Reasons for dramatic weight loss in people

Reasons for dramatic weight loss in people
Reasons for dramatic weight loss in people

Find out 10 medical diseases that cause weight loss while eating and how to deal with fast thinness. Strong rapid weight loss is no less alarming symptom in comparison with weight gain. When a person begins to lose more than five percent of his body weight during the week, then this tap negatively affects his well-being and appearance. Today we will tell you why a person is losing weight dramatically. All the causes of rapid weight loss known to science can be divided into two groups: medical and general. If people often cope with common ones on their own, then with the first group everything is much more complicated.

Medical reasons for rapid weight loss

The girl pulls off jeans that are too big for her
The girl pulls off jeans that are too big for her

Since it is the medical reasons that are the most difficult, let's start our conversation with them. According to official statistics, about 80 percent of cases of rapid weight loss are associated with a malfunction of internal organs or entire systems. If you notice that you have started to lose weight quickly, be sure to consult your doctor for advice as soon as possible.

Cancer ailments

Graphical display of stomach tumor
Graphical display of stomach tumor

If the color of the skin or the sclera of the eyes changes, the weight is actively reduced, hair begins to fall out profusely, the nail plates break - it is possible that an oncological disease develops in the body. These are just a few of the main symptoms of this terrible disease. Most often, the patient does not even assume the presence of a malignant neoplastic neoplasm in the body.

Rapid weight loss is most commonly associated with cancer of the liver, pancreas, or gastrointestinal tract. Already in the first days of the development of the neoplasm, the patient can begin to actively lose weight. With other oncological ailments, this most often occurs after an increase in the number of metastases. Here are the main signs of the development of a malignant neoplastic neoplasm:

  1. Ulcers and wounds do not heal for a long time.
  2. Seals appear.
  3. The process of urination is disrupted, and problems with stool appear.
  4. The voice becomes hoarse and coughing appears.
  5. The patient is often weak.
  6. The color of the skin changes.

Pulmonary tuberculosis

Graphical display of the lungs
Graphical display of the lungs

This ailment is preceded by the appearance of a mass of symptoms, the main among which should be considered rapid weight loss. This is a very complex and dangerous ailment, which must be started to fight only at the initial stages. We also note other symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis:

  1. Wet chest cough.
  2. When coughing, blood and pus are released.
  3. There is a loss of strength and weakness often appears.
  4. The process of sweating is significantly accelerated.
  5. There is pain in the chest area, accompanied by a cough.

In no case do not start treating this disease on your own. Defeating the disease is possible only with medical examination. Taking medications should be carried out only under the supervision of doctors and positive results can be obtained during treatment at the latent stage of the development of the disease. If you do not take any measures to treat the disease, then death occurs within two or three years.


Sugar cubes and word
Sugar cubes and word

Diabetes mellitus can cause not only weight gain, but also rapid weight loss. Moreover, weight loss is most often observed with a disease of the first type. The patient experiences a strong feeling of hunger, which is extremely difficult to satisfy. This is due to an imbalance in blood sugar. Among the symptoms of type 1 diabetes, we note the following:

  1. Constant dry mouth and intense thirst.
  2. Excessive sweating.
  3. Irritability increases.
  4. There are problems with the work of the organs of vision.
  5. Frequent urination.
  6. Constant hunger.

Thyroid pathology

The doctor feels the patient's thyroid gland
The doctor feels the patient's thyroid gland

This organ synthesizes two hormones that have a strong effect on human metabolism. It is with the acceleration of metabolic processes that fast weight loss is associated. This condition is called hyperthyroidism. The patient eats a lot of food, but at the same time loses weight. The main symptoms of hyperthyroidism are:

  1. The heart rate increases.
  2. There are problems with the work of the digestive system.
  3. Tremor.
  4. Constant thirst.
  5. Decreased sex drive in men and menstrual irregularities in women.
  6. Attention is getting worse.

Anorexia nervosa

Body of a girl with anorexia nervosa
Body of a girl with anorexia nervosa

Anorexia is characterized by a strong fear of obesity and eating disorders, usually intentional. This ailment has several points of contact with binge eating and bulimia. Most often, the disease occurs in girls under the age of 25, although men can also suffer from anorexia nervosa.

Patients believe that avoiding a normal diet is the best way to avoid obesity. As a result, the body is depleted, and if you do not take measures to treat the disease, a lethal outcome is possible. Let's note the main symptoms of the disease:

  1. Fear of being overweight.
  2. Sleep disturbance.
  3. The patient denies his own fear of obesity and the existence of the problem itself.
  4. Depression.
  5. Feelings of anger and resentment.
  6. The perception of social and family life is changing.
  7. Behavior changes dramatically.

Disruption of the adrenal glands

Graphical display of the adrenal glands
Graphical display of the adrenal glands

Several hormones are synthesized by the adrenal glands. If the body is not able to do its job efficiently, then serious health problems are possible. Doctors distinguish chronic and acute, as well as primary and secondary forms of the disease. The disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Muscular weakness.
  2. An ever-increasing feeling of fatigue.
  3. The color of the skin changes until a bronze tint appears.
  4. Blood pressure drops.
  5. There is a strong craving for salty foods.
  6. Appetite decreases.
  7. Pain in the abdomen appears.

Alzheimer's disease

Man with Alzheimer's at the doctor's appointment
Man with Alzheimer's at the doctor's appointment

This ailment is often referred to as senile dementia. Scientists believe that the main reason for the development of this ailment is the destruction of synaptic connections in the brain. Most often, the disease manifests itself at the age of 65 and older. However, an earlier onset of Alzheimer's disease is also possible. Most often this is due to a genetic predisposition.

The disease manifests itself in partial memory loss and disorientation. A person remembers recent events, but problems begin with long-term memory. The patient gets lost even in a familiar area, ceases to recognize loved ones. The ability to experience emotions is gradually lost, and problems with speech and hearing are also possible. Thus, a person becomes unable to live without constant outside help.

Hodgkin's disease

The main symptom of Hodgkin's disease
The main symptom of Hodgkin's disease

This is one of the oncological ailments associated with the proliferation of lymphatic tissues. The first stage of the disease is characterized by a sharp increase in lymph nodes, most often located in the armpits and on the neck. The main symptoms of the disease:

  • Appetite decreases.
  • Lymph nodes become inflamed.
  • Sweating processes are active at night.
  • The body temperature rises.

Ulcerative colitis

The girl has a stomach ache due to ulcerative colitis
The girl has a stomach ache due to ulcerative colitis

This ailment is chronic and is associated with inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • Pain in the abdomen appears.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Bloating.
  • Feverish condition.
  • There are problems with the work of the kidneys and heart muscle.
  • Loss of appetite.

Insufficient patency of the intestinal tract

Graphical display of poor intestinal patency
Graphical display of poor intestinal patency

The problem lies in the narrowing of the lumen of the colon of the intestinal tract. The disease is a late stage in the development of cancer. The main symptoms are:

  • Stool and gas problems.
  • Pain appears on the left side of the abdomen.
  • Vomit.
  • Asymmetric bloating.

Common causes of fast weight loss

A girl looking at a measuring tape
A girl looking at a measuring tape

We have told you about the medical reasons for the rapid loss of body weight. However, even healthy people may wonder why a person is losing weight dramatically.



This is one of the most common causes of weight loss and especially in men. In modern life, stressful situations can lie in wait for the stronger sex literally at every step. Quite often, after severe stress, a person begins to lose weight. Along with active weight loss, men often complain of sleep problems, disruption of the digestive system.

Irritability increases significantly and fatigue appears. Our body is able to cope with a large number of problems on its own. However, if the stress persists and the man continues to lose weight, you should consult a specialist for advice as soon as possible.

In many situations, rapid weight loss is explained by the body's attempts to cope with a hidden ailment on its own. For this, it actively destroys adipose and muscle tissues for energy. Note that in this situation, a man often continues to eat well and cannot explain why a person is dramatically losing weight. In such a situation, you should visit a doctor and undergo a complete medical examination.

It should also be said about other common causes of active weight loss:

  • Violation of the food intake.
  • Various phobias.
  • Rigid dietary nutrition programs.
  • Transitional age.
  • Disorders in the hormonal system.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • Alcohol or drug addiction.

How to eliminate the causes of rapid weight loss yourself?

The girl pinches herself on the skin at the waist
The girl pinches herself on the skin at the waist

We advise you to first visit a doctor and, with his help, establish the reasons for the sudden loss of body weight. Otherwise, self-medication can only harm the body. Experts, after determining the cause of the problem, most often offer the following ways to solve it:

  1. If you are diagnosed with an ailment of a cold or an infectious nature, use ascorbic acid in sufficient quantities.
  2. When the cause is severe stress, it is worth seeing a psychologist.
  3. With active sports, it is necessary to reduce physical activity or even stop training for a while.
  4. Parasites can often be the cause of weight loss. If so, then you need to get rid of them.

Do not underestimate the problem of rapid weight loss, because the consequences can be very serious. This is largely influenced by the duration of the weight loss process. Here are some of the common consequences of this ailment:

  1. Muscle weakness appears.
  2. Constipation is common.
  3. The work of the endocrine glands is disrupted.
  4. A decrease in the size of the heart muscle is possible.
  5. Difficulty breathing.
  6. Liver damage is possible.

That's all the information that we wanted to share with you on the question of why a person is losing weight dramatically. Once again, I would like to remind you that when a problem arises, it is worth visiting a doctor and only after that start treatment.

The reasons why a person can dramatically lose weight:
