How laser facial rejuvenation is done: indications and contraindications

How laser facial rejuvenation is done: indications and contraindications
How laser facial rejuvenation is done: indications and contraindications

Types and features of laser facial rejuvenation. Pros and cons of the procedure, indications and contraindications for its implementation. Execution technique, possible complications and consequences. Skin care rules after the session. Of the minuses, one can single out the rather high cost of the procedures and the duration of the course, which usually consists of at least 3-4 sessions. Their duration of 20-30 minutes can also be a disadvantage. The list of contraindications also makes you think about whether to resort to laser rejuvenation.

Indications for laser facial skin rejuvenation

Mimic wrinkles in a woman
Mimic wrinkles in a woman

The procedure is recommended for people over 30-35 years old when the first signs of aging appear in the forehead, nose, lips and eyes. At this age, it can be used already as a therapeutic one, and before reaching it - as a preventive one 1-2 times a year. It is relevant for skin aging as a result of both aging of the body and exposure to negative environmental factors - low temperatures, sun, etc.

You can contact a beautician for the following indications:

  • Mimic wrinkles … They arise as a result of the active work of the muscles of the face, frequent laughter, tears, eye strain and just a smile. Basically, their localization is in the area around the eyes and lips.
  • Decreased skin tone … As a result, it hangs down ugly, forming unaesthetic folds. The laser helps to fill the voids with hyaluronic acid, accelerate the production of collagen and elastin, and thus tightens it.
  • Crow's feet … This is the most common problem in girls over 25. Such a defect is numerous, not very deep skin folds, localized under the lower eyelid and to the side of it. They can add a few extra years to age.
  • Pouch … These are wrinkles that form above the mouth. They are understood as deep and long vertical folds. Their first signs appear at about 35 years old.
  • Weak skin turgor … With the help of a laser, it is amplified, which allows you to tighten the dermis, make it more elastic and elastic, smooth out small folds.

Such a procedure will be no less useful for people suffering from scars, age spots, an uneven complexion and vascular network, since all this also negatively affects their appearance.

Contraindications to the laser facial rejuvenation procedure

Breastfeeding your baby
Breastfeeding your baby

Relative contraindications include sunbathing in the last 4 weeks, carrying out any type of peeling, mesotherapy and other cosmetic procedures in the problem area.

It is recommended to completely eliminate this method during pregnancy and lactation, since laser radiation can deteriorate the quality of milk and affect the development of the baby. Trouble can await the expectant mother herself, since at this time there is a high risk of developing an allergic reaction.

Absolute contraindications are:

  1. Dermatological diseases … The procedure should be postponed for those who have traces of psoriasis, urticaria, dermatitis, etc. on their face. The skin should be free of any rash, redness and itching.
  2. Inflammation of the dermis … Boils, large pimples, abscesses, acne - all this makes you refuse to use the laser. Otherwise, the situation may worsen, and then the problem is more likely to spread to other areas.
  3. Herpes in the affected area … Basically, it affects the lips and the area next to them, so the procedure can be carried out bypassing this area. It is allowed to process it only after the disappearance of the dense crust.
  4. Malignant neoplasms … First of all, we are talking about those that are on the skin. But tumors in other areas, and even more so in internal organs, should also force the patient to abandon the procedure. Laser exposure can accelerate their growth, leading to rapid cell division.
  5. Diseases of the blood … These include immunodeficiency, anemia, vitamin deficiency, hemophilia, leukemia. If the hepatitis virus is found in the blood, the laser will also not work.
  6. Diabetes … This applies to those whose glucose level stably remains above 6.5 mmol / L of blood when donating it on an empty stomach. There are no exceptions both for patients with the first type of disease and the second.
  7. Severe forms of cardiovascular disease … This refers to hypertension in the last stages, ischemia, arrhythmia or hypotension. Varicose veins are also a contraindication, especially if a spider veins are present on the face, as well as thrombophlebitis.
  8. Tendency to form keloid scars … Usually it is inherited from parents or acquired as a result of frequent plastic surgery. Age also has a huge impact on this, because more often such a defect falls on the share of people under the age of 40.
  9. Vitiligo in the genus … This disease is understood as a lack of melanin in the skin in certain areas. Because of this, white spots appear on it in some places, and sometimes the hair is partially discolored.

How is facial rejuvenation done with a laser machine?

Facial rejuvenation with a laser device
Facial rejuvenation with a laser device

For 4 weeks, it is important to exclude any cosmetic procedures and not sunbathe.

2-3 days before the session, you should give up lipstick, eye shadow, mascara and other decorative cosmetics. On the eve of the procedure, you need to stop using any cream.

Before visiting a specialist, you need to cleanse your face with soap to remove oily film and dirt.

Procedure for the procedure:

  • The face is thoroughly cleansed with a scrub to exfoliate dead particles.
  • With a low pain threshold, an analgesic gel is applied to the skin.
  • The beautician chooses the desired length of the beam and begins to gradually influence the problem areas.
  • The heated areas are treated with an emollient solution to minimize irritation.
  • The patient is explained how to care for the face, what can and cannot be done.

After completing the session, you can immediately go home or work.

How to care for your skin after laser facial rejuvenation

Applying the cream to the face
Applying the cream to the face

On the day of the procedure, you can already take a shower with soap and calmly wash. But during the day, you cannot use a tonal foundation, powder and other cosmetics that "clog" the pores.

On the second day after the session, it is recommended to start lubricating the face with a cream or ointment based on dexpanthenol. D-Panthenol, Panthenol and Bepanten will be good remedies here. They will help prevent itching, irritation and redness, and also eliminate these consequences when they appear.

For 3 days, you should refuse to visit the pool, sauna and solarium. For the first 3-5 days, it is generally not recommended to apply any cosmetic products, except for those prescribed by the doctor. In no case should you do any compresses and peels at this time, cleanse the skin with scrubs, to which it can react with redness and irritation.

Within a month after the last session, it is necessary to apply a rejuvenating cream with hyaluronic acid to the skin, which will help to consolidate the effect obtained. This should be done once a day before going to bed, after cleansing your face. After each procedure, before going outside, you need to lubricate the skin with sunscreen, even if this time falls in the winter. This is due to the fact that after laser exposure, the skin becomes more sensitive to UV rays and suffers more from them. An important recommendation is a ban on massaging the face and tightening its muscles. It is also advisable to stay in the open air less, especially in cold winds, freezing temperatures and heat. Failure to do so may increase the risk of an allergic reaction.

If these effects of laser facial rejuvenation scare you, then try the Maxclinic Lifting Stick - Collagen lifting stick for a facelift at home.

Note! If a crust has formed at the site of exposure, it is forbidden to remove it to avoid infection.

Results and consequences of laser facial rejuvenation

Results of laser facial rejuvenation
Results of laser facial rejuvenation

Positive results are usually obtained in 3-7 sessions, depending on the type of procedure. After the first visit to the beautician, the face becomes smoother and younger, the person looks healthy. This effect is achieved by reducing the size of skin stretch marks, smoothing expression and age wrinkles of various depths, enhancing tissue turgor and leveling their color.

In addition to rejuvenation, the patient's pores on the face are narrowed, age spots are lightened and scars are restored. The size of the vascular network also decreases, traces of acne and rosacea disappear, dark circles under the eyes and bags disappear. Patients also note the return of a beautiful shine and shade to the face.

Positive results persist for about 1-2 years; after one course, the skin ages more slowly

In the first hours after leaving the office, you may feel a slight burning sensation and tingling sensation, sometimes there is a slight swelling and redness, which usually go away on their own. Possible complications include pathological changes in the structure of the dermis, infection, and the appearance of keloid scars. But all this happens mainly during the procedure without taking into account the existing contraindications.

Real reviews of the laser facial rejuvenation procedure

What does the face look like before and after laser rejuvenation
What does the face look like before and after laser rejuvenation

Laser rejuvenation is considered a fairly effective procedure, which is prescribed in the presence of serious skin problems, such as fading, scar marks, post-acne, etc. Despite the relatively long recovery period, many patients respond positively to rejuvenation.

Victoria, 46 years old

I underwent a DOT laser rejuvenation procedure. I cannot say that it is pleasant and painless. I lay under analgesics for about an hour and still felt pain. And it smelled of fried meat! Immediately after the procedure, the eyes were slightly swollen, but in general the appearance was normal. For a couple of hours my face ached. And in the evening, severe edema developed - the look, of course, is terrible. On the second day, the skin darkened, the face was still swollen, the eyes could hardly open. By the evening, the puffiness subsided a little, but herpes on the lips came out! True, the cosmetologist warned that if the virus is present in the body, it will definitely manifest itself. On the third day, a crust began to appear on the face, it looked ugly, but the swelling was slowly disappearing. On the fourth day, the crusts come off - the face is not mine, but not so scary. On the fifth day, the crust came off and the face turned pink, like a baby's or after a strong sunburn. All creams and masks that were prescribed to me, my face "absorbs" in huge quantities. On the tenth day - I'm a beauty! So I look at myself in the mirror and I can't see enough - the skin is dense, firm, elastic, there is not a trace of wrinkles or bags under the eyes. I suffered, of course, but it's definitely worth it!

Olga, 45 years old

I want to share my experience and say that laser facial rejuvenation is an excellent procedure! It helps not only to restore youth and eliminate wrinkles, but also to eliminate small scars and scar marks, as I had. But it should be done only in a good clinic and at a professional doctor. My friend took a chance and made a rejuvenation in a cheap dubious clinic, saved money. Not only did the skin heal for a long time, all the swollen days went for 10 days, but also the result is not expressive. And I did it in the presidential medical institution, and the skin smoothed out in just a week. All wrinkles, pockmarks, rashes are gone. Of course, there was a slight discomfort the first time after the procedure, but if you strictly follow the doctor's instructions, then everything will go away quickly, and the effect will please for a long time.

Irina, 34 years old

I went to a beautician for peeling. This is my first procedure in the salon. I often get pimples and this causes my entire nose and lower face to have blackheads and small scars. I confess I have a bad habit of crushing acne. The beautician said that my skin was dry and that it was my own fault. Every night I wiped it with an alcoholic salicylic acid solution to reduce acne and blackheads. As a result, the pores were clogged and all the dirt remained in them under the skin. The specialist advised not to resort to peeling, because it will dry out the skin even more, but to rejuvenate it with a laser. The procedure itself almost did not cause discomfort, I was with anesthesia. I was laser swept all over my face, neck and décolleté. For a couple of hours after that, the skin burned, a slight swelling appeared. On the second day, roughness and redness appeared. But in general, it is not critical. After a week, somewhere, all the side reactions went away, and the skin became clean and soft, like a baby's. Now I will repeat the procedure in six months. I am very satisfied.

Photos before and after laser facial rejuvenation

Before and after laser facial rejuvenation
Before and after laser facial rejuvenation
Face before and after laser rejuvenation
Face before and after laser rejuvenation
Facial skin before and after laser rejuvenation
Facial skin before and after laser rejuvenation

How laser facial rejuvenation is done - watch the video:

Laser facial rejuvenation can be a real salvation for those who want to look younger than their age and do not tolerate pain. This method is simple, affordable, low invasiveness and versatility in terms of the obtained effect, which makes it simply irreplaceable. And the most important thing here is that there simply cannot be any strict age restrictions.
