The Role of Genetics in Bodybuilding: Myths and Reality

The Role of Genetics in Bodybuilding: Myths and Reality
The Role of Genetics in Bodybuilding: Myths and Reality

Scientists believe that genetic predisposition to different processes has a significant impact on ability. Learn about the role of genetics in bodybuilding. Now very often you can hear from athletes that they are no longer able to gain muscle mass or lose weight due to a genetic predisposition. However, more and more scientists are beginning to refute this statement. But before you refute or confirm something, you need to thoroughly understand the issue.

Is there a genetic threshold?

Section of the DNA chain
Section of the DNA chain

Still, it should be recognized that the role of genetics in bodybuilding is not as great as it is commonly believed. But along with this, of course, this factor has a certain significance. Each athlete has unique indicators of hormone levels, propensity to gain weight, or the development of a specific muscle group. But, despite this, if desired, anyone can achieve the goal. After all, you are working for yourself, and you should not be lazy here.

The human body can be compared to a flower. When all the conditions for favorable growth are provided to him, then he will bloom, if limited in something, then the plant will die. There can be many reasons, for example, pests, lack of moisture, etc. The same happens with the human body. In the event that the increase in muscle mass has slowed down or the athlete cannot get rid of excess weight, it means that he is doing something wrong. There is a reason for everything.

Not everything depends on genetics

Bodybuilder before the tournament
Bodybuilder before the tournament

A bodybuilder's success has three main dimensions: training, nutrition, and recovery. More often than not, athletes, at best, are doing well with only two of them. It should be noted that everyone pays great attention to the training process, but with nutrition and recovery, everything is much worse. If at least one of these three factors has problems with implementation, then you can forget about your goals.

Such potential, as, for example, Arnie, has a small number of athletes. And here I immediately want to remember Frank Zane. Seeing his current figure, it is difficult to believe that he has short collarbones, has a long torso, and his arms are only 35 centimeters long. At the beginning of sports, Frank had a mass of 86 kilograms and a height of 176 centimeters. Not the best genetics for a bodybuilder. But he managed to win Olimpia three times, beating Arnie at the same time.

So the question arises, how big is the role of genetics in bodybuilding? Zane strictly adhered to his nutritional program, his training was very intense and he strove to achieve his goal. It is the desire to achieve high results, multiplied by enormous work, that can level the genetic predisposition.

It was clear to him that he was not able to bypass Schwarzenegger in the amount of mass and began to actively work on the shape of his body. Even in our time, his figure is often called perfect. This man's story should inspire all athletes. Even if you are doing in the gym for yourself, and there are probably the majority of them, you should look up to Zane in order to be self-motivated.

Where to start to overcome the genetic threshold

The athlete performs a block deadlift
The athlete performs a block deadlift

To begin with, you must evaluate yourself as critically as possible. You should also go over your exercise and nutrition programs to see if they fit your needs. Decide on a task for the near future. What muscle groups you have the least developed, and they should be given special attention.

If the progress is not as fast as you would like, then perhaps the body simply does not have time to recover after training. Those parts of the body that, in your opinion, are less developed, should be trained twice during the week. Consider that your body is a piece of art that in the hands of a skilled sculptor (yours) can become precious.

For example, you have a wide waist. It makes no sense to try to do it narrower, it is easier and much more effective to work on increasing the width of the shoulders. When your arms are long enough, you won't be able to shorten them while working on the biceps. Perform pull-ups at every workout session. Ask your partner to touch the target muscle during the exercise. Scientists have found that muscles work 30% more efficiently when touched.

Stop "bodybuilding", you should train with your best efforts. After all, the term "training" means increasing the ability to perform a specific task. If after a year of training you use the same working weights, then you are not progressing. At each training session, you should give all your best and you need to train not the joints, but the muscles. Using simple repetitions of movements, you will not be able to achieve your goal. You need to feel every rep, and training should be your lifestyle. Activity means something calm and enjoyable, such as cross-stitching or learning a foreign language a couple of times throughout the week. After all, to learn English, you need to go to Britain and communicate only in the language of this country. Then you can learn the language.

You should treat your body the same way. Only by working on it around the clock can you give it the necessary shape. Training, nutrition and recovery cannot be separated from each other. These are the components of a single system, which, with high-quality interaction, can bring results. It is during the interaction. Separately, they will be completely ineffective.

All athletes should remember that body work is not a competition with other athletes. Everything that happens to you in the hall - you do for yourself. Surely some of your comrades are recovering or progressing faster, but this should not upset you. Do not bother thinking about the role of genetics in bodybuilding. This will not achieve anything, but only find an excuse to reduce the intensity of the training. Why exercise a lot when I'm not genetically predisposed? As soon as such thoughts appear in your head, immediately think of Frank Zane.

Learn more about the role of genetics in bodybuilding in this video:
