The benefits of black seed oil

The benefits of black seed oil
The benefits of black seed oil

Find out the beneficial properties of black cumin oil, as well as how to use it correctly in folk medicine, cosmetology and for weight loss. For several millennia, black cumin has been widely used in folk medicine in the countries of the East, with its help you can not only improve your own health, but also bring your weight back to normal, ensure the maintenance of beauty. Black cumin is found in various countries and is an annual herb with small, triangular, dark-colored seeds.

Composition and benefits of black cumin

Black cumin seeds in a wooden spoon
Black cumin seeds in a wooden spoon

Today, black cumin is cultivated as a spice with a slightly bitter and spicy aroma, astringent and slightly tart taste. It is actively used for making rye bread, during pickling of vegetables, as a seasoning for sauerkraut, baking meat, added to cheeses, pastries and soups. On the basis of this cumin in the 16th century, one of the first liqueurs was prepared, which received the name "Kummel". This famous drink has a unique taste and helps to improve the digestion process.

For quite a long time, cumin greens have been used to treat signs of vitamin deficiency. Its fruits were used for the preparation of medicinal preparations and infusions, as well as in soap making and perfumery. Women in Arab countries mixed caraway seeds with black pepper and natural honey. The resulting composition was used as a strong aphrodosis. This product is very popular in folk medicine, as it has a rich composition and many useful properties. Black cumin has an immunizing and restorative effect on the human body. It helps prevent the development of a fairly large number of various ailments.

The essential oil obtained from the fruit of black cumin is widely used in medicine, cosmetology and pharmacology. This product is obtained by cold pressing. Thanks to the use of this technology, the oil retains the maximum useful properties inherent in the plant.

The composition of black cumin oil contains a large amount of nutrients, trace elements, vitamins, including beta-carotene, valuable organic acids and a lot of other useful substances.

Scientists have conducted a number of studies, according to which they were able to establish that certain fatty acids that are contained in this oil are found exclusively in seafood.

Black cumin oil has a positive effect on the functioning of the thymus gland, thereby stimulating the body's natural protective functions. Subject to regular intake of this product, the blood composition is renewed, while the composition of the bone marrow improves, and the manifestations of allergies are minimized.

This remedy helps in the treatment of a variety of dermatological diseases, acute respiratory infections, as well as problems associated with the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to choose black seed oil?

Black cumin and oil from it in bowls
Black cumin and oil from it in bowls

The most valuable is the oil that was obtained by the first cold pressing. In order to purchase a quality product that will only benefit health, you need to know certain nuances:

  • A product made in Egypt is often on sale. This is due to the balanced price-performance ratio. At the same time, oil producers from this region are quite widely known in the sales market. Black cumin oil has been imported from Egypt for many years and the quality of the product is completely acceptable.
  • The product produced in Pakistan, Syria, Algeria and Yemen has a higher quality and a pleasant mild taste. Premium oil is considered to be from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, while it has a rather high cost, so not everyone can afford it.
  • For the production of black cumin oil in European countries, only imported raw materials are used. The fact is that in these countries climatic conditions are not suitable for the ripening of this plant. Typically, the high cost of such a product is due to high transportation costs.

Given which production method was used, today there are several types of black cumin oils, namely:

  1. Depending on the place where the plant is grown, it is a geographical feature.
  2. The oil obtained after the first cold pressing and the product that has not undergone mechanical filtration will contain natural sediment.
  3. By composition. Today there is a "royal" oil, which contains about 30% of the seeds of the Ethiopian black cumin, as well as 70% of the seeds of the Syrian cumin. There is also "Ethiopian" oil - a mixture of Ethiopian and Syrian caraway seeds. The mixing process is carried out in order to achieve a balance between the effectiveness of the product and its taste characteristics.
  4. 100% pure or seven with additives - for example, olive oil (about 30%) can be added to soften the taste of black cumin essential oil, so that it will be much better absorbed by the body.

Uses of black seed oil

Oil cake from squeezed caraway seeds
Oil cake from squeezed caraway seeds

This product has many beneficial properties:

  • antiviral;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • mycoseptic;
  • tonic.

Under the condition of regular intake of black cumin oil, the body is healed, the work of all internal organs is normalized, immunity is increased, thereby preventing the development of various diseases. This remedy has an effective effect during the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular, genitourinary and digestive systems, restores the disturbed metabolism, and benefits from viral diseases.

Taking black seed oil gives a striking effect:

  • Helps during the treatment of hypertension - there is a decrease in blood pressure, the levels of harmful cholesterol in the blood decrease.
  • It has a strong sedative and relaxing effect, eliminates spasms that disturb in bronchial asthma.
  • Recommended for use in the fight against atherosclerosis, in violation of the correct cerebral circulation.
  • It is used in the treatment of various diseases associated with the work of the genitourinary system.
  • It is useful in diabetes mellitus, since black cumin oil helps to normalize blood sugar levels, and is directly involved in the process of insulin synthesis.
  • Recommended for use in case of reproductive system disorders, enhances potency.
  • Useful for helminthiasis.
  • It is beneficial during the treatment of dysbiosis, helps to effectively prevent colitis, cirrhosis of the liver, stomach ulcers, and gallstone disease.

Black cumin oil is widely used externally:

  • It is an effective prophylactic agent for various fungal diseases, used during their treatment.
  • Ideal for the treatment of problematic, inflamed, mature and oily skin, for the treatment of acne.
  • As a rubbing agent for joint pain and dyspnoea.
  • For the treatment of inflammatory diseases of ENT organs (for example, ARVI, sinusitis, rhinitis).
  • During the treatment of hemorrhoids.
  • To improve the condition of the hair, the strands are moisturized, their growth is accelerated, and the appearance of gray hair is prevented.
  • It is used as a soothing, anti-inflammatory and restorative agent during the treatment of a variety of skin diseases (eg allergic dermatitis, neurodermatitis).
  • The process of blood circulation is normalized, the elasticity of the skin increases.
  • Black seed oil is an effective treatment for stretch marks and swelling.

There are practically no contraindications for the external use of black cumin oil. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that this remedy is a concentrated and potent preparation. That is why it must be used with extreme care in its pure form. Before using black cumin oil, you must carefully study the instructions and do not exceed the prescribed dosage, as there is a risk of provoking a rather strong allergic reaction.

The use of black seed oil in hair care

Applying cumin oil to hair
Applying cumin oil to hair

In eastern countries, women use black seed oil as a care product to maintain the beauty of hair, as it contains a large amount of moisturizers and nutritious vitamins.

Thanks to the regular use of black seed oil, hair is strengthened, and early gray hair and dandruff are prevented. However, it is important to remember that it is strictly forbidden to use pure and undiluted black cumin oil for hair care.

You can use the following recipes for masks with the addition of black cumin oil at home:

  1. Black cumin oil, onion juice, olive oil are mixed in equal amounts. All components are mixed, and the mixture is slightly warmed up in a water bath. The resulting composition is evenly distributed over the hair, washed off after 30 minutes. With regular use of this mask, lifeless and dull curls return to their natural shine and silkiness.
  2. Such components are taken in equal proportions - black cumin oil, olive oil, cream (low-fat). All the ingredients are mixed and the resulting composition is applied to the curls, evenly distributed along the entire length, then a light massage of the scalp is performed for several minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water after 15 minutes. This remedy will help prevent hair loss and eliminate split ends.
  3. It is necessary to take 0.5 tbsp. l. castor, burdock and caraway oil, egg yolk is injected, a few drops of essential oil (lavender or patchouli). All components are mixed, and the resulting composition is evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair. After 30 minutes, rinse the strands well with warm water. This mask has a stimulating effect on the hair growth process.

Contraindications to the use of black seed oil

Black cumin in bowls and oil from it in a bottle
Black cumin in bowls and oil from it in a bottle

Despite the fact that this is a completely natural herbal preparation, there are certain restrictions and contraindications to its use:

  • It is strictly forbidden to take this remedy during pregnancy, since it contains a large amount of plant hormones that can cause serious harm to the health of a woman and a child.
  • In the presence of allergies or individual intolerance to the product.
  • After recent organ transplant operations, as there is a risk of implant rejection.

By observing the simple rules for using black seed oil, you can get rid of various ailments and conduct an effective healing course for the whole body, as well as maintain the beauty of the skin and hair.

More on the benefits of black seed oil in this video:
