How to make a honey and clay face mask

How to make a honey and clay face mask
How to make a honey and clay face mask

Face masks with honey and clay deeply moisturize and qualitatively nourish the skin, and also fight the manifestations of aging. The main thing is to know and be able to make compositions that are right for you. The clay and honey face mask is a treatment aimed at cleansing, nourishing and aging dermis. These two incredibly useful ingredients are able to cope with a variety of problems, and with regular use, they achieve 100% of the main goal: to give a woman healthy, toned and smooth skin.

Benefits of honey and clay face masks

Due to the fact that the composition of the cosmetic product includes two ingredients strong in their composition, the effect of this procedure is enhanced. The skin is instantly cleansed, hydrated, and the aging process slows down. Honey and clay work in different ways, but their benefits overlap at some point.

Useful properties of clay for facial skin

Pink clay for the face
Pink clay for the face

Mineral clay is an effective face care product that has long been known for its amazing results. It is part of a variety of masks, but its effect depends on the type. Many people think that there are 2-3 varieties of this powder, but, in fact, there are seven types that are useful for the dermis, which are used in cosmetology.

Types of clay and its beneficial properties:

  • White clay … Rich in zinc and magnesium. This substance is considered a natural antiseptic, so it is suitable for women with sensitive and irritated skin. White clay promotes cell regeneration, stimulates metabolic processes. After it, the skin becomes firm and smooth.
  • Blue clay … Thanks to iron, phosphate and aluminum, it whitens the dermis, unclogs pores and works as an anti-inflammatory. Its main properties are cleansing, brightening and smoothing. Recommended for women with acne, pigmentation and sagging skin.
  • Yellow clay … It contains potassium and iron and thanks to these components it perfectly removes puffiness and fights signs of fatigue. Yellow clay removes toxins, makes flaccid skin firm and has a drying effect that helps with acne. Suitable for women with breakouts or signs of early aging.
  • Green clay … The most nutrient-rich type of clay. It contains zinc, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, silver and other heavy metals. These components perfectly cleanse, whiten, eliminate excess subcutaneous fat and nourish the skin. At the same time, green clay has a rejuvenating effect, by improving blood circulation and cell regeneration, the face contour is tightened, the color improves, and fine wrinkles disappear. This clay is good for women with problem skin and for women over 40.
  • Red clay … It has good soothing properties. And also it is often used against the manifestation of allergic reactions. It is recommended to use red clay if irritation appears on the face. It works especially well for sensitive skin.
  • Pink clay … It nourishes the dermis well, saturating the cells with oxygen, and helps to get rid of puffiness. Acts very gently. It is used for normal facial skin.
  • Black clay … This is the best cleanser, which, thanks to beneficial trace elements, saturates the pores with magnesium and iron. In its effect on the dermis, it is similar to a scrub - it cleanses and tones. In addition, it removes dirt from the surface of the skin and tightens pores.

Any of the above types of clay is an excellent cosmetic product, but you can improve and soften its effect if you use additional components for the mask. Honey in this case is ideal.

Benefits of honey for the skin

Honey for facial skin
Honey for facial skin

Honey, in turn, is rich in various vitamins and useful microelements that quickly saturate the dermis and improve its condition.

The beneficial properties of honey are as follows:

  1. Healing … Thanks to vitamins such as B1, B2 and C, honey quickly heals minor lesions, smoothes the skin, and also promotes the formation of new cells.
  2. Moisturizing … Vitamin B6 is responsible for hydrating the dermis. Moisture, penetrating into the pores, is retained longer, and the skin looks healthier.
  3. Nutritious … Trace elements that make up honey are similar to human plasma, so they penetrate deep into tissues and nourish the dermis at the cellular level.
  4. Cleansing … Honey works as a natural sorbent, penetrating deep into the pores, it removes toxins, dirt and accumulated fat.
  5. Rejuvenating … Polyphenols and zinc - substances that make up honey, penetrating deep into the pores, slow down the aging process and have an amazing effect, saving from wrinkles. Antioxidants, which are rich in bee nectar, give a similar effect.
  6. Anti-inflammatory … Vitamin B3, which is part of honey, removes various redness and perfectly fights acne.
  7. Renewing … The skin after masks with honey, rich in mineral salts, becomes healthy and well-groomed after the first application, precisely due to the fact that honey enhances cell regeneration and renews the upper layer of the dermis in just 15 minutes.

The bee product is highly valued in cosmetology because it is a natural substance rich in vitamins. In turn, the clay contains a unique complex of useful microelements. Together, these two ingredients have an amazing effect.

Contraindications to the use of clay and honey for the face

Couperose on the cheeks
Couperose on the cheeks

Clay masks with honey can not be used by all women. It should be noted that clay has no serious contraindications, but honey is the strongest allergen, which must be used carefully.

Who shouldn't use the honey-clay mask:

  • Allergy sufferers who have a reaction to any beekeeping product.
  • People with facial hair. The hard texture of the clay can damage the bulb and cause inflammation or even open bleeding.
  • Girls with pronounced red blood vessels on the face. Couperose requires the use of more gentle cosmetics, and honey and clay can damage the vessels close to the surface of the dermis.
  • People with any kind of skin disease or damage to the face, such as boils, warts, burns, cuts, etc.
  • Women with hypersensitive skin. Despite the mild effect, the mask with clay and honey can scratch and damage the surface of the dermis, therefore it is not recommended to use it for owners of sensitive skin.

Homemade Honey and Clay Face Masks Recipes

Clay and honey face masks are popular for their ease of preparation and availability of ingredients. And the result after using them is no worse than after visiting a beautician and performing expensive salon procedures.

Anti-wrinkle honey and clay face masks

Anti-wrinkle face mask
Anti-wrinkle face mask

Thanks to the beneficial substances that make up the two main components of the mask, a woman gets a unique result - the oval of the face is tightened, fine wrinkles disappear. Additional ingredients help to achieve this effect. Recipes for anti-aging masks:

  1. Classic Cleopatra Mask … Mix 20 grams of white clay, 10 ml of lemon juice, 15 ml of honey. Such a product will give the face an even porcelain color, as well as smooth out wrinkles and narrow pores. It was believed that there were several Cleopatra masks, but it is the recipe with honey and clay that is the classic version, which has been known for its fantastic effect for many centuries.
  2. Sour cream, honey and green clay mask … Mix 1 tsp. 20% sour cream, liquid honey and green clay, which is previously diluted with water until mushy. The mask fights against the natural manifestations of aging, while sour cream has softening and soothing properties.
  3. Mask based on orange juice, honey and white clay … Take some juice? parts of a medium orange and add 1 tsp to it. honey and? a teaspoon of dry white clay. This mass is perfect for use by women with different skin - it makes it smooth, evens out color and tightens.
  4. Mask with corn flour, black clay and honey … Dilute 1 tsp. black clay in 1 tbsp. l. milk. Mix in a container 1 tsp. corn flour with 1 tsp. warmed honey and add clay. This is a remedy designed for women over 40 years of age. It helps to restore the natural oval of the face and slows down the formation of new wrinkles.

Face masks with honey and clay for acne

Acne face mask
Acne face mask

Very often, clay and honey are used to combat breakouts, small pimples and even the scars they leave on the skin.

Anti-acne mask recipes:

  • Body mask … Pour 1 tbsp into the dish. l. bodyagi, add 2 tbsp. l. green clay and dilute the powder with water until a smooth, mushy consistency. This remedy dries the dermis a little, removes redness and relieves inflammation, and also prevents the appearance of new acne.
  • Salt mask … 1 tbsp. l. blue clay and 1 tbsp. l. Pour salt into a container and dilute with water to thicken the mass. Used for problem areas and applied to acne areas. Works by deeply penetrating the pores, cleaning them and slowing down the sebaceous glands.
  • Aloe mask … Pre-grind the aloe leaf in a blender. For a mask, mix 1 tsp. aloe porridge with 1 tsp. yellow clay and? h. l. warm honey. This product will delicately cleanse the dermis, remove excess oil and tighten pores.

Please note that some components of the masks can cause a burning sensation, in this case, immediately wash off the product with cool water.

How to make a honey and clay mask for your face

Clay for making a mask
Clay for making a mask

A honey-clay mask is an effective remedy for skin care, but it is important to properly prepare and mix the components, otherwise the beneficial substances will not penetrate into the dermis in their entirety.

Rules for making a mask with honey and clay:

  1. The clay must be diluted with water at room temperature. Hot water will destroy the structure of a substance, and too cold water will not reveal its properties.
  2. Clay should be similar in consistency to sour cream 15-20%. Too dense texture will quickly harden on the face, and its particles will not penetrate deep into the pores, will not work.
  3. If honey is supposed to be warm according to the recipe, it should be heated in a water bath for 5-7 minutes.
  4. If the mask involves the use of other ingredients, combine the dry ingredients first, and then add the liquid ingredients.
  5. Use only high quality liquid honey of golden color. A candied product, even if it is dissolved in a water bath, loses most of its beneficial trace elements.
  6. The product must be prepared immediately before applying to the face; it cannot be stored in the refrigerator.
  7. Buy clay at the pharmacy, where you can find any kind of clay. Check the expiration dates of the powder before purchasing.
  8. The product should be prepared in a ceramic or glass container. Metal vessels are not suitable for this.

How to apply a mask with honey and clay to your face

Applying a mask to the face
Applying a mask to the face

Due to the dense texture of the clay, this product can overload the skin in sensitive areas, and if you overexpose the mask, it will do more harm than good. To apply the mask correctly, you need to know:

  • Check for allergies before applying to face. Apply a little mass to your hand and wait 10-15 minutes. If the skin is not reddened or itchy, you can use it.
  • Apply the product in a thin, even layer with a special brush, delicately treating problem areas.
  • Do not apply the mask around the eyes and close to the lips - this will dry out the delicate skin in these areas.
  • After applying the product, lie down, relax and do not talk. The tool automatically works against mimic wrinkles, and sudden movements under such a mask can only do much harm.
  • Women with different skin types should hold the mask differently. Women with dry type - 5 minutes, combination or sensitive - 10 minutes, with oily and problem skin - 15 minutes.
  • Do not wait until the clay-honey mass is completely dry! It must remain a little wet, otherwise the product will begin to pick up valuable moisture from the dermis.
  • It is necessary to remove the mask from the face delicately: wet a cloth and dry your face thoroughly, remove layer by layer. This will prevent you from scratching yourself with dry clay.
  • After the mask, be sure to moisturize your face with cream.
  • Do the mask twice a week. For a high-quality result, this will be quite enough. If you take too much of it, the dermis will become thinner and hypersensitive.
  • If you are making an anti-acne mask, you can only apply it to problem areas.

How to make a mask with honey and clay for the face - watch the video:

Regularly using a honey-clay mask, you can provide yourself with quality care. Thanks to the unique components, the skin of the face will radiate health, and you will forget about the previous shortcomings.