo eggs

A chicken egg is just a clot of vital energy, filled with vitamins and fatty acids, they heal the hair and accelerate its growth. For shampooing, you can only use the yolk, because the protein curls up, and it is rather difficult to wash it out of the hair afterwards, in combination with other ingredients or by itself.

We present to your attention recipes for egg-based shampoos:

  1. Mono-component shampoo … It is necessary to mix two egg yolks with water (about 1 tbsp. L. Room temperature). Apply to hair, massage for five minutes, and then rinse with warm water.
  2. With honey and carrot juice … Suitable for dry and colored hair. 2 yolks should be mixed with honey (1 tablespoon), vegetable oil and carrot juice (2 tablespoons each), if desired, add 1-2 drops of aromatic oils of rosemary, lavender and sage. Lather, apply to hair for 5 minutes and rinse.
  3. With gelatin … This is a recipe for normal hair, shampoo gives it softness and volume. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. gelatin and pour half a glass of water, then heat in a water bath and strain. Then add one yolk and stir. The mixture is applied to the hair for 20 minutes. If you make a lot of this shampoo at once, keep in mind that it can only be stored in the refrigerator for two days.
  4. With kefir or yogurt … This shampoo will heal split ends. You need to mix 2 yolks with 2-3 tbsp. l. fermented milk product and apply to hair for five minutes.
  5. With olive or castor oil … It is a wonderful remedy for dry hair. You should mix one egg yolk with butter (1 tsp) and a couple of drops of natural lemon juice. Moisturize your hair, apply an egg-oil mixture and massage your head with your fingertips for about five minutes. Rinse off only with warm water.
  6. With yoghurt and honey … Designed to nourish the scalp, improve its condition and eliminate dandruff. Whisk with foam, mix 2 yolks with honey and lemon juice (1 tablespoon each) and 200 ml of yogurt. Apply to hair for half an hour and rinse.
  7. With camphor oil … This is a recipe for oily hair. You need to mix one yolk with water (2 tablespoons) and camphor oil (0.5 tsp). When applying to hair, massage the scalp thoroughly, then rinse off with non-hot water.
  8. With banana … Grate the pulp of half a banana in mashed potatoes, pour in lemon juice and one yolk. This mixture will wash well and make your hair shiny.

Remember! Before pouring the yolk into the mixture, pierce it and squeeze it out of the film (it is not easily washed out of the hair). Use egg shampoo no more than twice a week.

Bread shampoo recipes

Black bread for shampoo making
Black bread for shampoo making

Bread contains many useful microelements and vitamins, black bread is especially good. And as a remedy for dandruff, the effectiveness is better than expensive cosmetics. Hair from bread shampoo becomes soft and voluminous.

Recipes for homemade bread shampoos:

  • Mono-component shampoo … Two slices of rye bread should be crumbled into a bowl and poured over with hot water to infuse and swell. When the bread has cooled, knead it into a gruel and rub into the roots and strands. This product can be used as a shampoo (rinse off immediately) or as a hair mask (leave for 20 minutes), which has a beneficial effect on hair condition and growth. Especially recommended for those with oily curls.
  • With vegetable oil … The recipe is similar to the previous one, but add 2 tbsp to the bread and water. l. vegetable oil. After applying to the scalp, the mixture should be distributed through the hair and rubbed into the skin thoroughly to get rid of dandruff.
  • With kefir … This recipe is suitable for those whose hair is weak and damaged, in need of restoration and nutrition. 100 g of black bread must be chopped, pour 100 ml of kefir and set aside for two hours in a warm place. Then grind with a blender and apply to hair for 10 minutes.

Note! It is better to cut the crusts from slices of bread, because they are poorly sour.

Mustard homemade shampoos recipes

Mustard powder
Mustard powder

Mustard powder dries out excessively greasy scalp and stimulates blood circulation, thereby enhancing hair growth - up to three centimeters a month! Homemade shampoos based on it include aroma oils, vegetable oils (sunflower, corn, olive, burdock), egg yolk. The main thing is to use dry mustard powder, and not ready-made seasoning.

Here are some recipes for homemade mustard shampoos:

  1. Mono-component shampoo … Very easy to prepare: dilute 1 tbsp. l. mustard in two liters of water, rinse hair for 5 minutes, then rinse off the product. For convenience, you can use a bowl: do not pour over mustard shampoo, but, bending over it, rinse your hair in the composition, and then rinse in the same way, but already filling the bowl with clean water. After washing, rinse the curls with water acidified with lemon juice.
  2. With tea and yolk … This shampoo is suitable for all hair types. To prepare it, you need to mix mustard powder (1 tbsp. L.) With tea (2 tbsp. L.) And yolk. Apply to hair for 20 minutes and rinse. A slight burning sensation means the mustard is working. But if the burning sensation is very strong, wash it off immediately!
  3. With soap and herbs … You need to grate the fourth part of the bar of baby soap, pour hot water (1 glass). Separately pour a glass of boiling water over dry chamomile and nettle (2 tablespoons each) and leave for 15 minutes. Strain the broth and soap solution through a piece of gauze, combine them and add mustard powder (2 tablespoons).
  4. With gelatin … This remedy helps to increase hair volume. Dissolve gelatin (1 tsp) in two tablespoons of warm water and leave for half an hour. When the gelatin swells, strain it and mix with mustard powder (1 tablespoon) and yolk. Apply to hair and keep it on for about half an hour, then rinse.

Allergy sufferers, using mustard as a cosmetic, should definitely conduct an individual intolerance test. A slight burning sensation is the norm, but itching and redness mean that mustard is contraindicated for you.

When mixing a homemade hair wash based on it, remember that the temperature of the added liquid should not exceed 40 degrees, otherwise the mustard will begin to release toxic oils, and the burning sensation from the shampoo will intensify.

Flour shampoo recipes

Rye flour
Rye flour

As a cosmetic product, it is better to use rye flour, wheat flour contains too much gluten, and, in contact with water, it turns into a dough that is difficult to wash off. Rye flour does not have such a feature, but it contains B vitamins and essential amino acids that are beneficial to the scalp and hair. The curls become obedient and soft, the follicles are strengthened, the process of hair loss stops.

Introducing flour-based shampoo recipes:

  • Mono-component shampoo … Suitable for all hair types. Stir until smooth 4 tbsp. l. flour in 4 tbsp. l. warm water and leave to ferment for several hours. Then use and wash off. To make the shampoo easier to wash off, you do not need to whip and mix up the curls when washing.
  • With chamomile and yolk … This home remedy will moisturize dry hair, leaving it shiny and bouncy. You need to stir 3 tbsp. l. rye flour in 3 tbsp. l. warm chamomile broth, add the yolk and 1 tbsp. l. cognac.
  • With nettle and tea tree oil … This mixture heals weakened hair with seborrhea. It must be stirred in 3 tbsp. l. warm decoction of nettle 2 tbsp. l. rye flour, add 5 drops of tea tree oil and leave for 2 hours. Then use as directed and wash off.
  • With herbs and ginger … Has an antibacterial effect, increases blood circulation and stimulates hair growth. You need to take 10 tbsp. l. flour, mix with 4-5 tbsp. l. any herbs suitable for you, ground on a coffee grinder and sifted through a sieve, as well as powders of ginger (1 tsp) and mustard (1 tbsp). Store in a dry place, and before use, dilute in warm water to a creamy consistency and apply to wet hair, distribute, massage for a few minutes and rinse. Rinse with acidified water.
  • Chinese Pea Shampoo … An unusual recipe based on dry peas. Grind it in a coffee grinder to a flour state, pour the resulting powder with warm water and leave overnight. Then apply to hair for 30 minutes and rinse.

Remember! The water for making flour-based shampoos should not have a temperature higher than 40 degrees, otherwise even rye flour can turn into a hard-to-wash, tight gruel.

Recipes for homemade kefir shampoos

Kefir for shampoo preparation
Kefir for shampoo preparation

Kefir is simply an irreplaceable remedy for dry hair care. Calcium, protein, yeast, vitamins A, B and D contained in it miraculously nourish and strengthen curls, and also protect against negative influences, forming a film on them. This fermented milk product perfectly dissolves such components useful for hair as mustard powder, brewer's yeast, aromatic oils, honey, onion juice, cognac, herbal decoctions. If you wish, you can create your own exclusive recipe for kefir products.

True, owners of oily hair with homemade kefir-based shampoos should be used with caution, they can weigh down the curls, make them look untidy.

List of shampoos with kefir:

  1. Mono-component shampoo … Lubricate your hair with kefir, cover your head with plastic and hold it for 1 hour, then rinse well.
  2. With yolk and salt … Apply a mixture of a pinch of salt, yolk and 1/4 cup of kefir to wet curls, massage for 5 minutes and rinse.
  3. Kefir shampoo-mask for lightening hair … Mix the yolk, juice of half a lemon, 2 tbsp. l. cognac, 5 tbsp. l. kefir and 1 tsp. soap flakes (grate baby soap). Spread this mixture over your hair (do not rub it into the scalp!), Wrap it with a towel and keep it as long as you have patience (for example, overnight). Then rinse with sage broth. Such a shampoo mask will not only cleanse and nourish, but also brighten the curls, since this product is able to wash out the coloring pigment from them.

The effect of using kefir is cumulative. If you want to achieve results and revitalize dry hair, use homemade kefir shampoos 1-2 times a week for at least two months in a row. For oily curls, buy a fat-free product and always warm up a little before using.

For those who have dyed hair, and the color suits them perfectly, recipes based on kefir are not suitable.

Gelatin shampoo recipes

Gelatin for shampoo making
Gelatin for shampoo making

When caring for hair with any gelatin shampoo, a lamination effect is created. The scales on the hairs, under the influence of the B vitamins, collagen and protein, are smoothed out, the curls become smooth, shiny, thick and less greasy.

List of gelatin-based shampoos:

  • Mono-component shampoo mask … Dissolve gelatin powder (2 tablespoons) in water (4 tablespoons), heat until dissolved in a water bath. Apply the warm mixture to the hair for a quarter of an hour. Cover with plastic and a towel. Wash off with warm water.
  • With honey, aloe and aromatic oils … This gentle conditioning shampoo mask is very good for shining hair. To prepare it, you need to pour dry crushed herbs (2 tablespoons), suitable for your hair type or with the desired healing effect, a glass of boiling water and insist so that the broth becomes warm. Strain, add 2 tbsp. l. gelatin, leave to swell, and then stir to dissolve. Pour in 5 tbsp. l. baby shampoo (without lauryl sulfate, dyes and fragrances) or 1 yolk, mix with honey (1 tablespoon) and the juice of a cut aloe leaf, which had been kept in the refrigerator for ten days before. Then add 5 drops of aromatic oils of rosemary and lavender, stirred in 2 tbsp. l. base vegetable oil (burdock, if hair falls out, castor oil to strengthen and grow). Apply to curls and hold for half an hour.
  • With vinegar … In a small container, pour water over 1 tbsp. l. gelatin and put in a water bath for half an hour. Strain through a sieve or cheesecloth and let cool. Add fruit vinegar (1 teaspoon) and drip with sage, rosemary and jasmine essential oils once. Stir and apply on wet hair for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  • With yolk … The yolk must be mixed with 1 tbsp. l. any fragrance-free baby shampoo and sodium lauryl sulfate (or replace with another yolk), add gelatin powder (1 tablespoon), previously diluted in water (3 tablespoons), stir to remove lumps. Apply the mixture to wet hair, keep it on for 10 minutes and rinse.

Be sure to filter the solution with lumps through cheesecloth. Never allow the gelatin mixture to boil, its use is harmful.

By the way, gelatin can cause increased blood clotting, so patients with metabolic disorders should definitely consult with their doctor before using it.

Remember! You cannot rub gelatinous shampoos into the hair roots, this can cause itching and irritation.

Clay shampoo recipes

Pink clay
Pink clay

For the preparation of hair cosmetics, white, yellow or pink clay is best suited, because the curls can darken from the black substance. This natural material is very rich in trace elements - zinc, calcium, magnesium, mineral salts, etc. Clay dries hair, therefore it is recommended for those who are struggling with excessive grease. And its bactericidal properties help get rid of dermatological problems, such as dandruff.

What shampoos can be made using clay:

  1. Mono-component shampoo … Suitable for any hair. Dissolve a bag of clay (sold in pharmacies) in warm water to a creamy consistency. Apply to wet hair, massage with fingertips - gently, without beating or tangling hair, and rinse.
  2. With horsetail … Designed to reduce hair greasiness. You need to mix 1 cup of warm horsetail broth with 2 tbsp. l. clay, apply to curls. The drier they are, the less time you should keep your clay home shampoo on them. Wash off with warm water.
  3. With mustard, soda, salt and aromatic oils … Thoroughly mix the clay and mustard powder (5 tbsp each), soda and salt (1 tbsp each), then add 5 drops of mint and tea tree aromatic oils. Pour it into a suitable container with a lid and use it as needed: apply it to damp hair and rub it for about three minutes over the roots and strands. Then rinse thoroughly.

Important! Clay is diluted only with a warm liquid (ordinary or mineral water, herbal decoction, milk), since a hot one deprives it of its useful properties, and it does not dissolve in a cold one. After washing with homemade shampoo based on it, be sure to rinse your hair with acidified water so that it does not lose its shine.

Soap Shampoo Recipes

Liquid soap base
Liquid soap base

Soap base is also used to make homemade shampoos. It is sold in pharmacies, it looks like a clear liquid with a yellowish tinge. Its components are organic, environmentally friendly and safe, for example, it does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate. This base is enriched with aromatic oils and decoctions of plants, adapting to the needs of any type of hair.

The algorithm of actions is as follows: in a water bath, heat the base to warmth, add your favorite healing aromatic oils (2-3 drops of each type, but no more than 7 types), stirring, pour in suitable herbal infusions (up to 10 tsp). Refrigerate and use as directed.

Choosing the right essential oil to enrich your foundation depends on your hair type:

  • Dry … For owners of this type of hair, homemade soap-based shampoos with the addition of decoctions of nettle, calendula, lavender, coltsfoot and essential oils of rose, cypress, orange, jasmine, geranium and rosemary are suitable.
  • Fatty and normal … For such curls, decoctions of chamomile, calendula, mint, nettle, sage, burdock, as well as aromatic oils of cedar, basil, tea tree, bergamot, geranium, rose, grapefruit and orange are added to the composition of the home detergent.
  • Dandruff … To solve this problem, decoctions of burdock, nettle, calendula, chamomile and essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus, cedar, cypress, tea tree and rosemary are poured into the home remedy.

Please note! An excellent result is obtained by combing the hair with essential oils applied to the comb after washing.

How to use homemade hair shampoos correctly

Washing head
Washing head

Shampooing is a simple matter. The algorithm of actions is simple: comb the hair, wet and saturate it with water (soft, with 1 tsp glycerin, soda or ammonia per liter of boiled water), apply the detergent to the curls and distribute it with gentle massaging movements of the fingertips, and then wash off.

Often, homemade shampoo contains natural ingredients in their original form, so there are differences in its use from the usual purchased product:

  1. No foam … For those who are accustomed to factory hair cosmetics, this seems strange, there is a suspicion that the home remedy will not be effective. In fact, this is an advantage, because abundant foam appears due to aggressive chemical compounds that cleanse well, but are quite harmful. Therefore, the natural shampoo should be carefully applied to the curls, massaging the scalp without ruffling or entangling them, as we do when applying a regular product to whip up the lather. You won't get lather from homemade shampoo, it will only tangles your hair.
  2. Features of washing away solid particles … Bread crumbs, particles of clay or flour, etc. are all difficult to remove from the hair. Some even abandon the idea of a natural shampoo and return to purchased ones due to the fact that they cannot rinse their curls clean. The fact is that we are used to washing off the foam under running water, but solid particles should be washed off by rinsing. Ideally, dive headlong into the river and swim underwater. But in ordinary life, you can be content with rinsing your hair in a bath or a bowl - and all the solid particles will settle to the bottom.
  3. Mandatory acidic rinses … Any shampoo is essentially alkaline, and normal hair environment is acidic. To restore it, you should rinse them with a decoction of suitable herbs. Linden, medicinal marigolds, chamomile, elderberry, lemon balm are suitable for fair-haired ones, and rosemary, birch, sage, oak bark, linden are suitable for dark-haired ones. You can also rinse with a solution of 6% fruit vinegar (for dark-haired) or lemon juice (for fair-haired). After sour rinsing, the puckered hair scales will fall down, tightly fitting, and the curls will acquire a beautiful shine.
  4. Lack of pleasant aroma … Many natural components of home shampoos have, if not unpleasant, but a very specific odor that is transmitted to the hair. Herbal rinses alleviate this problem in part. And if you drop your favorite aromatic oil on the teeth of the comb and smooth the curls, they will both strengthen and acquire a wonderful scent.
  5. Probation … Before making a homemade shampoo, be sure to determine what type of hair your hair is. Having prepared the remedy according to the selected recipe and having checked yourself for the absence of contact allergies, you need to test it for at least a month. Only in this period can you determine how well the homemade shampoo suits you. At first, the hair can be dull and unkempt, because the sebaceous glands habitually produce an increased amount of sebum. But after a while they adapt, the scalp will stop flaking, the curls will become healthy and shiny. Just be patient for a couple of weeks. However, if for any reason you feel unexplained irritation and discomfort after using a natural hair detergent (you don't like the texture, color, smell, etc.), do not wait and do not endure. Self-care should be fun, so just pick a different recipe.

Please note! Any shampoo (except dry) should be applied to well-moisturized hair, especially if it contains natural aroma oils. How to make homemade shampoo - watch the video:

To have beautiful, healthy, well-groomed hair, you need to take care of it regularly. Natural shampoos from improvised means are best suited for this. There are no preservatives in them, and all the ingredients are fresh and tested. It is quite simple and quick to make such a tool. The only difficulty is the difficulty of choosing, because there are many recipes.