How to grow a lemon from a seed at home

How to grow a lemon from a seed at home
How to grow a lemon from a seed at home

The article discusses a step-by-step process for growing lemon at home from seed. See also a video on how to plant a lemon in the cleft for quick fruiting. Growing a lemon tree at home will not be a particular problem, but waiting for its fruiting is very difficult. Usually lemon begins to bear fruit as early as the seventh, tenth, or even twelfth year. If you want to see fresh yellow fruits (read about the beneficial properties of lemon) at home, then you should take good care of the ornamental tree and graft it in order to get the fruits faster.

But usually the lemon tree is grown not for fruit, but for exotic things in their apartment. After all, the leaves of a citrus tree (lemon) tend to release phytoncides - biologically active substances, which prevent bacteria and various fungi from developing. Also, a pleasant, fresh aroma will refresh the room and give everyone present a positive mood. There is nothing to chase after fruits, they are in bulk in all shops and on the counters of bazaars. Another plus of this tree is that it is evergreen.

Lemon can be grown from seed or grafted. In this article, we'll walk you through the first option in a step-by-step sequence. It's even more interesting. By the way, all citrus fruits are grown from seeds.

Stage 1: preparing soil and pot

The pot for our future green "brainchild" can be taken small for a start, but there must be a hole in it from below. At the bottom you need to lay out one and a half to two centimeters of drainage. Then fill the pot with earth. You can buy it right away in a specialized flower shop and do not suffer, there is a special earth for citrus fruits, it is perfect.

If you refuse to buy, then you can make a mixture of loose soil: half of humus earth and half of sod. Add some charcoal or peat if desired.

Stage 2: selection of planting material

Choosing a lemon for planting
Choosing a lemon for planting

When the place for planting lemon is ready, you can go to the store or to the bazaar to buy suitable planting material. You need to choose the ripeest and yellowest lemon. The fruit must not be damaged. We cut the purchased lemon and take out the largest seeds, it is better to choose two at once. So then you can choose the most actively growing tree and leave it.

The seeds are needed wet and from fresh fruit, dry ones will not work, they lose germination over time.

Stage 3: planting a pitted lemon

Planting lemon pits
Planting lemon pits

Moisten the soil in the pot with a little water so that it is moist, and place the bone 1–1.5 centimeters deep. Further, if you wish, you can cover the pot with a film on top. The temperature of the house should not be less than 18 degrees Celsius, otherwise the tree will not be seen. If your place is cool, then be sure to cover the workpiece with a foil and put it in a warm place. The amount of light does not play any role for seedlings. It is impossible to water, otherwise the oversaturation of moisture will destroy our lemon, the resulting roots will rot. But every 2-3 days you need to spray it. You can water the soil a little only if it is very dry.

Stage 4: growing lemon from seed

Growing lemon from seed at home
Growing lemon from seed at home

Then we just have to wait for the sprout to appear from about 2 to 3 weeks, or even longer if the apartment is not very warm. The film can be removed if the pot was covered with it after the appearance of the second pair of leaves. Now you need to rearrange the emerging sprout in a bright place, just do not put it in a strong sun, the young tree may burn out. Now it remains to observe the watering regime for the plant: do not flood with water and do not allow the soil to dry out. Water only with room temperature water that has settled at home. You can use rain, but not cold!

There is no need to feed the lemon for the first months. In the spring and summer, you can add a little fertilizer every two weeks. Here, as with water, without fanaticism, everything is in moderation and less is better than more. Lemon is a capricious tree and any measurements in care and maintenance can be detrimental. The tree should be carefully taken out to the balcony, if there is wind or strong sun, then it is better not to do this, otherwise in the morning all the leaves may fall off. Also with a sharp drop in temperature.

In autumn and winter, you need to water the lemon less often: as soon as the top layer of the earth has dried. Top dressing should be done more often than once a month.

Stage 5: Lemon transplant

A young lemon should be transplanted no more than twice a year, and an adult plant is enough only once every 3 or 4 years. Such a periodic transplant is due to the fact that the roots of the tree become entangled and, due to a lack of space, growth at home will stop. With each change of the "new house" you need to take a pot 3-6 cm larger than the previous one. When transplanting, carefully with the roots, do not break them.

Step 6: grafting lemon

If you want the lemon to start bearing fruit faster, then you need to plant it in your garden in your country house or in a pot at home. This can be done in cleavage or budding and is better in summer or warm spring. It is preferable to use the first method. About this, how to do it right, see the video below.

Video on how to plant a lemon in a split correctly:
