Homemade anti-wrinkle masks: composition and recipes

Homemade anti-wrinkle masks: composition and recipes
Homemade anti-wrinkle masks: composition and recipes

Find out the features of home cosmetic procedures against wrinkles, which masks are best used and recipes for their preparation. The human body has the ability, like a sponge, to literally absorb all the substances that are used. Most modern food products include harmful concentrates, dyes, flavors and carcinogens, which allow them not to deteriorate for a long time, but can seriously harm health and external beauty. Therefore, do not be surprised that in the composition of cosmetics you can find a whole periodic table.

As a result of the constant consumption of large quantities of dangerous toxins, the skin suffers first of all and one can face the problem of the appearance of premature wrinkles. Of course, modern cosmetics are most often used, which do not always give the desired result and can only worsen the condition. But there is a way out of any, even the most difficult situation.

For example, you can use homemade cosmetics, for the preparation of which only fresh and natural products are taken. It is the "grandmother's" methods that provide a unique opportunity to restore youthfulness to the skin and avoid plastic surgery.

The effectiveness of homemade anti-wrinkle masks

The girl applies a mask to the skin
The girl applies a mask to the skin

For centuries, women have used a variety of natural remedies given by nature to maintain their beauty. That is why the most ancient techniques are the most effective and efficient. Unlike ready-made cosmetic creams from well-known manufacturers, home cosmetics do not require large expenditures and give a truly amazing result.

Advantages of homemade anti-wrinkle masks

Home-made cosmetics have a lot of positive qualities, in contrast to ready-made store products:

  1. These funds have a relatively low cost. You need to spend a little money on the components for the preparation of such a mask, but the result will be a quality product.
  2. Homemade masks, which contain natural ingredients, can also be used to prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles. These funds are not able to age the skin, while helping to maintain the correct metabolism in the cells, saturating the epidermis with useful elements.
  3. With the regular use of such cosmetic masks, you can get a more lasting effect and completely abandon Botox injections, which many women decide on to maintain youth and beauty.

Disadvantages of homemade anti-wrinkle masks

Despite the many positive qualities of homemade anti-wrinkle masks, these cosmetics also have some disadvantages:

  1. These products include perishable ingredients. It is worth remembering that after the food begins to deteriorate, an oxidation process occurs, which may cause not the most pleasant consequences. When applying a spoiled mask to sensitive skin, there is a risk of serious burns.
  2. Sometimes it can be difficult to accurately calculate the total mass of the mask. It is better to immediately make a little more funds, because if you have to add components, the resulting mass may be of a heterogeneous consistency. The remaining mask can be safely applied to other parts of the body - for example, to the skin of the hands.

Composition of homemade anti-wrinkle masks

Ingredients for making homemade face masks
Ingredients for making homemade face masks

Depending on the type of skin and its condition, the ingredients for making homemade anti-wrinkle masks will be selected:

  • For dry skin care, it is recommended to take egg yolk, oatmeal, vegetable oil, melon, cucumber, banana and plum pulp.
  • For oily skin care, it is recommended to take yeast, yeast bread crumb, pre-soaked in hot water, egg white, lemon juice and dairy products.
  • For normal skin care, it is recommended to take corn or oatmeal (you can use flakes previously chopped in a blender), egg white and yolk, cabbage, beets, zucchini, horseradish and honey.

Do not forget about the existence of universal ingredients that can be added to homemade anti-wrinkle masks for all skin types. These include aloe, natural oils and herbal teas.

How to choose the right anti-wrinkle home mask?

Girl with a coffee mask on her face
Girl with a coffee mask on her face

A wide variety of components have a positive effect on the condition of the skin of the face. But in order to quickly smooth out the existing wrinkles, it is necessary to choose the right home mask that will be the most effective, because today there is still no universal recipe for the most effective remedy.

To choose the right homemade mask that will wash your skin, it is recommended to adhere to the following tips:

  1. First of all, you need to accurately determine the type of skin and remove from the list those components that can provoke irritation. To do this, you just need to conduct a small experiment and experience the effect of several different masks on yourself - a small amount of the product is applied to the wrist, since the skin in this area is very delicate. If there is no irritation, burning, redness or other side effect, the mask can be used.
  2. The desired effect after using the anti-aging mask will begin to appear after a full course. That is why you should not give up a mask that did not give an immediate result, since a positive effect may appear a little later. It is important to remember one main rule - the more efforts are made, the more persistent the result will be.
  3. To prepare the most effective anti-wrinkle mask, it is necessary to choose the right dishes in which it will be made. It is strictly forbidden to use plastic and metal containers, and you do not need to use electrical devices, since as a result, a change in the molecular structure of the composition may occur and, instead of removing wrinkles, even more of them will appear. The ideal option would be to prepare the mask in a glass, wooden or stone container.
  4. The mask, which contains only natural ingredients, should be kept on the face for no more than 20 minutes. After this time, the products begin to sour and the effect of the procedure will decrease.
  5. Also, such masks should be used immediately after preparation and do not store them in the refrigerator, otherwise you can get severe allergies. It is worth remembering that the sooner such masks are applied after preparation, the greater the effect they will give. But the exceptions are homemade masks, which are based on natural oils and herbal decoctions.
  6. It is necessary to apply anti-wrinkle masks on pre-cleansed and well-steamed skin, which will greatly benefit from such a cosmetic procedure.
  7. It is necessary to wash off the remnants of a homemade anti-wrinkle mask using clean and warm water. In the event that after removing the mask, an unpleasant feeling of discomfort appears in the area of its application, you need to apply a small amount of fatty cream, due to which effective prevention of burns will be carried out.
  8. To consolidate the result obtained, after using the mask, it is recommended to use cosmetic ice, for the preparation of which natural juices or herbal decoctions are taken. It will be enough just to wipe the skin with an ice cube and let it dry without rinsing.

Homemade anti-wrinkle masks recipes

Anti-wrinkle home mask
Anti-wrinkle home mask

To date, there are a fairly large number of different recipes for making homemade anti-wrinkle masks, so you can choose a more suitable remedy.

Anti-wrinkle eye mask with parsley

Parsley face mask
Parsley face mask

You need to take 1 tbsp. l. chopped parsley (you can use fresh or dried raw materials) and pour a glass of boiling water. The container is covered with a lid and left for 15 minutes. Take a raw medium-sized potato tuber and chop it on a grater, as you need fresh gruel.

After 15 minutes, as soon as the parsley broth is well infused, you need to mix it with potatoes in proportions 1: 2. Then 1 tbsp is introduced into the composition. l. olive oil and all components are thoroughly mixed.

Gauze is taken, pre-folded in several layers so that it does not shine through, after which a small amount of the resulting composition is applied to it. Then the compress is applied to the eye area and left on for 15–20 minutes.

Regular use of such a mask will help get rid of wrinkles around the eyes and relieve tension and fatigue.

Mask with egg yolk for wrinkles around the eyes

Egg yolk mask ingredients
Egg yolk mask ingredients

This mask provides excellent hydration and saturation of skin cells with useful substances. This remedy is effective in preventing the appearance of early wrinkles.

If wrinkles have already appeared, it is recommended to prepare the following mask - egg yolk is mixed with vegetable oil (all components are taken in equal amounts). The finished mask is applied to problem areas, left for 15–20 minutes, and then washed off with water.

Anti-expression wrinkle oil mask

Hair mask oils
Hair mask oils

Take 2 tbsp. l. peach oil and 2-3 drops of lemon and ylang-ylang oil are injected. The pads of the fingers are dipped into the resulting composition, after which the mask is applied to the wrinkles in the mouth and forehead.

The remaining oil mixture can be poured into a glass container with a tight-fitting lid and used regularly until the wrinkles are completely smoothed out. Such a composition can be applied 4-5 times during the day, of course, if there is such a need.

Do not use peach oil in combination with lemon oil for eyelid skin care, as this can cause severe irritation.

Anti-wrinkle neck mask with aloe

Girl and aloe
Girl and aloe

You will need to take 1 tbsp. l. fresh aloe juice and mix with 1 tsp. vegetable oil, then 1 tsp is introduced. any cream. All components are thoroughly mixed, after which the finished composition is applied to the neck and face with light patting movements. As soon as the procedure is completed, the remnants of the product are removed with a clean napkin. You do not need to rinse off the mask with water, as it must be absorbed into the skin.

Anti-wrinkle herbal mask

Herbs for anti-wrinkle masks
Herbs for anti-wrinkle masks

To prepare such a mask, pine needles (1 tbsp. L.), Chamomile flowers (1 tbs. L.), Fresh and chopped birch leaves (1 tbsp. L.) Are taken. This mask is recommended for aging skin care.

All components are mixed, and the herbal mixture is brewed with a small amount of hot water, as the result should not be too liquid gruel. As soon as the composition cools down a little, egg yolk is introduced, and all the components are mixed again. At the end, 1 tbsp is added. l. cottage cheese.

The resulting composition is applied to the skin and left for 15–20 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

Regardless of which mask is chosen, the main thing for its preparation is to use only fresh and natural products. After completing a full course, which consists of 10-15 procedures, you can see a positive result - the skin becomes more elastic, soft, soft and silky to the touch, returns its attractive appearance.

Check out the recipe for a protein-flour mask for wrinkles in this video: