Street workout exercises for beginners

Street workout exercises for beginners
Street workout exercises for beginners

Get to know the beginner's street workout complex and learn the history of the sport's development. Advice from practicing athletes. Street workout or street fitness is a new sport that is developing rapidly. Today we will tell the history of this direction of fitness, as well as you will get acquainted with the basic concepts and a set of street workout exercises for beginners.

Perhaps it's worth starting with the basic concepts, of which there are only three:

  • Workout - a street training system based on the use of the body weight of athletes and primarily designed to increase physical parameters.
  • Jimbarr - this direction appeared on the territory of Colombia and is based on the performance of complex exercises on the crossbar.
  • Yard gymnastics - a system of street training, consisting of various gymnastic exercises that improve coordination and flexibility.

The history of the emergence and development of the workout

Athlete on the bar
Athlete on the bar

Probably, many will be interested in learning the history of this area of fitness, which is gradually gaining popularity in our country. The name "Workout" itself can be translated as warm-up or workout. This term came into use simultaneously with the appearance of horizontal bars in the yards. It was at this time that people began to practice on the streets.

The founder of this trend is considered to be a group of friends Barbarians from the United States. They were the first to start filming their classes on video and uploading videos to YouTube. It happened about 12 years ago and from that moment on, street workout for beginners begins to become more and more popular in different countries of the world.

The guys from Barbarian did complex tricks and had beautiful bodies. This could not fail to attract people to the new direction of fitness. The workout quickly took root on the territory of the CIS states, and soon an international organization was created that unites people from all over the world. The popularity of workout can be evidenced by the fact that it is recognized as an official sport on the territory of Kazakhstan.

Principles and benefits of the workout training process

Workout workout
Workout workout

The basic principle of workout is as follows - you can practice anywhere and at any time. For training, you only need a sports field with horizontal bars, which can be found in the yard or at the school stadium. Perhaps it is the availability and lack of the need for financial costs that made the workout so popular in a short time.

You do not need to purchase additional sports equipment, as well as purchase a subscription to the gym. You just have to decide to take care of your body and start working on it purposefully. One of the most popular street workout systems for beginners is Kalestenika.

It combines exercise with the use of your body weight and works all muscles effectively. It should be noted that workout classes are very simple, and you do not need to have any knowledge. Start with classic push-ups, pull-ups, dips, and abdominal work. You can do it two to six times throughout the week. It is very important to learn to feel your own body and if there are signs of overwork, then skip the lesson so that the body can recover.

Street workout tips for beginners

Street workout exercises
Street workout exercises

Everyone who wants to start doing workout can be advised first, to evaluate their own physique and, based on this, draw up a training program. People with a lean physique should start their workouts by doing push-ups and working with dumbbells. It is also important to remember the need for proper nutrition. Try to eat more meat as well as dairy products.

All this in combination will allow you to increase muscle mass. It is worth moving on to doing pull-ups only after you have been pushing up from the ground at least 50 times. At the same time, you should continue to do push-ups and dumbbell work, even though you may already be doing pull-ups.

If you have a normal physique, then you most likely do not need special nutrition programs, but it is worth giving up fast food. If you have a sufficient indicator of strength, then in addition to performing push-ups and movements with dumbbells, you should also perform negative pull-ups.

To do this, you need to hang on the horizontal bar so that the head is above its crossbar. After that, it is necessary to slowly and under control go down. When doing classic pull-ups, use different types of grips to actively work out as many muscles as possible. With regular training, you will see results quickly enough that you will probably want to exercise as often as possible. However, you should not overload the body and you need to provide the body with rest for recovery. Beginners should train for at least an hour, but no more than 90 minutes. You can also involve your comrades in your studies, because it is much more fun to train in a company. In addition, your motivation will increase.

Sports equipment for street workout

People doing street workout
People doing street workout

We already said at the beginning of the article that you do not need to look for specialized sports equipment. It is the availability of the workout that contributes to the constant growth of the number of its fans. Every yard or school stadium has the equipment you need:

  1. Bars - used for push-ups. Depending on the style of this movement, you will be able to work out different muscles.
  2. Horizontal bar is an excellent machine for doing pull-ups that strengthen the muscles of the upper body.
  3. Swedish wall - allows you to perform various exercises for a large number of muscles.
  4. Benches - are used mainly for pumping abdominal muscles.

Street workout exercises for beginners

Teenagers doing street workout
Teenagers doing street workout

You should start doing workout by mastering simple movements. By doing push-ups, pull-ups, and crunches, you will be able to develop all the muscles in your body. As the strength parameters grow, you should move on to more complex exercises.

On the horizontal bar, you can perform various types of pull-ups, as well as the upside-down lift. Pull up in one set about ten times, and perform the flip lift five to six times. For abdominal training, start by performing various crunches and then move on to mastering leg raises on the bar.

Workout exercises for girls

Girl on the horizontal bar
Girl on the horizontal bar

The main difference between the workout complex for girls in comparison with guys is that the exercises are mainly aimed not at developing strength parameters, but at increasing flexibility. In general, the complex of movements for girls maintains a balance between these indicators.

  1. Take a sitting position on the ground and spread your legs as much as possible to the sides. One leg must be bent at the knee joint, and the other must be straightened. Keeping your back straight, begin tilting your body toward your straightened leg. Exercise stretches the muscles in the back of the thigh.
  2. The starting position is similar to the previous movement, but both legs are extended. Begin to tilt the body forward, trying to put the ribcage on the ground.
  3. Lie on your back and place your hands behind your head. Raise your legs, bent at the knee joints and touching them with the elbow of the opposite leg.
  4. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your buttocks on the ground. Begin to lift the pelvis, while resting on the shoulder joints.
  5. Lying on your stomach, at the same time raise your arms and legs 30 centimeters from the ground. At the final position of the trajectory, linger for half a minute.

A set of street workout exercises for beginners

Three guys doing street workout
Three guys doing street workout

We offer you a simple set of street workout exercises for beginners. With it, you will gain enough strength to move on to more complex movements.

Day 1

  1. Pull-ups, medium grip - Do 2 sets of 6 to 12 reps each.
  2. Pull-ups, grip tight - do 1 set for failure.
  3. Dips, wide grip, and elbows apart - do 2 sets, each with 6 to 12 reps.
  4. Classic push-ups - one set per failure.
  5. Raising the legs on the uneven bars - two or three sets for failure.

Day 2

  1. Pull-ups, wide grip - Do 2 sets of 6 to 12 reps each.
  2. Pull-ups, reverse grip - perform 1 set for failure.
  3. Dips, narrow grip, and elbows near the body - do 2 sets, each with 6 to 12 reps.
  4. Classic push-ups with narrow arms - one set per failure.
  5. Raising the legs on the horizontal bar - two or three sets for failure.

Street workout exercises for beginners in this video: