How non-surgical rejuvenation is done with fillers

How non-surgical rejuvenation is done with fillers
How non-surgical rejuvenation is done with fillers

Description of the procedure for non-surgical rejuvenation of the face and hands, correction of the shape of the external genital organs with fillers. Indications and contraindications for injections. Execution technique, side effects and results. Fillers for the face, hands, intimate area are a real salvation, they allow you to visually remove several years, give your appearance aesthetics and even improve your well-being. The preparations are available in the form of safe gels that are injected under the skin for the purpose of rejuvenating the skin of the face, as well as a lifting stick with collagen.

Filler rejuvenation procedure price

The cost of the procedure, as a rule, includes the appointment and consultation of a specialist in a beauty salon, the work of a cosmetologist to correct certain areas and the price of the injected substance.

The amount of fillers used may vary depending on the number and depth of wrinkles and other skin imperfections that need to be addressed. It also affects the price of beauty injections. The cost of the procedure depends on their quantity, the brand of the drug, the qualifications of the specialist who performs the manipulations.

The average price of filler rejuvenation in Russia is 10,000-35,000 rubles

Filler rejuvenation price, rub.
Face 10000-35000
Hands 11000-20000
Intimate area 15000-23000

The cost of injections in Moscow is usually higher than the regional average.

The price of rejuvenation with fillers in Ukraine is 2500-13000 hryvnia

Filler rejuvenation Price, UAH.
Face 2500-13000
Hands 5000-8000
Intimate area 4500-10000

In cosmetic centers in Kiev, the cost of services is the highest.

Often in the salons a discount is provided when prescribing a second course of filler injections - up to 20%.

What is filler rejuvenation?

Facial contouring
Facial contouring

This is a minimally invasive, non-surgical way to eliminate the signs of aging in the body. The technique involves the use of special gels based on hyaluronic acid.

This substance can be purified or unfiltered, animal or vegetable. It is injected under the skin using a cannula or long syringes with a sterile needle. The most famous drugs here are Belotero, Viscoderm and Restylane Vital.

This procedure is cosmetic and is performed in a beauty salon or medical center. The doctor must have permission to work with fillers for the face, hands, etc. It is recommended for people over 25 for the prevention of wrinkles and after 35 for skin tightening. For very deep folds, the products used are ineffective. The ultimate goal of the beautician is to smooth out the folds of the skin by filling the voids with biological gel. Painful sensations at this time are practically not felt, so anesthesia is not required. But if necessary, a special cream can be applied to the treated area to reduce sensitivity.

Note! The introduction of fillers under the skin in cosmetology is called contour plastics.

Varieties of non-surgical rejuvenation with fillers

Most often, this method is applied in relation to the face, hands and intimate places. The technique of carrying out the procedures in this case is fundamentally no different - the same formulations and syringes are used. The most difficult thing is to adjust the brushes, since it is quite difficult to achieve an even distribution of the composition due to the thinness of the skin.

Fillers for face rejuvenation

Contour correction of nasolabial folds
Contour correction of nasolabial folds

Low viscosity gels are used to fill fine wrinkles, and medium and high viscosity gels are used to correct the labial, nasolabial and frontal folds. In addition to smoothing rough edges, they help fight dryness by maintaining water balance. These funds are also needed to activate the production of its own hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin, which create the skeleton of the skin.

Facial rejuvenation with fillers has the following features:

  • The fillers used are biocompatible with human tissues.
  • Hyaluronic acid almost never causes rejection and allergies.
  • The effect is noticeable immediately after the first visit to the doctor.
  • For consistent results, 3 to 5 injections are required.
  • Regardless of the quality, all gels in the skin dissolve, the question is only in time, after 2 or 3 years.

Facial contouring with fillers is excellently combined with other cosmetic procedures - bio-reinforcement, laser biorevitalization, etc.

Hand rejuvenation with fillers

Hand contouring
Hand contouring

Basically, we are talking about tightening the skin of the hands, since it is primarily on them that the aging processes of the body are reflected. Injections can be given in the joints and fingers. Since the dermis in these areas is very thin and there is a high risk of damage to the capillaries by the needle, doctors use a miniature cannula in their practice.

In the case of hands, natural, untreated hyaluronic acid is injected into the tissue in combination, for example, with hydroxylapatite or phosphate buffer. Its absorption rate reaches almost 99%, the penetration depth is approximately 0.5 cm.

The procedure lasts on average 20 minutes, one course consists of 3-5 sessions. It is aimed at moisturizing the skin, improving blood circulation, stimulating metabolic processes in tissues and filling the voids formed in them. This option is mainly chosen by people over 40 years old.

When hands are rejuvenated, the introduction of fillers does not give a permanent result, every 3-12 months the beautician must be visited again.

Intimate rejuvenation with fillers

Rejuvenation with fillers of the intimate area
Rejuvenation with fillers of the intimate area

The success of their application in sexology and gynecology determined the ability of gels to increase the volume and improve tissue elasticity. They are necessary to correct the labia majora and labia majora, to eliminate their flabbiness, which becomes more pronounced with aging.

With the help of these drugs, it is possible to achieve the aesthetics of the intimate zone and prevent vaginal dryness, and sometimes even unpleasant sensations after birth injuries are eliminated in women. The introduction of such gels tones the muscles, increases sexual satisfaction and libido. Fillers for intimate plastics can be both liquid and thick. They are injected using the syringe in which they are sold. Usually there are 2 of them in one pack, this is quite enough for one course.

The preparations are made from hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin with a low level of migration. Their resorption occurs within a year, after which the genitals return to their previous state.

Note! Fillers are administered in an outpatient clinic under local anesthesia by a gynecologist, not a cosmetologist.

Indications for non-surgical rejuvenation with fillers

Age and expression wrinkles on the face
Age and expression wrinkles on the face

For intimate, hand and facial plastics, they are slightly different, but they are united by the minimum recommended age of 25 years. It is during these years that the first signs of aging of the body appear, which already requires the adoption of preventive measures. With their help, you can both eliminate discomfort and achieve an aesthetic appearance of the external genital organs. All existing indications are listed below:

  1. Intimate … This option will be indispensable for people with a violation of the shape and small size of the labia, injuries in the perineum associated with childbirth, dryness of the vaginal mucosa, causing constant itching and discomfort during intercourse. This procedure is also relevant for kraurosis (degenerative lesion of the vulva). But first of all, intimate plastic with the help of fillers is indicated when stretching the walls of the vagina against the background of aging, wrinkling of the labia majora, their flabbiness, sagging and a decrease in skin tone in the perineal region.
  2. Obverse … This procedure will be useful for people with lowered corners of the lips, age and expression wrinkles near the nose, in the area of the upper lip and eyebrows, on the forehead. It is effective in reducing the appearance of the nasolacrimal sulcus and crow's feet, modeling the shape of the earlobes. In addition to the purpose of rejuvenation, the introduction of fillers under the skin of the face is necessary to reshape the chin.
  3. Manual … This type of rejuvenation is recommended when it is necessary to correct aesthetic imperfections and with age-related changes in the skin of the hands. The main goal is to model the dorsum of the hands with preparations based on hyaluronic acid to smooth out fine wrinkles and increase tissue elasticity. Among the additional indications, one should also highlight a thin fat layer and a pronounced vascular network, but usually this does not affect age much.

Contraindications to filler correction

Acute infectious disease
Acute infectious disease

The largest number of them is noted for those wishing to undergo intimate plastic surgery. Here they will definitely refuse if a childbirth has recently passed, especially unsuccessful ones, an abortion was made or there were operations on the genitals. Naturally, during the period of menstruation, such a procedure is also not carried out; after it, at least 3-5 days should pass. For 2-3 days before the session, you need to refrain from intercourse. Among other contraindications, regardless of the place of injection of fillers, it is worth highlighting:

  • Blood clotting disorder … This is due to the fact that an artery may be affected during the procedure by an inexperienced doctor. In this case, severe bleeding will open and there will be a threat to the patient's life.
  • Oncological diseases … Neoplasms deplete the body and make it less susceptible to medications. The danger is that any remedy with hindsight can provoke tumor growth and accelerate the course of the disease.
  • Acute infectious diseases … You should not visit a doctor during an acute respiratory viral infection epidemic, in the presence of tuberculosis, hepatitis and syphilis in the stage of activation. They lower the level of immunity, as a result of which there is a risk of developing an allergic reaction to one or another gel.
  • Epilepsy … Those suffering from it need to refrain from any procedures that can cause shock and provoke an attack. Even if they have not been observed for a long time, you should not relax.
  • Inflammation in the injection area … Redness, itching, irritation and swelling - all this should alert and delay the rejuvenation, otherwise the affected area may increase in size.
  • Dermatological diseases … We are talking about urticaria, dermatitis, psoriasis, which are very often most pronounced on the hands and face. It is also necessary to postpone the session if there is a rash, blisters or other lesions at the injection site.
  • Scar tendency … This contraindication is not harsh, since with a careful injection, even the most subtle trace usually does not remain. The risk of its appearance arises if the reception is carried out by an inexperienced doctor.

The most significant contraindication is hyaluronic acid intolerance, which is quite common. You can understand that it is taking place by the appearance of redness, itching and irritation after the introduction of the gel under the skin.

How do you make rejuvenation with fillers?

Filler injection
Filler injection

First, anamnesis is taken to exclude existing contraindications. Then, based on the depth of the wrinkles, a preparation is selected - low, medium or high viscosity. After that, it is checked for hypoallergenicity by injecting a small amount. If the skin does not respond to this with redness, swelling and itching, the procedure is continued.

The technique of injecting fillers for the hands, intimate area and face is approximately the same:

  1. The desired place is cleaned of contamination with gel or soap, and then wiped dry with a napkin.
  2. An anesthetic cream is applied to the skin and left for a few minutes until absorbed.
  3. At this stage, the points at which the injections will be made are marked.
  4. The skin is treated with alcohol for disinfection.
  5. The doctor opens a sterile syringe with hyaluronic acid in front of the patient, or takes a cannula with a thin needle and draws the composition with it.
  6. At this stage, the doctor in disposable gloves positions the syringe at a slight angle.
  7. The needle is slowly inserted to a depth of 0.5 cm, after which a part of the drug is injected.
  8. Then the required number of injections are made and the remaining gel is consumed.
  9. At the end of the procedure, the skin is again wiped with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.

The session ends with a consultation with a specialist who talks about the intricacies of facial, intimate place or hand care. In total, the procedure lasts 20-25 minutes.

Before and after rejuvenation with fillers

Before and after filler injection
Before and after filler injection

It usually takes no more than 2 days to recover from the injection of fillers. During this time, slight swelling, itching, irritation and redness of the injected areas may appear. If all this does not go away within two days, you may need anti-inflammatory and soothing ointments - Indomethacin, Ichthyol, Vishnevsky. The whole next day after the session, in order to avoid blood poisoning, you must not touch the problem area with your hands, especially with dirty hands. It is also not allowed to take too hot shower or bath, visit the bathhouse, pool and sauna. It is not recommended to apply cosmetics to your face and lubricate your hands with cream. It is equally important to spend less time in the sun. If the skin of the hands is tightened, then in the first 2-3 days, strong loads should be avoided that require their use (push-ups, pull-ups, etc.). It is contraindicated to massage hands and wash dishes without disposable rubber gloves. Approximately the same amount of time is not allowed for cleansing the face with scrubs in the case of the introduction of gels into it.

As a result of the use of fillers for intimate plastics, the vaginal mucosa is moistened and its pH normalized, the libido and the tone of the pelvic floor muscles increase, and the appearance of the external genital organs improves. The introduction of fillers under the skin of the face and brushes leads to its smoothing, a decrease in the number of age and expression wrinkles, hydration and elimination of dryness. As a result, there are folds in the lips and nose, on the cheeks and forehead.

Real reviews of patients about rejuvenation with fillers

Facial contouring with fillers
Facial contouring with fillers

There are a wide variety of brands of fillers nowadays. Only a specialist cosmetologist will be able to choose the right one for the needs of the skin. He will also determine the number of injections and the volume of the injected substance. In general, the reviews after the procedure are mostly positive. Valeria, 41 years old

I have already done facial contouring with fillers several times. Now I use Tiosilai. The gel is excellent, it gives a good effect for about a year. I have a rather active facial expression, so the first facial wrinkles appeared at the age of 25-27. Later, nasolabial folds and wrinkles on the forehead were added to them. All this greatly ages and adds years. The cosmetologist immediately advised injecting Botox, but I decided to wait with him and made injections with fillers. The result suits me perfectly! The procedure itself is also quite pleasant - not painful and fast. Just a couple of injections - and the face is like new. Now I think to raise the corners of my lips a little.

Svetlana, 45 years old

Before deciding on a filler rejuvenation procedure, I was worried for a long time. I am allergic, and therefore you never know what reaction will be from the skin to a new substance. At best, she could just throw money down the drain. At worst, the face could “float” or asymmetry would occur. In general, a lot of horrors climbed into my head. The biggest problem was the area of the nasolabial fold - real creases that were very aging. I carefully chose a salon and a contouring specialist. As a result, I opted for the Austrian filler Princess Volum. It is dense, homogeneous and biodegradable. Suitable for deep wrinkles like mine. I bought my filler and went to the salon with it. One syringe was enough for all problem areas of the face. Not a single bruise remained in the nasolabial area, but blue discoloration appeared in the corners of the lips, obviously, the capillaries were touched. However, it quickly passed. In general, a very useful procedure, and the effect on the face immediately! Despite the fact that I am allergic, the drug suited me perfectly. Moreover, the procedure is painless and without anesthesia. I hope the effect will last at least a year, as promised in the salon.

Polina, 32 years old

I decided on injections of hyaluronic acid in the intimate area. After the birth of the child, everything there stretched out and did not return to normal in any way. Kegel exercises were not effective enough. I realized that in my intimate life there was a problem that needed to be solved somehow. She didn’t agree to the operation - it’s very scary. I decided to try the injections. They should be done only by gynecologists, not cosmetologists. At the clinic, they took my smears, listened to complaints, examined me. A few days later, they called for the procedure. She herself lasted about 20 minutes, under anesthesia. After the introduction of the filler, it was impossible for five days to take a bath, go to the sauna, live a sex life. All this time there were pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, but tolerable. Passed an examination five days later - everything is fine, they gave the go-ahead for an intimate relationship. I tested it with my husband - both were delighted. Firstly, it has become already, and secondly, there is a lubricant. Thirdly, there were sensations, as before childbirth, and finally an orgasm came! In general, I recommend the procedure because it solved all my intimate problems.

Photos before and after rejuvenation with fillers

Before and after rejuvenation with face fillers
Before and after rejuvenation with face fillers
Face before and after rejuvenation with fillers
Face before and after rejuvenation with fillers
Before and after hand rejuvenation with fillers
Before and after hand rejuvenation with fillers

How to make rejuvenation with fillers - watch the video:

Correctly performed rejuvenation of the hands with fillers, as well as their treatment of the face and intimate parts of the body, does not cause any harm to health and has a positive effect on the aesthetics of a person's appearance. This procedure is relatively simple and accessible to the general public, which makes it very popular.