Injury bodybuilding exercises

Injury bodybuilding exercises
Injury bodybuilding exercises

In any sport, you can get injured. Find out which bodybuilding exercises are the most traumatic and the possibility of replacing them with less dangerous types. Absolutely safe sports simply do not exist. Everyone is at risk of injury. Workouts to increase muscle mass also include traumatic bodybuilding exercises. The more weight the athlete starts to work, the more difficult it is to control the sports equipment, the load on the body increases and this increases the risk of injury. For this reason, all exercises should be performed technically correctly.

List of traumatic exercises

Athlete performing dumbbell press
Athlete performing dumbbell press

There are exercises in which the risk of injury is significantly higher. Therefore, in the process, you should be very careful:

  • Overhead dumbbell press carries the risk of joint dislocation.
  • Military press standing - can injure the spine or deltoid muscles.
  • Bench curls - can injure your biceps.
  • Bench press in the prone position - the possibility of injury to the hands and elbow joints, and with large working weights, a rupture of the chest muscles is possible.
  • Deadlift is one of the most difficult exercises and can cause damage to the spine.
  • Barbell squats - the ability to injure the hands, elbows and knees.

Since traumatic exercises in bodybuilding exist and this fact cannot be denied, the athlete should show attention and be careful during training sessions. The most important thing is to do all the exercises technically correctly. There is no need to increase the load abruptly and quickly change working weights.

It is almost impossible to replace some exercises, and some of the dangerous ones can be changed to less traumatic ones. Now the conversation will focus on those exercises that can be replaced without compromising the effectiveness of the entire training.

Risk of Injury While Seated Press

Seated Barbell Press
Seated Barbell Press

The human body is designed in such a way that it is much easier to lift weights while standing. In this position, the muscles of the thigh are connected to work. If the press is performed in a seated position, then the risk of injury to the shoulder joint increases.


: throwing a ball for fitness. When performing the exercise, you need to stand in front of the wall at a distance of one meter. The ball must be at chest level. Throw it so that the touch of the ball with the wall is one meter above your head. After bouncing, the ball should be caught by crouching slightly. Thanks to the inclusion of the thigh muscles in the work, the load on the shoulders is significantly reduced.

Reduction of hands on the simulator in a sitting position

The athlete performs an exercise to train the arms
The athlete performs an exercise to train the arms

In this exercise, the shoulder joints are the most vulnerable. It should also be noted that this exercise is not very effective.


: The pectoral muscles are best developed with simple push-ups from the floor. Trained athletes can place their feet on the bench. Push-ups are performed in several approaches, 10-15 repetitions in each. You may be surprised at the effectiveness of this simple exercise.

Seated traumatic vertical row

Seated Vertical Row
Seated Vertical Row

For beginners, this exercise in mass-gathering training may seem very simple and convenient. However, it is very difficult technically and very rarely done correctly. This carries an increased risk for the back and shoulder joints.


: pull-ups on a low bar. A Smith machine or a power rack with a bar attached to it can also be used. It is important that the bar is at the level of the lifter's belt. Crawl under it, stretch your feet forward, while the body should be flat and located with the legs in a straight line. Start pulling up by touching the bar with your chest. When performing the exercise, the elbow joints must be spread apart.

Possible Smith Machine Squat Injuries

Smith Trainer
Smith Trainer

It should be admitted that this simulator is very convenient for performing exercises, due to the fact that the bar is fixed in one plane. However, at the same time, a high load is placed on the lower back, shoulder and knee joints, since the exercise cannot be performed along a curved path.


: Regular barbell squats. This is a fairly popular exercise in strength sports and no less effective. The main challenge with barbell squats is balance.

Leg Press Injury

Leg press on the simulator
Leg press on the simulator

The whole danger when performing this type of bench press lies in the need to bend the back, which does not involve the muscles, which are a kind of corset for the lumbar and thoracic sections of the body. For this reason, the spine is virtually defenseless and can be damaged.


: regular squats. In this case, you should follow the technique of their implementation, otherwise the required effect will not be achieved. When squatting, the back should be straight and you need to sit down as low as possible. The number of squats in the approach should be increased gradually.

Danger of abducting the hips with a simulator

Athlete performs hip exercises
Athlete performs hip exercises

This exercise can injure your back and hip. The risk of injury increases significantly with heavy weights and frequent use of exercise as part of a training program.


: lunges with an expander. The expander loops should be fastened to the ankles and side steps should be taken. To do it correctly, you should spend some time on mastering, but it is practically safe for the body.

Leg extension injuries on the simulator

Leg extension exercise
Leg extension exercise

This exercise is very effective in a mass-gaining training cycle and makes it possible to effectively work on the quadriceps of the thigh. However, it can injure the ligaments and tendons that surround the kneecaps. This happens for the reason that you have to perform movements that are not natural for them.


: Squats on one leg. Step on a step platform or bench. The supporting leg should be slightly bent at the knee joint, and the other extended forward. When squatting, it is necessary to ensure that the heels do not come off the surface, the hips are pulled back slightly. It is possible that at the initial stage of this exercise, it will be difficult for athletes to maintain balance. In this case, you can lean on any fixed part located near the simulator.

As you can see from all of the above, many traumatic bodybuilding exercises can be replaced with less dangerous ones.

For common mistakes in training and ways to prevent injuries, watch the video:
