Pumpkin seed oil

Pumpkin seed oil
Pumpkin seed oil

The topic of today's article will be pumpkin seed oil, which can rightfully be considered green gold - once the cost of a bottle of such oil in Europe was comparable to the cost of a real gold ring! Pumpkin seeds contain up to 30% oil. It can be dark green, light red, or even reddish brown. Anyone familiar with its scent will note the subtle nutty scent. In the production of this wonderful product, the method of cold pressing is used, which is why all the useful properties, which we will talk about below, are preserved. In the meantime, we will tell you how the Styrian pumpkin oil is obtained and why Styria is so famous?

Let's start with the fact that Styria is a federal state of the Austrian Republic. The eastern province has become famous for the cultivation of a special kind of pumpkin (cucurbita pepo), the seeds of which are not covered with husks. That is why Styrian pumpkin seed oil is considered the best natural product obtained from selected, environmentally friendly pumpkin seeds. It should be noted that some manufacturers may add sunflower or other oil to it in order to lower the consumer price. However, a 100% natural pumpkin seed product is not cheap and has a more intense flavor. If you drop high-quality oil on a lettuce leaf, it will not spread, and it will not taste bitter. No less important is the aroma - it only smells good of roasted pumpkin seeds, not pulp and fat.

Interesting facts about pumpkin seed oil

By the way, one teaspoon of pumpkin oil contains the same amount of nutrients as 3 kilograms of raw pumpkin! It is also interesting that up to 5 thousand pumpkins can be grown on a sown area of 90x45 m, which in the future will allow you to get up to 160 liters of oil!

You can see that the liquid has a green tint, and the thicker has a reddish tint, which is called dichromatism (translated from the Greek. "Two-color"). Since the 18th century, a natural mutation of pumpkin seeds arose, which later allowed the inhabitants of Styria to obtain wonderful oil. To produce 1 liter of pumpkin oil, 2.5 kilograms of dry seeds are required, obtained from about 35 pumpkins. Today Styrian pumpkin is successfully grown there, in the eastern part of the Austrian Republic, as well as in Serbia, Slovenia, and Hungary. In terms of popularity, pumpkin oil is on a par with olive oil, which is so loved in the Mediterranean and other countries of the world.

How to use pumpkin seed oil?

Pumpkin seed oil is used mainly for dressing in salads, it is added to pasta and rice, fish and meat, legumes, vegetables, soups, cereals, sauces, gravies, marinades, desserts - to give them a special nutty taste. You cannot fry on it - high temperatures lead to the loss of beneficial properties, which can even harm health, however, like any other vegetable oil.

Pumpkin seed oil composition: vitamins and calories

Calorie content of pumpkin seed oil
Calorie content of pumpkin seed oil

Pumpkin seed oil contains linoleic (47%), palmitic (13%), oleic (29%), stearic (8%) acids, chlorophyll, carotenoids, pectins, flavonoids, phospholipids, hormone-like substances, vitamins A, PP, E, B2, B1, C, P, phytosterol, selenium, zinc, magnesium, iron. Calorie content of pumpkin seed oil per 100 g - 898-899 kcal:

  • Proteins - 0, 0 g
  • Fat - 99.8 g
  • Carbohydrates - 0, 0 g

Useful properties of pumpkin seed oil

Useful properties of pumpkin seed oil
Useful properties of pumpkin seed oil
  1. Pumpkin seed oil helps to eliminate headaches, insomnia, acts as a sedative (thanks to B vitamins, flavonoids and magnesium);
  2. Improves the elasticity of blood vessels, protecting the circulatory system from inflammation and free radicals;
  3. Reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, normalizes blood pressure;
  4. Promotes the elimination of toxic substances from the body, therefore, it is recommended to alleviate the condition after intoxication with alcoholic beverages (exhibits hepatoprotective properties) - three teaspoons a day are enough 30-20 minutes before meals;
  5. Prevents the development of infectious, oncological and allergic diseases, aging processes;
  6. Pumpkin seed oil helps the digestive system by improving the activity of the gallbladder, liver; indicated for the treatment of cholecystitis, viral hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia, flatulence, constipation;
  7. Antioxidant properties are manifested in the treatment of psoriasis, acne, various dermatitis, burns, eczema, bedsores, herpes, urticaria;
  8. The beneficial properties of pumpkin seed oil have an antiparasitic, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect, has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach, intestines, is a recognized official medicine for combating helminths (thanks to the helminthic venom cucurbitin, which can destroy parasitic worms);
  9. Women Health: relieves painful sensations during menopause and during the premenstrual period;
  10. Man's health: pumpkin seeds contain a lot of zinc (8-10 mg), which prevents the proliferation of connective tissue in the prostate gland (typical for adenoma and prostatitis). Therefore, either seeds or the use of oil up to 4 times a day - and this problem can be avoided. At night, it is recommended to put microclysters with it, just before that, having made a cleansing enema with water. Similarly, in men and women, constipation, colitis, proctitis, cracks in the anus, hemorrhoids are eliminated. For starters, be sure to check with your doctor before using this advice.

In addition, pumpkin seed oil provides tremendous benefits in the composition of various masks. Despite its high calorie content, it is recommended by nutritionists as an essential element of any weight loss menu.

Video about the benefits of pumpkin and its components:

Harm of pumpkin seed oil and contraindications

  1. Pumpkin seed oil has a laxative effect, so you shouldn't take too much of it, otherwise it will lead to more frequent liquefied stools.
  2. In case of individual intolerance, an allergy appears.
  3. Belching from it can be easily eliminated by sticking with bread or simultaneously taking with lemon juice.
  4. With extreme caution, it must be taken with calculous cholecystitis, since strong choleretic properties cause the movement of sand from the gallbladder. In such cases, during treatment, the dose of oil is reduced, and the course of treatment, respectively, is increased.

How to store pumpkin seed oil?

Pumpkin seed oil is sensitive to light, so it is stored in a tightly closed container in a cool and dark place within the temperature range from +4 to + 25 ° C. The shelf life of pumpkin seed oil in a closed glass container is 12 months, and after the first opening, no more than 6 months. Produced in glass bottles with a capacity of 50, 100, 250, 300, 500 ml. The price in Ukraine for a bottle of 100 ml is 26–37 UAH, while in Russia it costs about 110–150 rubles.

So, you've learned a lot about this amazingly healthy product like pumpkin seed oil. Given the huge list of useful properties, you come to the conclusion that even a slight use can have a beneficial effect on health. So, a small bottle of "green gold" should definitely appear in the kitchen of every housewife who thinks and cares about the health of her family!
