Protein and clay mask for blackheads

Protein and clay mask for blackheads
Protein and clay mask for blackheads

Today we will reveal to you the whole truth about black dots. What is it, where and why do they come from? We'll tell you all about cosmetic clay and egg whites. Comedones are a type of cyst that forms as a result of blockage of the follicle mouth with horny masses. Comedones are divided into two types: open (blackheads) and closed (whiteheads).

Directly in people with increased sebum secretion and oily skin, comedones are often formed, the tops of which become black due to the admixture of dust, dirt and particles of cosmetics. Most often, comedones appear on the nose, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to get rid of them once and for all, but if you regularly tighten and cleanse the pores, this will help to significantly reduce their appearance on the face, the skin will acquire a healthy, natural and beautiful color.

When making a variety of scrubs, lotions, masks or others like these products at home from conventional components, you should never forget about the excellent effect on the skin of such a product as cosmetic clay. It contains just a colossal amount of magnesium, potassium, iron, nitrogen, phosphate and other trace elements, which makes it almost a "magician" in cosmetology.

Its effect on the skin condition is flawless, cosmetic clay miraculously cleanses the skin, removes excess sebum from its surface, eliminates redness, peeling and irritation. Masks that contain clay can be used for both dry and oily or combination skin. It all depends on the color of the clay itself, as well as on the components that will complement home remedies for skin care.

It is clay masks that are a quality tool that is aimed at combating blackheads. Clay masks, using capillary action, very well absorb various substances, for example, bacteria, sebum and even toxins, and then easily remove all these irritants to the surface of the skin. And the most important thing is their exfoliating effect and removal of blackheads without any mechanical impact and injury to the skin surface.

And now let's pay a little attention to the second component of the protein-clay mask from black dots, which will be discussed a little below, namely, the egg white. Let's talk in more detail about the benefits of chicken protein in cosmetology. Egg white is a product that has very valuable and unique properties, which is very useful when you need to get rid of blackheads. Another great advantage of protein is that it takes a minimum of time to prepare masks with its composition, and the result from them is simply amazing.

What is the most important benefit of protein, and why does it have such an effect on skin, especially oily skin? And the fact that its main advantage is in its anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. Many girls whose skin is of the oily type, in whom it has a predisposition to the constant occurrence of acne, acne and even inflammation, have long discovered the beneficial properties of such a simple and at the same time unique product. Today it is known that protein has such a colossal amount of medicinal properties that it is now successfully used not only in home cosmetology, but also in the manufacture of medicines. For example, egg white contains vitamin H and seven B vitamins, and many minerals: calcium, magnesium, potassium, chlorine, iron, zinc, copper, iodine, manganese, chromium, cobalt, molybdenum. It has long been known in the world of cosmetology and beauty that all these substances are of great benefit.

To prepare any protein mask, it is always necessary to take raw protein, and as practice has shown, one protein is always completely enough for one portion of the mask. First of all, in order to learn how to make the most useful protein masks, you need to be very careful about separating the yolk from the protein, in no case should the yolk get into the protein mask, it can simply ruin all the unique properties of the mask.

It must be remembered that for the masks it is necessary to take only homemade eggs, and it is necessary to beat the protein with a mixer, because, since you will knock it down with a mixer, you will not knock it down with anything else. There are simply a colossal amount and many varieties of protein masks, various components are added to the protein, which radically changes both the composition of the mask and its property. In our case, namely, in order to destroy blackheads as much as possible, you need to mix protein with cosmetic clay, neither with fruits, nor with nuts, nor with lemon, nor with herbs, namely with cosmetic clay. What color this clay will be, it does not really matter anymore, you just need to know in advance what type of skin you have and select the clay for it, and the protein will suit any type of skin.

Recipes for masks from protein and clay from blackheads

Making a clay and egg mask
Making a clay and egg mask
  1. For her, we need to take one egg, separate the white from the yolk, beat the white well with a mixer, and then add 2 tsp. with a slide, clay, and mix well again. Blue or white clay is most suitable, but if neither one suits you, then we take the one that has a beneficial effect on your skin type. After thoroughly mixing this mixture, apply on the face for about 15 minutes, then wash off with cold, but not ice, water. If a mask with such a composition is used regularly, then in a very short time, the face will get rid of oily sheen and, of course, blackheads.
  2. To prepare this mask, you need to mix 1-2 tsp. cosmetic clay, one protein and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply to face for 20 minutes and rinse. The mask helps to well cleanse the face not only of blackheads, but also, thanks to lemon, reduces pigmentation on the face. Also indicated for people with oily skin, as these ingredients dry it out, eliminating the oily sheen.
  3. This recipe for a mask from blackheads is very simple; to prepare it, you just need to dilute the required amount of white clay powder with warm boiled water. Protein can be added or without it, since clay is an excellent remedy for problem skin care (blackheads, excessive oiliness, acne, etc.). The mask should be of such consistency as not too thick sour cream (for easy application). Hold for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. Regular use of such a mask after a short time will show you the result. In addition to the disappearance of blackheads, the skin becomes soft and elastic.

Now you know all the information you need to get rid of oily sheen and blackheads on your pretty face. Your further decision depends only on you, will you solve something with this problem or hope that everything will go away by itself.

Useful and effective recipes for masks against blackheads based on white clay in this video:
