How to take L-carnitine while exercising?

How to take L-carnitine while exercising?
How to take L-carnitine while exercising?

Find out what other benefits of the amino acid carnitine have other than helping athletes shed excess body fat. Carnitine is an amine and can help fight obesity. It is also necessary to note the anabolic properties of this substance, the ability to improve the quality of tissue nutrition, the acceleration of regeneration processes and the accumulation of iodine, which improves the efficiency of the thyroid gland.

Carnitine is produced by the cellular structures of the liver and kidneys with the participation of methionine and lysine. Today on the market there is a large selection of sports nutrition, which includes carnitine. The use of supplements allows not only to effectively fight fat, but also to increase endurance.

Effects of carnitine

Athlete with dumbbells
Athlete with dumbbells

To understand how to maximize the effectiveness of how to take l-carnitine during training, you should learn about the properties and effects of this substance. Note that carnitine has been actively studied for a long time and it can be argued with full responsibility that it is an effective supplement. However, until now, very often on specialized web resources there are disputes about the appropriateness of its use.

Some people believe that carnitine is not effective at fighting fat. This is due to a lack of understanding of the mechanism of work of the substance. You must understand that carnitine alone does not affect the rate of fat reduction. This is precisely the reason for the frequent allegations of its ineffectiveness. Carnitine can only accelerate the delivery of fatty acids to mitochondria. However, let's look at the main effects of this amine:

  • Accelerates the delivery of fatty acids to the place where energy is obtained from them (mitochondria).
  • Accelerates the processes of burning fats and converting them into energy.
  • Reduces athlete fatigue while increasing endurance.
  • Accelerates regenerative processes after the end of the lesson.

Although carnitine is synthesized in the body, supplementation is needed with intense fat burning. The higher the amine concentration, the more actively fatty acids will be delivered to the mitochondria, and, therefore, the body will receive more energy, which directly affects endurance.

Carnitine in the body performs a transport function and accelerates the delivery of not only fatty acids, but also other nutrients. It also contributes to the acceleration of regenerative processes, as well as the growth of muscle tissue.

Types of carnitine

Different types of carnitine
Different types of carnitine

Carnitine comes in several forms: liquid, tablet, capsule, etc. It must be said right away that the liquid form of the substance has a higher digestibility, but its cost is also slightly higher in comparison with tablets. That being said, you should be aware that liquid carnitine can be made as a syrup. These foods are not effective for fat burning. This fact is due to the presence of a large amount of sweeteners and other additives in them.

It is best to use pure liquid carnitine to fight fat. The tablet form of the substance is also perfect for these purposes. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase only those dietary supplements that contain pure carnitine and are free of various impurities.

How to take l-carnitine?

The athlete prepares sports nutrition before training
The athlete prepares sports nutrition before training

Let's take a look at how to get the most out of all forms of carnitine.

Liquid Carnitine

Liquid Carnitine
Liquid Carnitine

We have already said that liquid carnitine can be produced in the form of syrups or packaged in ampoules. For athletes, ampoules are the best option, as we also remembered. If you nevertheless decide to use syrup, then it should not be taken at the same time with food and diluted with water.

The dosage of liquid carnitine for an adult is 5 milliliters three times a day. For athletes, the dosage should be increased to 15 milliliters. Take the drug right before the start of the training. The cycle time for carnitine is maximum six weeks. If necessary, after a seven-day break, the course can be repeated.

Carnitine can be used by children of all ages. Babies under one year old should take 10 to 20 drops at a time. When a child is between one and six years of age, the dosage is increased and ranges from 20 to 27 drops. Children over the age of six can take 2.5 milligrams of the supplement at a time. The total duration of the carnitine course for children is 30 days, after which a pause must be made, lasting a week.

Tableted carnitine

L-carnitine tablets
L-carnitine tablets

Many athletes prefer to use pills. Do not dissolve them, but you just need to swallow and then drink plenty of liquid. The dosage of tableted carnitine for adults is from 0.2 to 0.5 grams three times a day. Athletes should take 0.5 to 2 grams of the supplement before starting a session.

Carnitine capsules

L-carnitine capsules
L-carnitine capsules

The capsule, like the tablet, must be swallowed whole and then washed down with water. Dosages for carnitine capsules are identical to the tablet form, as well as the duration of the course, which is about 1 to 1.5 months.

Speaking about how to take L-carnitine during training, it should be noted that the supplement goes well with almost all types of fat burners. Moreover, this combination significantly increases the effectiveness of the course and it is he who can be recommended to athletes and all people who decide to lose weight.

Carnitine may also be effective for gaining mass, as it accelerates the delivery of nutrients to muscle tissue. In this situation, carnitine should be taken simultaneously with protein mixtures or gainers. It is very important to remember that if you take supplements without interruption, the body will adapt to carnitine and the effectiveness of its use will be minimal. It is for this reason that the drug should be used in cycles.

Contraindications and side effects of carnitine

Girl drinks a capsule
Girl drinks a capsule

Since carnitine is an amine, and all supplements are made from natural raw materials, it has no side effects. An exception is individual amine intolerance, which can lead to allergic reactions.

Although the drug is safe for the body, there are still several contraindications. Do not use the supplement during pregnancy, diabetes, hypertension, kidney problems and liver cirrhosis.

How effective is carnitine for weight loss

Girl measures her waist
Girl measures her waist

We have already mentioned that this issue continues to be highly debated, despite the existence of scientific evidence of the effectiveness of the supplement. If you want to know how to take L-Carnitine during your workout and do it effectively, then supplementation alone will not be enough.

Carnitine will only benefit you if you follow an appropriate dietary nutrition program and exercise regularly and intensely. Thus, to get the effect of this substance, you need to work hard in the gym.

You can choose any cardio exercise you like. You can jog, swim, dance, etc. It should also be remembered that carnitine begins to work half an hour after the start of the training. And the point here is not in the amine itself, but in the body. It is exactly half an hour that is needed for the body to activate the processes of obtaining energy from fatty acids.

Myths and Reality About L-Carnitine:

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