Learn how to lose weight with horseradish, about the beneficial properties and composition of this plant. For you, effective recipes for weight loss based on horseradish root. Many women, in pursuit of perfection and a beautiful figure, fall for the "trick" of not conscientious manufacturers, buying expensive drugs, and in return only getting "ideally thin wallet".
We often do not see what lies "under our very noses." We do not know, and most likely, because of our unwillingness and laziness, we do not want to know how useful what nature has given us, what surrounds us. After all, it is much easier to go to the store and buy some "miracle cure" for skin aging or quick weight loss, rather than do it yourself at home. From the colossal amount of berries, fruits, plants, you can independently make various tinctures, decoctions, masks and much more. Today we want to tell you about one of these plants that contain many useful trace elements - horseradish.
Horseradish is a perennial plant of the Cabbage family, with a powerful, fleshy root. Its stem can reach 120-130 cm, branched at the top and erect. This plant has a swollen, elongated-oval pod. You can find such plants at your dachas or at your grandmother's in the village, and even on the side of the roads, the main thing is very useful and for nothing. Horseradish can be used both as an independent dish and in the preparation of various salads, preserves for the winter or main courses. The main advantages of this root lie in its medicinal properties, especially those associated with improving digestive processes and strengthening the immune system.
Horseradish composition

Very often this root is called a “negative calorie product”, due to the fact that the body spends more calories on its assimilation than it receives from it. 100 g of this product contains approximately 60 kcal.
Horseradish contains:
- vegetable protein - its main benefit is that it does not contain cholesterol, which is very abundant in animal protein;
- a small part of fats, among which there are a huge amount of natural sugars;
- unsaturated and saturated fatty acids;
- saponins and glycosides;
- dietary fiber and organic acids;
- vitamins C, B, E, PP;
- a huge amount of minerals: sodium, magnesium, iron, also calcium, potassium and many others.
The main advantage of horseradish is that not only roots, but also leaves have a rich medicinal composition.
What is the use of horseradish for the human body?

- Bactericidal. This plant contains 5 times more vitamin C than lemon. The leaves contain ascorbic acid and myrosin as much as in black currant, and besides, phytoncides are present, making horseradish an excellent bactericidal natural remedy.
- "Heating" effect. Horseradish roots contain the glycoside sinigrin, which, when heated, is divided into the enzyme lysozyme and the oil base. The concentration of allyl mustard oil is so high that if you keep this oil on the surface of the skin for a long time, it can cause not only hyperemia, but also severe burns.
- Appetite stimulation. If you take horseradish root inside, but not in large doses, it stimulates the appetite and significantly increases the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract. The main thing is not to increase the dosage, because horseradish can provoke severe gastroenteritis.
- Increased potency and libido, due to the presence of aphrodisiac substances in horseradish. Horseradish also copes well with hangovers, severe pain in women with painful periods, baldness. And some doctors are sure that if you inhale horseradish root vapors, it can stop the growth and spread of metastases in cancerous tumors.
Also, with the help of horseradish, it is possible to prevent coughs and colds. There are many ways to get rid of colds with horseradish:
- inhalation with potatoes and horseradish;
- grate the root of this plant and breathe several times a day for 1-2 minutes;
- a mixture of carrots, horseradish and radish juice helps from coughing;
- an excellent cleanser that removes mucus from the body, while not irritating or damaging the mucous membranes;
- also with the help of horseradish, you can effortlessly eliminate ear pain, runny nose, loss of voice, soothe bronchial asthma and cure sinusitis.
But the main thing to remember when using horseradish is that pre-grated horseradish loses its healing properties much faster (maximum 7 days) than the one that is stored intact. It is best to store it in the ground and sand, in a word, where there is good air humidification and cool.
Calorie content of horseradish root

Horseradish has a very low calorie content - only 59 kcal per 100 g of the edible part, of which carbohydrates - 42 kcal, proteins account for 13 kcal, fats - 4 kcal.
The main thing is that all these figures when using horseradish can be ignored at all, because in order to give a dish taste it will take very little - literally a few grams. But, as for those people who want to lose a few extra pounds, one must not forget that hot sauce always increases appetite.
The use of horseradish for weight loss

First of all, a quick and correct process of weight loss depends a lot on a balanced diet, physical activity and proper metabolism. The main advantage of horseradish for weight loss is that it is able to significantly activate and maximize this process. Also, horseradish can be used as a laxative, thereby preventing the retention of undigested food residues in the body of constipation.
Myrosin - (an enzyme that is in the composition of horseradish), it is able to enhance the secret activity of the stomach, which significantly reduces the accumulation of fat in the cells. The main thing is that in the process of losing weight, horseradish is able to naturally stimulate the metabolism, accelerate it, thereby bringing metabolic processes into an accelerated mode and contributes to rapid weight loss.
Horseradish taste is one of its wonderful tricks, thanks to which taste buds are deceived and dulled. Also, due to its unique taste, horseradish root helps a losing weight person to enjoy the simplest food, and portions are also significantly reduced.
Another huge plus of this plant is that it is not an exotic and unusual food for us, which can provoke an allergic reaction. This root is known to everyone almost from an early age, and is very often present on holiday tables.
As you know, any drug, and even plants, have their own contraindications, horseradish is no exception. Indeed, it contains many vitamins, enzymes and essential oils that are not useful for everyone.
Contraindications to the use of horseradish

- stomach ulcer, gastritis, acidity;
- "Problems" with the liver, kidneys, enterocolitis or pancreatitis;
- diseases on a nervous basis, which may be associated with excitability;
- children under the age of 12;
- bronchial asthma, all stages of tuberculosis, any lung disease;
- acute inflammatory processes;
- diseased kidneys;
- a problem with the urinary tract;
- pregnancy and lactation.
But even those people to whom these contraindications do not apply should not abuse this product. After all, horseradish in a sufficiently large amount can cause not only pain and bloating, but also diarrhea and even bouts of gastroenteritis.
Horseradish Slimming Recipes

- Tincture. It is best to make the tincture in an earthen vessel. On a fine grater, you need to grate 200-220 g of fresh horseradish, pour it with 1 liter of boiling water. During the day, under a lid and in a dark place, it is necessary to insist this tincture. On the second day, it is necessary to strain the tincture and add 100 g of honey to it. Before each meal, for 15–20 minutes, it is necessary to take 50 m of this tincture. This remedy can suppress appetite, since it contains simple carbohydrates (honey) and horseradish essential oils, which suppress taste buds.
- Weight Loss Salad with horseradish. For this salad you need: 200 g of celery, 50 g of grated horseradish. All ingredients must be grated on a coarse grater, put on a plate and pour 1 glass of kefir or yogurt. This salad must be divided into two parts and eaten once a day. To achieve the most effective results, eat such a dish in the evening, without any additives. If you want a more hearty dinner, then prepare yourself a protein salad (chicken, fish, eggs, shrimp) with horseradish.
- Anti-cellulite wrap with horseradish. Boil 250 g of oatmeal, grate 100 g of horseradish on a coarse grater, mix both ingredients well. Apply this gruel to the surface of the skin, cover with thick fabrics or cling film on top, leave for 15–20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This procedure is recommended to be done every other day, and then in cases where you do not have hypersensitivity or varicose veins.
- Massage Oil with horseradish and algae. Required ingredients for making this oil: 0.8 l. olive oil; 100 g fresh rosemary; 200 g horseradish; 100 g of dried kelp. Put all vegetables in a vessel and cover with oil, then insist in a dark place under a tightly closed lid for 2 weeks. Strain before use and be sure to test it on a safe area of the body to rule out the occurrence of an allergic reaction.
Based on the information that you learned from this article, we can safely call horseradish a "miracle root", because of its unique ability to help with many diseases, cosmetic troubles and extra pounds. You just always need to remember that self-medication can be harmful, so do not hesitate to seek advice from specialists.