Bodybuilding stars

Bodybuilding stars
Bodybuilding stars

Everyone wants to be equal to the first people. Be it the film industry or some other field of activity. Who is the leader in bodybuilding? Learn about famous bodybuilders in the world. Bodybuilding has been a popular sport for a long time. During this period, many athletes have achieved great popularity, but there are bright bodybuilding stars among them. It is about them that the conversation will go now.

Jay Cutler

Champion bodybuilder Jay Cutler
Champion bodybuilder Jay Cutler

Jay was born in August 1973 in a family of farmers. Since childhood, he had to help his father with the housework, and the guy was strong and also enduring. Cutler started bodybuilding at the age of 18. It is worth noting that before that he also trained and achieved good results in the bench press, where he submitted a weight of 140 kilograms. It was just a hobby, but from the age of eighteen, Jay began to devote a lot of time to sports.

Two years later, at the age of 20, Cutler won the NPC Iron Bodies Invitational junior tournament. The victory did not turn his head, and the athlete continued his training. In 1995, he ascended the first step of the podium in another tournament among amateurs. After that, Jay moves to California. The guy was sure that here he could find everything he needed for further growth. However, he soon realized that he was mistaken and decided to return home.

The failure in California did not unsettle the athlete, but on the contrary, Cutler began to train even more actively. He no longer cared about amateur tournaments, and Jay began to seriously think about a professional career.

Having won another tournament in 2000, Jay and his wife again set off to conquer California. The small town of Lake Forest was chosen as the new residence. This time the choice was right. Very quickly, Cutler signed an advertising contract with one of the manufacturers of sports nutrition and began to prepare for the conquest of the highest heights.

It is worth noting that after the move, Cutler's progress was evident. He managed to become the second at Olympia three times and win the prestigious Arnold Classic. Jay dreamed of winning Olympia, but for several years he could not get around Ron Coleman. However, in 2006 he was able to do it and made his dream come true. After that, he won the tournament several times, losing only once in 2008. After that, Jay does not concede the first place to Olympia until 2011, where he loses to his own student Phil Heath.

Ronnie Coleman

Famous bodybuilder Ronnie Coleman
Famous bodybuilder Ronnie Coleman

Speaking of famous bodybuilders, it is simply impossible not to mention Ronnie Coleman. The athlete was born in 1964 on May 13 in Monroe, Louisiana. However, soon his family moved to Bastrop, where the future bodybuilding star and spent almost all of her childhood.

It is necessary to note the extraordinary genetic talent of Ronnie, which became a very important component of his future success in sports. It so happened that Coleman was not going to engage in bodybuilding. He played basketball, but his favorite was American football. He went to the hall simply out of curiosity. After graduating from college, Ronnie changed several jobs and as a result went to serve in the police. Thanks to this, he could study in the gym for free. Soon he surpassed a case that changed the life of an athlete. A friend invited him to train in a newly opened gym and there he was noticed by one of the coaches, who immediately determined Ronnie's prospects. However, bodybuilding did not attract him very much, only thanks to the opportunity to train for free, Coleman agreed with the coach's offer of cooperation. Ronnie quickly began to win various tournaments, but in one of them he was overtaken by a spinal injury. Coleman did not stop training and in 1998 he was able to win Olympia. This was the beginning of his triumphant march through the tournaments. Over the next ten years, he lost the first line only once, having won more than 20 of the most prestigious tournaments during this period.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Bodybuilding star Arnold Schwarzenegger
Bodybuilding star Arnold Schwarzenegger

There are no people in the world who have not heard of Arnold Schwarzenegger. He was born in Austria in 1947. The family of the future star of bodybuilding and cinema lived very poorly, but Arnold still managed to visit the hall. The athlete's dad was in love with football, but Arnold decided to devote himself to bodybuilding, and he was right. Schwarzenegger began to study seriously at the age of 14, but, like most beginners, he was sorely lacking in knowledge. However, this did not prevent him from progressing quickly enough, and in 1968 he became the first at Olympia. After that, he won a large number of different tournaments, and in 1975 he decided to take a break from sports, taking a break for rest. Arnie returned to the sports arena in 1980, and Olympia again submitted to him without much difficulty. Even a long five-year hiatus allowed Arnie to win. This can speak not only of his hard work, but also of his genetic talent. Schwarzenegger himself has said more than once that he manages to progress much faster than most other athletes. But still, Arnold soon decided to leave the big sport completely, focusing all his attention on his acting career. To say that he succeeded in this field is probably not worth it. Films with his participation are known to a huge number of people all over the world. Arnie also decided to help novice athletes and organized his own tournament "Arnold Classic". It is quite obvious that almost immediately he became one of the main ones for young athletes. It was with the victories at the "Arnold Classic" that the path of many bodybuilding stars began. In addition to sports and cinema, Arnie showed himself well as a politician, holding the post of Governor of California. No one will argue that the two terms spent by Schwarzenegger in this post speak of his professional qualities as a leader and businessman. Now Arnie again acts in films and helps young athletes. You can talk about bodybuilding stars for a very long time. But now I want to say that the summit is conquered only by those who want to climb it. This was proved by the three athletes presented today. Of course, each of them was gifted by nature, but without great diligence they could not have achieved serious results. For motivation from leading bodybuilders, watch the video:
