Bodybuilding hyperextension

Bodybuilding hyperextension
Bodybuilding hyperextension

Hyperextension is quite popular in bodybuilding. A large number of factors contributed to this. Learn how hyperextension is used in bodybuilding. Hyperextensions are exercises aimed at developing the back straighteners, hip flexors, and gluteal muscles. In recent years, hyperextension in bodybuilding has gained quite a lot of popularity, which was facilitated by:

  • Minimal injury risk of exercise;
  • Ability to maintain muscle tone;
  • Complete absence of stress on the spinal column;
  • Minimal stress on the joints;
  • Strengthening effect on the tendon corset of the spine.

All these factors certainly played a big role in the popularity of hyperextension. The exercises are recommended for beginner athletes, as well as for people with a weak back.

The following muscles are used during the exercise:

  • Legs - adductor muscle of the thigh;
  • Body - trapezium, rhomboid muscles, abdominal muscle group, spine erectors.

Technique for performing hyperextension in bodybuilding

Scheme for performing hyperextension
Scheme for performing hyperextension

Lie facedown on the machine and secure your heels behind the roller. After that, begin to perform downward bends, smoothly returning to the starting position. In this case, the body should form a straight line at the extreme upper point of the trajectory. In this position, you should fix the body for 2-3 seconds. It is also necessary to ensure that there is no bending in the lumbar region.

When performing the exercise, you cannot use the inertia of movement. The exercise should be performed with full amplitude, controlling the entire trajectory. When bending down, exhale, and inhale when moving up.

Hyperextension can be performed in bodybuilding and in the absence of a special simulator. In this case, you should lie on a hill so that the body remains suspended. Ask a friend to hold their legs and begin to perform the movement.

In the second embodiment of the hyperextension, parallel bars are used. You need to position yourself so that the front of the thigh is on one bar, and your legs are secured under the second. Resistance exercises can be started over time to increase the effectiveness of the exercise and better stimulate muscle growth. The load can be held in the hands or secured in the area of the shoulder blades.

Hyperextension with an emphasis on the hamstrings

Muscles involved in hyperextension
Muscles involved in hyperextension

This exercise is aimed at strengthening the biceps femoris muscle. It should be noted that it often plays the role of a kind of lifeline that can help in moments when other exercises were not effective.

Execution technique

The easiest way to perform the exercise is in a special simulator equipped with a hip support. When performing hyperextension in bodybuilding in the classic version, or in other words, for the development of the lower back, the support should be located at the level of the athlete's pelvis. To emphasize the effort on the hip, you should move the emphasis lower. As a result, it should be in the groin area. With this arrangement of the stop, most of the load will fall on the hamstrings.

Initial position

The starting position is no different from the classic hyperextension. Keep your body in a straight line with your hips resting on the cushion of the machine. The only difference is the direction of travel. In this case, you should not lean forward, but lean back. In this case, bending the legs at the knee joint is necessary with the effort of the hamstrings. If you have a certain training experience, then you can perform the exercise using weights.

Possible errors in technique

One of the main mistakes when performing this type of hyperextension is a small amplitude of movement. However, it should not be increased by bending back or tilting forward. This is due to the fact that then part of the load will be transferred to the back muscles.

When performing the exercise, make sure that the body resembles a straight line, and only the knee joints should bend. Most often, for a high-quality study of the target muscles, it is enough to perform two or three sets with the maximum possible number of repetitions.

Varieties of exercise

You can use one variant of this exercise, which allows you to increase the range of motion. However, in this case, you will need help from a comrade, who must have decent strength indicators.

You should lie on the bench so that its top edge is at the top of your thigh quadriceps. Your partner keeps your feet in the ankle area. Your body should be in a straight line. Rise up as high as possible, but only the hamstrings should be involved in the movement.

It must be said that this version of hyperextension in bodybuilding can only be used by athletes with extensive training experience.

Fitball hyperextension

Performing hyperextension on a fitball
Performing hyperextension on a fitball

This exercise is designed to work out the iliocostal, lumbar, and mid-back muscles. As additional muscles during the exercise, the hamstrings and gluteal muscles are involved. It should also be noted that this exercise is designed for advanced athletes. This exercise is performed as follows:

  1. It is necessary to lie on the fitball so that it is located in the abdomen. The legs should be extended, the arms should be behind the head, and it is necessary to lean on the toes of the feet.
  2. Tighten your back muscles and straighten until your torso and legs are in a straight line.
  3. Return to starting position.

This is how hyperextension is used in bodybuilding. If this exercise is not in your training program, then it should be included in it. It is very effective and contributes to the quality study of all the muscles involved in movement.

For hyperextension in bodybuilding, see this video: