The principles of building strength training according to Seluyanov

The principles of building strength training according to Seluyanov
The principles of building strength training according to Seluyanov

Seluyanov's training method causes a lot of controversy among athletes and specialists. Learn how science approaches workout design. Strength training is the repetition of certain movements at a relatively low pace and high load. Today, a large number of different training methods have been created. Each of them has its own fans and opponents. In this article we will look at the principles of building strength training in bodybuilding according to Seluyanov.

Strength training and muscle fiber hypertrophy

The structure of muscle fibers
The structure of muscle fibers

In the course of scientific research, it was found that with an increase in the weight of a sports equipment, the maximum possible number of repetitions of the exercise decreases. As an indicator of the maximum voluntary muscle strength in sports, it is customary to use the concept of a repeated maximum, which should be understood as the weight of the projectile, which can be overcome only once.

An increase in strength indicators can be caused by an improvement in the control of muscle contraction or due to an increase in the number of myofibrils. In the latter case, the sarcoplasmic reticullum also increases at the same time, and then there is an increase in the transverse dimensions of the muscle fibers.

Also, the transverse dimensions of the fibers can also increase due to an increase in the number of mitochondria, glycogen depot and other organelles. The main factor in muscle growth should be considered an increase in the number of mitochondria. This is precisely the purpose of classes aimed at developing strength indicators. But this can be achieved only while maintaining the rate of decomposition of protein compounds while increasing the rate of their synthesis in muscle tissues. The following factors influence the increase in the rate of protein production:

  • Stock of amino acid compounds in tissues;
  • High concentration of anabolic hormones in the bloodstream;
  • High levels of creatine in the tissues;
  • High content of hydrogen ions.

With the exception of the first factor, all others are directly dependent on training. To ensure the necessary supply of amino acid compounds in the tissues, it is necessary to use the correct nutrition program.

The principles of strength training according to Seluyanov

Professor Seluyanov
Professor Seluyanov

First of all, when drawing up a training program, it is necessary to observe the principle of choosing and observing the correct exercise technique. To do this, the athlete must understand the biomechanical features of each movement. Failure to follow the correct technique can result in injury.

Effort quality principle

People are engaged in the hall
People are engaged in the hall

The athlete needs to maximize the tension of the target muscles in every movement. To do this, three conditions must be met:

  • Use working weights of 90-10 percent of maximum for 1 to 3 reps in each set.
  • When using the weight of a sports equipment from 70 to 90 percent of the maximum, perform 6-12 repetitions in each approach.
  • When using weights weighing from 30 to 70 percent of the maximum, the required number of repetitions in each set should be from 15 to 25.

The negative repetition principle

The athlete performs a barbell press while standing
The athlete performs a barbell press while standing

To get the maximum result from training, it is necessary to ensure that the muscles are always under tension when performing movements. This is true not only when they are shortened, but also lengthened. The second phase of the movement is called negative, and the first is positive. The essence of the principle of negative repetitions is to perform a movement only in a negative phase, or, more simply, when lowering a sports equipment.

The principle of unifying series

The athlete performs dumbbell swings
The athlete performs dumbbell swings

The essence of the principle is to reduce or completely eliminate pauses between sets. In bodybuilding, such series are often called supersets. When performing supersets, the athlete reaches the maximum time during which creatine is in a free state. This, in turn, leads to an increase in the rate of RNA synthesis.

In addition, supersets increase blood flow to tissues, which significantly improves the quality of their nutrition.

The principle of split training

Athlete training with a barbell
Athlete training with a barbell

This principle should be used by all beginner athletes after several months of training. You need to create a split program so that each muscle group is trained once or a maximum of two times during the week. This is because it takes seven to ten days for the body to produce new myofibrils. Thus, supercompensation after strength training occurs 7-15 days after training.

Supercompensation system

The athlete performs a row of the front block
The athlete performs a row of the front block

We have already said that myofibrils are synthesized within 7-10 days. For this reason, when training with an emphasis on gaining mass, they should last from two to three weeks. This time is enough for the anabolic background to reach its peak value. To use the supercompensation system, the athlete must stop performing developmental movements for one or two weeks, focusing on tonic ones. To do this, use one to three sets.

The Principle of Wellness Strength Training

Workout in the gym
Workout in the gym

In the course of research by scientists on the effects of strength training on the body, it was found that only healthy people can use it. But at the same time, when using metered loads, people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, thrombophlebitis, etc., can also engage in bodybuilding. But we repeat once again that this is possible only with strict dosage of loads. In this case, the body will receive all the positive aspects that bodybuilding has:

  • Increased levels of anabolic hormones in the bloodstream.
  • Acceleration of anabolic processes in muscle tissues.
  • Burning subcutaneous fat.

There are special systems of health-improving strength training, for example, the Isoton method. Thanks to its use, you can significantly improve your health and slow down the development of certain diseases.

Learn about the basics of strength training in this video:
