Removal of age spots with a laser: indications, contraindications, reviews

Removal of age spots with a laser: indications, contraindications, reviews
Removal of age spots with a laser: indications, contraindications, reviews

What is laser pigmentation removal? Indications and contraindications for the procedure. How is pigmentation removed from the body, what are the results and consequences? Real reviews of girls.

Laser removal of age spots is a highly effective modern method of eliminating skin imperfections. With the invention of the laser beam and the introduction of technology into cosmetology, specialists were able to achieve excellent results with minimal health risks. The light wave acts directly on pigmentation, heating and destroying melanin. Therefore, damage to the healthy epidermis is excluded.

What is laser pigmentation removal?

Laser removal of age spots on the face
Laser removal of age spots on the face

Laser removal of age spots on the face and body is a hardware method that involves layer-by-layer destruction of melanin. This is the only truly effective and non-traumatic way, other procedures only allow lightening the accumulation of pigment.

Cosmetologists can also offer cryotherapy, acid washout, but none of the methods works as effectively as a laser. This is the first obvious plus of innovative technology.

The result after the removal of age spots on the face with a laser, according to reviews, lasts a long period. If the production of melanin is normalized, which happens in most cases, the skin will remain light, evenly colored for many years. Naturally, provided that the factors that provoke the formation of age spots are excluded.

After laser operation, the stained cells are gradually peeled off. The method allows you to effectively remove stains of any size and complexity. After that, new cells are formed on the treated area without excessive accumulation of pigment, so the skin acquires a natural color.

The specificity of melanin is such that its production is activated by exposure to sunlight. Therefore, most often suffer from the face, open parts of the body - neckline, shoulders, arms. The risk group includes women over 35 years old, since pigmentation also increases against the background of hormonal imbalances.

But not only ladies may need laser removal of age spots on the body. Some medications also aggravate the situation by stimulating the production of melanin. There are also chronic diseases that affect processes in the body, including the production of pigments.

Although the procedure is almost 100% safe, to guarantee a successful result and to eliminate unpleasant consequences, it is important to properly prepare for it. You should not sunbathe 2 weeks before going to the beautician. 7 days before removing stains, do not take such medications - ibuprofen and aspirin, tetracycline antibiotics.

It is necessary to stop taking retinoids 3 months before the planned procedure. Self-tanning is prohibited four weeks before the treatment of the skin.

Indications for laser removal of age spots

Pigmented spots on a woman's face
Pigmented spots on a woman's face

Laser removal of age spots on the face, hands and other parts of the body is considered a safe procedure that is well tolerated by patients. The salon is approached with a variety of problems, ranging from spots that can appear in women during pregnancy, and ending with freckles.

In most cases, such phenomena cause discomfort only because of the aesthetic component. And only sometimes the excessive production of melanin is caused by serious problems in the body, when you cannot do without treatment in a regular hospital. But at the same time, you may still need laser treatment in combination with drug therapy.

A beautician will help you cope with seborrheic keratosis. The procedure is effective for removing epidermal moles. Sometimes pigmentation occurs after an injury, and in this case, you can safely resort to this method.

Laser removal of age spots may be needed by lovers of sunbathing on the beach: the procedure will help even out the tone if the skin is too dark. Often, changes in the direction of uneven skin color are observed by people who overly love the tanning bed. If pigmentation really does appear after going to the salon, you can safely sign up for stain removal.

The method is effective in combating lentigo age spots.

Prices for laser removal of age spots:

  • area up to 2 cm2 for one century - from 2550 rubles;
  • area up to 8 cm2 in one century - from 3700 rubles;
  • local area up to 4 cm2 - from 2100 rubles;
  • area up to 10 cm2 - from 4450 rubles.

See also how to use Ascorutin for age spots on the skin.

Contraindications for laser removal of age spots

Diabetes mellitus as contraindications for laser removal of age spots
Diabetes mellitus as contraindications for laser removal of age spots

Although the procedure is considered harmless, it is worth making sure that there are no health problems for which the laser beam is not recommended. And first of all, cosmetologists will advise to wait for the 18th birthday - usually, children do not do pigmentation removal.

If you want to even out the tone after sunbathing, you will have to wait at least 30 days after being on the beach.

The consequences of laser removal of age spots are unpredictable if a person has skin problems - inflammation, cuts, acne, psoriasis or allergic dermatitis. So the beautician will recommend to cure the epidermis, and then sign up for a session. The main thing is that the area to be treated is healthy.

Contraindications include cancer and autoimmune diseases, the formation of keloid scars. Even if a person is prone to tumor formations, it is better not to fight with purely aesthetic defects.

The procedure is not performed for patients with tuberculosis and epilepsy. Pregnant women will have to postpone the trip to the salon, as in the lactation period, it is better not to rush to remove pigmentation.

The list of contraindications for laser removal of age spots also includes:

  • blood diseases;
  • severe damage to the cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes;
  • endocrinological diseases.

You should not go to a beauty salon during an exacerbation of a mental illness. The procedure is not done for people with a pacemaker. With a severe form of varicose veins, the cosmetologist will also advise not to use the method.

How is laser removal of age spots done?

How is laser removal of age spots done?
How is laser removal of age spots done?

Laser removal of age spots is a salon procedure that begins with the preparation of the skin. If you have to work with a face, make-up removal is performed, and then cleaning. The patient is placed on a cosmetology couch. The eyes are protected from the beam with special glasses.

The doctor applies a special gel to the area to be treated. If we are talking about especially sensitive areas (around the eyes, for example), then he will suggest an anesthetic. Next, the specialist proceeds directly to the removal of pigmentation. First, the cosmetologist determines the patient's sensitivity to the laser and adjusts the device in such a way as to achieve the effect, but exclude painful sensations. Only tingling or warmth is possible, which does not cause discomfort.

The laser tip is brought closer to the spot without touching the body. After treatment, the skin is cooled with a special nozzle and cosmetics are applied: as a rule, it is a balm for restoration with a disinfection effect and a cream for sun protection.

Removal of age spots on the hands with a laser most often occurs in several stages. To exclude burns, the doctor will not rush to "burn" all the cells stained with melanin at once.

A course of 2 or more procedures is recommended. But how many times you will have to visit the office, the cosmetologist determines. He draws up a treatment program, taking into account the characteristics of the skin, the scale and depth of the lesion.

Traditionally, a break is taken between procedures: it can last for three or four weeks. On average, one session lasts no more than half an hour.

See more on how to get rid of age spots

Skin care after laser pigmentation removal

Skin care after laser pigmentation removal
Skin care after laser pigmentation removal

After removing the age spot with a laser, there is practically no need for special rehabilitation. A crust forms on the area that has been treated with the beam. The doctor will forbid you to touch it - it must come off naturally.

Very rarely, puffiness appears on the treated area. If such an effect occurs, as a rule, it disappears literally on the second day.

After the crust has disappeared, a speck of light pink color will be found under it. Literally within the next 2 weeks, the maximum area will acquire a shade characteristic of healthy skin.

If you are confused by the price of laser removal of age spots on the face and body, the result will prove that such a choice is justified. Moreover, unlike other procedures, the effect can last for a long time.

Although the treated area does not require special care, it must be protected from the sun. Therefore, the doctor strongly recommends applying a cream with an SPF of 30 or more. In addition, he will prohibit sunbathing for at least 2 weeks.

It is worth giving up hot baths, not going to the sauna for at least 3 days after treating the stains. It is still necessary to forget for a while about any skin care products, if they contain alcohol.

If the beautician has worked on the face, it is better not to use decorative cosmetics for at least 24 hours. Until the spot evens out in color with the surrounding tissues, they do not resort to cosmetic procedures that injure the epidermis. For example, they include any peelings, scrubs.

Results of laser removal of age spots

Before and after removing age spots on the face
Before and after removing age spots on the face

Reviews on the removal of age spots with a laser best confirm the effectiveness of the procedure. After completing the course recommended by the beautician, clients are happy to even out their skin color. She becomes light, natural shade.

It must be emphasized that the laser not only lightens the skin for a while, it is a painless destruction and removal of melanin. Therefore, cosmetologists achieve excellent results that last for a long time, if not forever. Chemical peeling can demonstrate a similar effect with the difference that it does not penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. In addition, alternative methods can be traumatic, unlike laser removal of age spots: reviews indicate that it goes away without pain, without a long recovery period.

Moreover, the sparing effect of the beam generally has a beneficial effect on the epidermis. Laser energy activates collagen and elastane production. Therefore, in the photo after removal of age spots with a laser, not only lightening, but also smoothing of the skin is noticeable.

For the procedure to proceed safely, you should choose a salon with good recommendations. The priority for new generation laser devices: they are distinguished by increased power, while acting on the skin in a gentle way, eliminating adverse effects.

To consolidate the result, a professional and experienced cosmetologist usually gives recommendations on how to maintain the epidermis in order to exclude the appearance of new spots. If you follow his advice, you will probably be able to avoid recurrence of hyperpigmentation.

Real reviews about laser removal of age spots

Reviews about laser removal of age spots
Reviews about laser removal of age spots

The prices for the removal of age spots with a laser are quite consistent with the result that the client receives. It is not surprising that such a service is becoming more and more in demand. Basically, the procedure receives only positive feedback.

Elena, 36 years old

I have quite capricious skin - dry, prone to peeling, while light, even pale. Sometimes after the sea, I had spots on my shoulders, which eventually disappeared. But in recent years, I noticed that the tone does not even out to the end. This phenomenon began to embarrass or even frighten me, so I signed up for a beautician. He reassured - they say, there is nothing wrong with pigmentation, and advised to remove the specks with a laser. Everything went painlessly, except a little prickly. So I waited until the crusts disappeared, the skin brightened, the result is pleasing.

Diana, 40 years old

This is not the first time I have done the procedure. Even 10 years ago, I removed freckles on my face, it was already very thickly sprinkled with them. And now pigment spots have gone along the decollete zone, probably age makes itself felt. Everything went well, I'm happy with the result.

Svetlana, 24 years old

Just a few years ago, I noticed a darkened speck on my cheek. At first I didn’t pay attention, then it began to catch my eye somehow. I was scared, checked by the doctors, they said - it's okay, but it's ugly. Therefore, I googled, found about laser removal of pigmentation, decided to do such a procedure. I practically did not feel any discomfort during the operation of the laser. Now the skin is beautiful, light, as if there was nothing.

How laser removal of age spots is done - watch the video:

Removal of age spots on the face and body with a laser, according to reviews, is one of the most effective procedures. Subject to the recommendations of the cosmetologist, you can quickly and permanently get rid of skin defects. The only thing that can be confusing is the cost of the service.