Lotus seed

Lotus seed
Lotus seed

The ancient beneficial lotus seeds and leaves will cleanse your intestines and kidneys, raise vitality, and dilate your blood vessels. Read more about the benefits and harms. Lotus is a shrub that grows in stagnant and sluggish water. Flowers are light in color, depending on the species: white, yellow, pink, etc. Lotus seeds are drupes, no more than plums, round in shape, very tasty, reminiscent of a nut. The plant belongs to the class of dicotyledonous angiosperms, the family - lotus. It is native to North Africa, but is currently found in Southern Europe, East Asia (India, Thailand, Cambodia, China, etc.). The seeds were collected for food a long time ago, back in ancient Greece. Then they distinguished between the Egyptian lotuses and the Chinese ones. They also drink tea from petals, prepare flour from the roots of this plant.

Lotus seeds

In the understanding of the native, the lotus is a sacred plant and its healing properties have long been known. As in Egypt, so in India, this name was given to some varieties of water lilies (Nelumbo, Nymphaea). Lotus seeds are widely used in Tibetan medicine. Traditionally, they are harvested in August and September. The lotus blooms for no more than two weeks, and then lays in its box from 20 to 35 nuts-seeds. They are collected and dried in the sun for some time. In China, seeds are peeled and simply eaten: like sweets dipped in sugar, porridge is boiled, and a coffee drink is prepared from them. In general, this is an original product that looks and tastes like a nut.

Lotus seeds contain a lot of protein and mineral healers (potassium, zinc, magnesium, iron, etc.), they do not contain cholesterol and saturated fats. They are especially valuable for those who want to stay young for a long time, thanks to the anti-aging enzyme L-isoaspartyl methyltransferase. The lotus seeds contain kaempferol, which stops tissue inflammation. So, in Chinese cosmetology and medicine, it is a valuable ingredient.

Composition of lotus seeds: vitamins and calories

Lotus seed composition
Lotus seed composition

It is impossible to get better by consuming the product, calorie content of raw lotus seeds per 100 g - 89 kcal:

  • Fat - 0.49 g
  • Proteins - 4, 13 g
  • Carbohydrates - 17.3 g
  • Dietary fiber - 0 g
  • Nutritional value is also represented by water - 77 g
  • Sodium - 1 g
  • Ash - 1, 2 g
  • Saturated fatty acids - 0.09 g


  • A (RE) - 1 μg
  • Riboflavin (B2) - 0.04 mg
  • Thiamine (B1) and Pyridoxine (B6) 0.17 mg each
  • Pantothenic acid (B5) - 0.23 mg
  • Folic acid (B9) - 28 mcg
  • PP (B3) - 0.13 mg


  • Phosphorus - 168 mg
  • Potassium - 368 mg
  • Magnesium - 55, 88 mg
  • Calcium - 43 mg
  • Sodium - 0.9 mg

Trace elements:

  • Iron - 1 mg
  • Zinc - 0.3 mg
  • Manganese - 0.62 mg
  • Copper - 94 mcg

Calorie content of dried lotus seeds

per 100 g - 332 kcal:

  • Protein - 15, 4 g
  • Carbohydrates - 64.5 g
  • Fat - 2 g

Also, ash - 4 g, water - 14, 2 g and saturated fatty acids - 0, 31 g are of nutritional value.


  • A (RE) - 3.02 mcg
  • Thiamin (B1) - 0.6 mg
  • Pantothenic (B5) - 0.9 mg
  • Pyridoxine (B6) - 0.63 mg
  • Riboflavin (B2) - 0.1 mg
  • Folic acid (B9) - 104 mcg
  • PP (B3) - 1.59 mg


  • Potassium - 1.68 mg
  • Calcium - 163 mg
  • Magnesium - 209.9 mg
  • Phosphorus - 625 mg
  • Sodium - 5 mg

Trace elements:

  • Zinc - 1 mg
  • Iron - 3.5 mg
  • Manganese - 2, 32 mg
  • Copper - 349.8 mcg

Lotus seeds: beneficial properties

Lotus seeds - beneficial properties
Lotus seeds - beneficial properties
  1. Benefits for the nervous system. By adding crushed seeds to medicines, Chinese doctors successfully treat nerve diseases: irritability, insomnia, excessive anxiety. In addition to a herbal sedative, they will improve digestion well, act on the intestines as a strong astringent and stop diarrhea.
  2. Good for the heart. The content of bitter, cooling, astringent substances makes lotus seeds useful for the heart. The isoquinoline contained in them (an alkaloid with antispasmodic and sedative properties) dilates the blood vessels. This helps to lower blood pressure.
  3. Benefits for the kidneys. The astringent properties of rounded lotus seeds are beneficial for the kidneys. Treat diseases of the genitourinary system (including inflammatory). They are considered by doctors as a mild aphrodisiac: they increase attraction and passion. This herbal component is used both as a separate healing agent and as an integral and very important ingredient in herbal preparations. In total, more than 300 recipes from ancient Chinese medicine are known.
  4. Lotus leaf tea: it is characterized by laxative and cleansing properties of the intestines, and the body as a whole. The tea has a light yellowish green color and a pleasant, delicate aroma. It is great to combine dried lotus petals with jasmine, as well as add a little black tea. So the laxative and cleansing effect will increase. I also like to add a little bit of ground dried green cardamom, so the taste of the tea not only cleanses, but also relaxes and soothes. I bought lotus tea in Cambodia, about 200 g cost $ 5. You can also buy it in Vietnam and other Asian countries.
  5. In addition to making healing potions, the lotus is used in magic. Both a living plant and an image (drawing or embroidery) cleanse the space of negative energies (“Sha” is the name of negative energy in Feng Shui). A powerful energy field helps a person to connect with the past, future and present. Lotus seeds and petals sewn into a bag make a person balanced, protect from evil magic and witchcraft spells.


From lotus seeds, as well as from the plant in general, there is more benefit. It is better to refrain from consuming and treating a product containing lotus for lactating mothers, pregnant women and babies. If there is an individual intolerance and allergy to the product. The lotus has not yet been fully studied.

Interesting Facts

  • The lotus root can grow through 300 meters of water.
  • During the day, the lotus flower follows the sun, turns towards it.
  • Lotus seeds are very hardy. Cases have been recorded when scientists have found 1000-year-old seeds, and they successfully germinated in good soil. Thanks to these properties, the plant has survived to this day.
