How to get rid of melancholy

How to get rid of melancholy
How to get rid of melancholy

What is melancholy, the causes and symptoms of such a depressive state, how to get rid of it, methods of treatment. Melancholy is a disease of the soul, when a complete breakdown, hands give up powerlessly and do not want to do anything. Often a bad, sad mood is accompanied by gloomy thoughts about one's own worthlessness and suicide, sometimes fantasies, daydreaming about possible "great deeds".

Description and mechanism of development of melancholy

Melancholic moods in a girl
Melancholic moods in a girl

Bad mood has been inherent in people from time immemorial. This will surprise no one. You never know what can happen when the mood suddenly deteriorates. Suppose you received some bad news, or it seems like such a trifle: I accidentally poured coffee on my pants (dress). A fleeting incident, but left an unpleasant aftertaste in the soul. Often in such cases they jokingly say that "today I got up on the wrong foot."

Mental experiences can be suffered from childhood, when external unfavorable factors, for example, the constant "buzz" of parents that the child is doing everything wrong, is superimposed on the peculiarities of the baby's psyche.

The ancient Greeks called this melancholy mood "seriously and for a long time" melancholy. The "father of medicine" doctor Hippocrates believed that bile, a specific dark fluid produced by the liver and accumulated in the gallbladder, contributes to this. An excess of it spreads throughout the body and acts depressingly. A person becomes lethargic, passive, does not want to do anything, gloomy thoughts overwhelm, tormented by a feeling of loneliness and his worthlessness. The Roman physician and philosopher Galen deepened the theory of the melancholic mood.

This view of the causes of the origin and development of melancholy held out in European science for almost two thousand years. The English philosopher Robert Burton wrote an extensive work, The Anatomy of Melancholy, in 1621. It examines the essence of the disease from different points of view.

Some of his arguments now cause only a smile, for example, that a melancholic mood is provoked by witchcraft, bad omens and the "wrong" arrangement of the stars. But his work is valuable at least because it shows the history of the development of prejudices and medicine in relation to this disease.

In Russia, melancholy was called “blues” or, in the English manner, “spleen," and was considered the lot of people from high society. Suffice it to recall Pushkin's Eugene Onegin, who was seized by the "Russian blues" when he became "gloomy, languid", and women stopped worrying him. But these are already social signs of the manifestation of a melancholic disease, vividly shown in the novel by I. A. Goncharova "Oblomov". With his light hand they began to be called "Oblomovism".

Today melancholy is no longer associated with bile. Some doctors believe that the individual personality traits, her temperament are to blame for this. Even with the slightest failure, such people feel deeply (affective problems), but their external reaction to adverse factors is sluggish. They are emotionally unstable, and therefore easily vulnerable. The Russian physiologist Pavlov considered this type of temperament to be weak.

Others see melancholy as a sign of a serious mental illness, caused by depression. The currently accepted international classifications of mental illness (DSM, ICD) characterize the melancholic state as "anxiety personality disorder." This is already a psychosis that needs to be treated.

It's important to know! If a person is suspicious and deeply experiences his bad luck, this does not mean at all that he is a weak, unsuccessful person. Many famous scientists and creative people were melancholic, but managed to prove themselves brightly. For example, Charles Darwin, Nikolai Gogol, Pyotr Tchaikovsky.

Causes of melancholy

Severe depression in a man
Severe depression in a man

It is impossible to pinpoint the causes of melancholy. It can appear from dysfunction of the brain or other internal organs. One thing is certain that its development comes from strong experiences when the psyche has been in a depressed state for a long time. And this is already a depressive state.

In psychiatry, there is the concept of "melancholic depression". This is when their personal problems are so killed that dark thoughts appear, often about suicide. According to recent studies in Russia, up to 15% of working women suffer from this form of mental disorder. There are 5% fewer depressed men among men. The difference is small, but it indicates a more vulnerable female psyche. Representatives of the fair sex experience their life failures longer and deeper.

Melancholy can be caused by:

  • Congenital melancholy … It is associated with abnormal intrauterine development of the fetus, when the mother led an unhealthy lifestyle. Already at the embryonic level, the "little man" hears everything, and if the woman did not want to give birth, these disturbing thoughts were passed on to the child. From too old parents, a melancholic personality can also be born.
  • Temperament … When one of the parents or both are melancholic. There is a high probability that the child will be like that.
  • Various depressive conditions … Here it is necessary to highlight melancholic depression, which is accompanied by a melancholy, extremely gloomy mood, when thoughts about one's worthlessness and suicide appear.
  • Sudden mood swings … These melancholic factors are indicative of type 1 and type 2 bipolar disorder. The difference between them is that with the latter there is no obsessive manic state, which is dangerous in that a suicide attempt can be made.
  • Mental disorders … Hereditary or acquired in the course of life. For example, schizophrenia can be accompanied by gloomy thoughts, unsociability, and a decadent mood.
  • Severe and long-term illness … She is physically and mentally exhausting. Heavy thoughts appear, a depressive melancholic state may develop.
  • Old age … With age, irreversible processes occur in the body. A person is no longer so fast and dexterous, illnesses pester. It affects the psyche. Often the mood becomes sad - melancholic.
  • Fear … When, due to mental characteristics, fear is constantly present in the soul. For example, falling in love or getting married, disbelief in something new. This is a serious criterion for a melancholic mood.
  • Inferiority complex … When a person does not believe in his own strength, considers himself flawed and gives his fate to the will of others, this ultimately oppresses him. He suffers and torments from the realization of his weakness, becomes melancholic.
  • Socio-ethical issues … Associated with worldview problems. For example, the lack of faith in social progress, that people can act according to their conscience, and not because of profit, makes a person a skeptic. Such views lead to a decadent mood - melancholy.
  • Pessimism … Spiritual development leads to the idea of death, that everything in the world is temporary and short-lived. In front of everyone there is only a coffin and a grave. Such "black" thoughts are nothing more than a serious mental illness - melancholic depression.
  • Unfulfilled passion … Let's say unrequited love. It burns, burns, but there is no reciprocal feeling. A depressive melancholic state sets in, if for a long time, this is already psychosis, which requires urgent treatment.
  • Deep emotional experiences … The overwhelming majority of them are negative. For example, envy, sadness, anger, greed corrupt the soul, often lead to a depressed state.
  • Alcohol and drugs … Alcoholism and drug addiction literally kill the psyche when thoughts become dark, incompatible with life. Such people become melancholic and often commit suicide.
  • Gambling … A pernicious passion often ends in a major loss. Such people are constantly in a bad mood, they only think about how to get money. Against this background, pessimism and melancholy develop.

It's important to know! Melancholy can have natural, biological and social causes. However, they all lie in the psychological characteristics of the individual.

The main symptoms of melancholy in humans

How does the “black” mood manifest in life? For different categories - children, adults, and the elderly - the symptoms of melancholy correspond to their age. Let's take a closer look at this.

Symptoms of melancholy in children

Melancholy in a child
Melancholy in a child

It is not so difficult to determine the symptoms of melancholy in a child, you just have to take a closer look at him. Such a kid is very different from his peers. He is shy, and therefore not sure of himself. Outwardly, this manifests itself in tearfulness, the reasons for which are sometimes difficult to determine.

Often a melancholic child clings to his mother, because he is afraid to be left alone with strangers, for example, in kindergarten. For him, the adaptation period in the kindergarten is very difficult. Parents and educators should be attentive to such "capricious" and be able to find a common language with them.

On the other hand, such a child is obedient, when he settles in kindergarten or school, he will not have problems with behavior. The positive traits of little melancholic people include hard work. They are very responsible for the assigned work, they always try to bring it to the end. Such children are creatively gifted, if they develop their abilities, they often become outstanding people, for example, writers, artists or composers.

However, they also have weaknesses. They rarely show initiative, they are closed, and therefore it is far from always possible to "stir" them up for friendly communication. But if such a child has become attached to someone, for the sake of friendship, he may even sacrifice his own interests. And then he is very disappointed when he does not receive the same return in return. This becomes especially noticeable in adolescence.

It's important to know! To prevent the symptoms of melancholy in a child from developing into a real illness, you do not need to constantly scold and reproach him for, say, "snotty". It is necessary to encourage the best character traits of the baby, then he will grow up a healthy person, not subject to melancholic seizures.

Symptoms of melancholy in adults

Melancholy in a young girl
Melancholy in a young girl

According to statistics, the symptoms of melancholy in women appear at the age of 40-55 years, in men, on average, 10 years later. Their external signs are similar with the only difference that the fair sex are more sensitive to age-related changes and experience them deeper.

The obvious symptoms of melancholic depression can be: dry skin, dilated pupils, dramatic weight loss, poor digestion. Other signs are:

  1. Hypotimia … When the mood is constantly bad. A person does not see anything good around him and is fixated on negative experiences. He is unable to tune in to positive communication. Often this is due to thinking about your own emptiness. Against this background, thoughts of suicide arise.
  2. Apathy and lethargy … Characterized by a lack of energy. Outwardly, they manifest themselves in complete indifference, indifference to everything, even to pleasures. You cannot stretch a person, for example, to a cinema or a restaurant. Digging in his "mental" wardrobe is the most important thing for him. If something is done, then carelessly. I don’t feel like eating, I’m even too lazy to go to the toilet. In this case, one speaks of vital affect, when all physiological needs are reduced.
  3. Feelings of guilt … Complex psychologically inexplicable feeling. Man blames himself for everything, even that he was born. He is “guilty without guilt” and he himself is aware of this.
  4. Winding up problems … When difficulties are created out of the blue. For example, going to the store for bread is difficult because you have to get dressed and even go.
  5. Inhibition of action … Let's say you need to do something, you think about it a lot, but it takes a lot of time before the matter begins to be resolved.
  6. Constant desire to sleep … Even a full sleep does not get rid of the intention to take a nap a few hours after waking up.
  7. Poor composure … Thoughts are constantly on the move, and it's hard to concentrate.

It's important to know! If a person is in a depressed state for a long time, when it seems that life is not interesting, then melancholic depression has developed. Here you need the help of a doctor.

Symptoms of melancholy in the elderly

Melancholy in an elderly woman
Melancholy in an elderly woman

In older people, the symptoms of melancholy are primarily associated with health. After 60 years, all functions of the body have already been rebuilt for "autumn". It affects the mood, causes sad emotions. If they are not erased in time, they will develop into an anxiety state, which can lead to depression.

Often, elderly people are lonely, children have already grown up and "scattered", this is also an important factor in experiences. Any deviation from an already established lifestyle for them is stressful, which leads to the development of melancholic depression.

It's important to know! So that old people in their declining years do not fall into a melancholy state, it is necessary to give them not the duty, but truly warm, human participation.

Features of the fight against melancholy

Inpatient treatment of melancholy is not always required. A slight melancholy when sad thoughts are overwhelming, you just need to shake it up. One has only to adhere to simple advice.

Self-help ways to deal with melancholy

Reading a book in a comfortable environment
Reading a book in a comfortable environment

There are many ways to get rid of melancholy on your own. Some of them are more suitable for women due to their temperament, while others are truly masculine. But there is hardly a clear gradation between them. In the end, everyone's business is what they like.

How to deal with melancholy on your own:

  • The main thing is to try to be in public. Getting rid of your blues among them is much easier than in "proud" loneliness. It is good for women to do aerobics, and for men to play volleyball or football. It seems that anyone can do it. Shopping is also a great way to unwind.
  • When you don't want to go in for sports, you can visit the library, cinema or theater. At worst, read a book at home, watch TV or sit at a crossword puzzle. It's good to do the cleaning, it will take your thoughts.
  • Sensual pleasures should not be forgotten. Intimacy is, of course, in the first place here. However, good company, great conversation, and good food are also great ways to distract yourself from sadness. Just do not bump into booze or, God forbid, drugs. This is the flip side of a pleasant pastime, it will only aggravate the blues and wind up new problems.
  • A great way to get rid of melancholy is to support those who are in pain. "Help others and you will be rewarded a hundredfold." Quite right! Those who help those in need help themselves. Such a person begins to think positively, and this dispels sadness and longing.
  • The church will help get rid of melancholy. She is a collective psychologist. Many trust God with their sorrows and find peace in their souls in prayers. But this is advice for people who believe that they came to this world by the providence of God.

It's important to know! It is quite possible to get rid of melancholy on your own, it is only important to want this very much.

Specialist help for melancholy

Consultation with a psychologist
Consultation with a psychologist

If you can't run away from your sad thoughts yourself, you need to contact a psychologist. Today, there are many different psychological techniques to get rid of neuroses and depressive conditions. For example, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. Its meaning is that it helps the patient to break the chain of negative associations and develop new positive thinking.

This can happen in figurative games. Let's say a patient imagines that the car had an accident, the windshield shattered to smithereens, and he barely survived. The car needs a major overhaul. The psychotherapist brings the patient to the understanding that the trouble happened to him, and his old negative thoughts crashed and scattered. There is no more return to them. One should not regret it, but tune in to a new wave of thinking, which will thoroughly "repair" it.

Without sincere contact between the psychologist and the patient, it is unlikely that the latter will be able to get rid of his melancholy.

Treatment for melancholy in the clinic is the same as for severe depressive conditions. The patient is placed in a neuropsychiatric hospital and a complex of medical procedures is carried out to stop the obvious signs of the disease. For this, various drugs of psychotropic action are prescribed. It can be antipsychotics, antidepressants, normotimics. The latter stabilize mood, which is especially important in melancholic depression.

After discharge from the hospital, supportive treatment is necessary so that there are no relapses, which often happens with a long course of the disease.

It's important to know! In the hospital, only chronic melancholy is treated, when "black" thoughts stubbornly push a person to suicide. How to get rid of melancholy - watch the video:

Melancholy is black glasses on the outside world. The melancholic does not see all the bright variety of colors around him, he lives in a dark "cellar" of his gloomy thoughts and melancholy mood. If he is not yet deeply stuck in his sorrows, he may try to throw off the gloomy eyepieces in order to see the white light with a fresh and clear look. If this is beyond his power, then he needs to be treated. However, it is better not to bring yourself to such a state, since chronic diseases cannot be completely cured.
