Home face peeling with aspirin

Home face peeling with aspirin
Home face peeling with aspirin

The benefits of peeling with aspirin for the face. Mix recipes for oily, problematic and pigmented skin. Peeling with aspirin is a simple and affordable procedure aimed at improving the condition of the skin. This type of scrubbing refers to superficial, as it allows you to remove pollution only from the upper layers of the epidermis. Despite this, mixtures with acetylsalicylic acid are very popular.

The benefits of peeling with aspirin

Aspirin peeling
Aspirin peeling

This procedure is popular among adolescents and young people who suffer from acne and oily skin. It is worth noting that aspirin for face peeling can be classified as bactericidal and restorative drugs. In most cases, this manipulation helps to get rid of increased sebum secretion.

Useful properties of aspirin peeling:

  • Cleans and regenerates the skin … Aspirin acts as an adsorbent that attracts and absorbs all debris and grease from the surface of the dermis.
  • Eliminates blackheads … This drug has been used successfully for comedones. When aspirin hits the surface of the skin, the particles of the medication suck in debris and dirt.
  • Eliminates inflammation … Aspirin is distinguished by its disinfecting properties. It removes the redness and small wounds that often occur with acne.
  • Reduces age spots … Aspirin is a weak acid that promotes an even distribution of melanin in the layers of the skin. Thanks to this, freckles and age spots are reduced.
  • Prevents the skin from drying out … This is possible due to the formation of a thin film after the procedure. It is she who prevents moisture evaporation and makes the code smooth, reducing dryness.

Contraindications to the use of peeling with aspirin

Peeling with aspirin is contraindicated for tanning
Peeling with aspirin is contraindicated for tanning

Of course, acetylsalicylic acid can hardly be called completely safe and approved. Therefore, there are contraindications to peeling with this substance.

List of prohibitions:

  1. Damaged skin … If there are scratches and open wounds, the procedure cannot be performed. If it comes in contact with aspirin, it can cause itching and burning.
  2. Waxing … After sugaring, electric or wax hair removal with aspirin peeling, you should postpone. The fact is that after the procedure, small wounds and redness may remain in place of the hairs. Pores can become inflamed when aspirin is applied.
  3. Expanded capillaries … In case of rosacea and vascular network, peeling with aspirin is contraindicated. It stimulates blood circulation and can cause capillary enlargement.
  4. Recent sunburn … If you are just back from the sea or love to visit a solarium, postpone the aspirin peeling. This procedure can wash off the tan.
  5. Sensitive skin … Aspirin is quite corrosive and can cause rashes and irritation.

Varieties of aspirin for face peels

Aspirin packaging
Aspirin packaging

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is a non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drug that can help relieve pain, lower fever, and reduce inflammation. In addition, there are medicines that are used in cardiology to reduce the development of thrombosis and blood clots.

At the moment, the pharmacy has a lot of drugs with this name. The composition of these drugs is different, in addition, the concentration of salicylic acid itself in the tablets is different.

Varieties of aspirin:

  • Effervescent tablets … These are Aspirin 1000 and Aspirin Express. The concentration of salicylic acid in Aspirin Express is 500 mg. These medications are used to quickly reduce fever and are not intended to relieve pain. They must be added to the water and wait until they completely dissolve. This type of medicine should not be used for face exfoliation.
  • Aspirin C … These are also effervescent tablets, in which the concentration of salicylic acid is 400 mg. In addition, the preparation contains 240 ml of vitamin C. It is used to relieve fever and cold symptoms. Vitamin C allows you to recover faster.
  • Aspirin 500 mg for oral administration … This medicine is not usually dissolved in water. It must be swallowed without chewing, washed down with a small amount of liquid. It is this aspirin that is used in peeling.
  • Aspirin Cardio … The concentration of salicylic acid is 100 and 300 mg. This aspirin does not lower the temperature and does not relieve pain, but it thins the blood, which prevents a heart attack. This type of peeling tablet is not suitable.

To prepare the peeling mixture, you must use tablets for oral administration with a concentration of 500 mg. Preparations Aspirin Cardio or Aspirin C should not be used for this, since they have a low concentration of acetylsalicylic acid and other components may be present.

Aspirin peeling recipes

These miracle pills can be mixed with a variety of ingredients. The composition of the mixture depends on its purpose and the individual characteristics of the skin. Acetylsalicylic acid is often combined with clay, fruits and dairy products.

Aspirin peeling for oily skin

Facial skin peeling with aspirin
Facial skin peeling with aspirin

It is worth noting that acetylsalicylic acid does an excellent job of dealing with excessive sebum. Typically, such products may contain lemon juice and blue clay. These substances are suitable for very oily skin prone to comedones.

Homemade Aspirin Peel Recipes for Oily Skin:

  1. With honey … Crush 4 aspirin tablets and inject 20 ml of warm water. Add 30 ml of warm nectar. Use floral or lime honey. Apply the mixture with a brush in a thick layer on the face. Massage for 2-3 minutes and leave on the skin for another 10 minutes. Rinse off residues with warm water, apply cream. Repeat no more than 1 time per week.
  2. With clay … Mix a teaspoon of clay powder with 3 crushed acetylsalicylic acid tablets. Pour in warm water until a viscous gruel is obtained. Inject 2 drops each of tea tree oil and almond oil. Medium again and apply to the skin using a hammering motion. It is necessary to keep the mixture moist, so soak the bandage in water and place it on your face. Leave the compress on for 10 minutes. Massage with palms for 1 minute before rinsing. To remove the mixture from the skin, pour 10 g of baking soda into a glass of warm water and moisten a cotton pad with the solution. Remove any remaining mixture. This exfoliation is excellent for tightening pores and preventing the appearance of a huge amount of sebum.
  3. With lemon juice … This composition brightens age spots and normalizes the sebaceous glands. It is necessary to powder 3 aspirin tablets. Purchase the uncoated medicine in plain white tablets. Add a mixture of water and lemon juice to the powder. The concentration of the solution should be 50%. That is, the solution contains the same amount of water and juice. Apply the mixture for 5 minutes and then rinse off with a soda solution. This treatment is called neutralization and can help reduce irritation and flaking after exfoliation.

Acne Aspirin Peel

Aspirin tablets
Aspirin tablets

With the help of aspirin, skin problems can be significantly reduced. Salicylic acid disinfects, accordingly, bacteria in acne stop multiplying. The inflammation decreases, the formations disappear.

Recipes for aspirin peeling for rashes:

  • With aloe … This mixture reduces inflammation. To prepare the composition, crush 3 tablets of the medicine and add to a bowl. Pour in 15 ml of warm bee nectar. You can take any, sugared, it is pre-melted in a water bath. Peel the aloe leaf and chop it with a knife. Enter the resulting jelly into a mixture with aspirin, average. Spread evenly over your face and leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse off with a baking soda solution.
  • Cinnamon … Cinnamon improves circulation and prevents the spread of infection on the face. Grind 4 salicylic acid tablets and mix the resulting powder with 15 ml of flower honey. Add 5 g of ground cinnamon. It is advisable to grind it yourself. Apply the composition to your face and leave it on for 7-10 minutes. Remove with warm water. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week.
  • With kefir … This mixture is great for removing oil and unclogging pores. In addition, it relieves inflammation and redness. Prepare a powder from 4 aspirin tablets and add 25 ml of warmed kefir. Take biokefir with a high percentage of fat, this will slightly reduce the likelihood of skin peeling after the procedure. Using a hammering motion, spread the mixture over your face. Massage and leave on for 7 minutes. Remove with a tissue soaked in sodium bicarbonate solution (baking soda).
  • With coffee … Powder 4 aspirin tablets and inject 30 g of kaolin (white clay) into the medicine. Mix the dry mixture and add 10 g of ground coffee to it. Dilute the whole mass with water until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. It is necessary to get a mass that looks like porridge. Apply it on washed face and leave the application on for 8-10 minutes. Remove any remaining mixture with warm water.

Whitening Aspirin Peel

Facial peeling with aspirin
Facial peeling with aspirin

Aspirin does an excellent job with bumps and freckles. This drug stimulates an even redistribution of melanin in the skin. After a while, age spots disappear.

Aspirin Whitening Peel Recipes:

  1. With garlic … Place a spoonful of blue clay powder and 4 crushed aspirin tablets into a bowl. Mix the dry mixture and add 5 ml of lemon juice. Add 10 g of salt and chopped garlic clove. It is desirable to apply the resulting mass pointwise, that is, directly on the age spots. The exposure time of the composition ranges from 10-12 minutes. Do not massage your skin. The mass is removed with a wet cotton pad.
  2. With soda … This mixture can be called explosive, since the composition of the product contains both soda and acid, which violently react with each other. Thanks to this, the skin is lightened. It is necessary to mix 10 g of sodium bicarbonate and a powder of 4 aspirin tablets in a bowl. Add 5 ml of lemon juice and honey, until you get a gruel. Apply the mixture to your skin. Application time is 10-15 minutes. Rinse off the residue thoroughly and moisturize your face with cream.
  3. With herbs … Prepare a decoction of calendula flowers. To do this, pour a handful of inflorescences with 250 ml of boiling water and leave in a sealed container for 20 minutes. Strain the infusion. Mix 6 aspirin powder tablets with 5 ml lemon juice. Add 15 ml of herbal decoction and stir. Dip gauze in the resulting solution and place it on your face. It is desirable that the fabric is snug against the skin. Leave it on your face for 15 minutes and wash your face with water.

Aspirin peeling technique

Aspirin for face peeling
Aspirin for face peeling

Despite the simplicity of the procedure, certain rules must be followed. Use the highest concentration of aspirin, i.e. 500 mg, without additives.

Rules for performing face peeling with aspirin:

  • For oily skin, when preparing a mixture in powder from tablets, it is worth adding water. If you have dry dermis, be sure to inject vegetable and essential oils.
  • The procedure is carried out no more than once a week.
  • It is best to apply the mixture on your face in the evening and not go anywhere. After the procedure, the pores are open, so you can harm.
  • If you have oily skin, make a steam bath before applying the healing composition, it will help open the pores and make the procedure more effective.

Post-peeling facial skin care

Clean skin after peeling with aspirin
Clean skin after peeling with aspirin

Aspirin peeling opens and cleanses the pores, therefore it is necessary to properly care for the skin after the procedure. It is best to carry out the manipulation on the same day of the week, in the evening. In just a month, the face will look younger and the acne will disappear.

Skin care after peeling with aspirin:

  1. Immediately after applying and removing the product, lubricate your face with a moisturizer. Acetylsalicylic acid dries the face.
  2. Apply sunscreen the next day before leaving the house. The fact is that the skin becomes sensitive, which can provoke the appearance of new wrinkles and premature aging.
  3. Use hypoallergenic cosmetics between treatments. Be sure to lubricate your skin with a basic moisturizer before applying makeup.
  4. Try to rub your face less and not use any scrubs. The skin can peel off a lot, this is absolutely normal.

How to do peeling with aspirin - watch the video:

As you can see, aspirin is a unique and very useful product that will help your skin look beautiful and healthy. This is an inexpensive alternative to salon peels.
