How to reduce the effects of hormones on the body. Everyone is interested in this. Find out how to take gonadotropin after completing anabolic courses. The drug will improve your well-being and will reduce their influence to zero. Before you begin to describe directly taking gonadotropin after a course of steroids, you need to understand exactly what it is for. For this reason, you should consider the chain, or as it is most often called, the "hypothalamus-pituitary-testicles" arc.
Steroid Free Male Hormone Production System

The male hormone is produced in the Lading cells located in the testicles, and this process is influenced by the luteinizing hormone. The higher its level, the stronger the synthesis of testosterone is produced by Leyding cells. In turn, the pituitary gland is responsible for the synthesis of luteinizing hormone, which also produces follicle-stimulating hormone, which is necessary to regulate sperm production (this process is called spermatogenesis). The synthesis of these hormones, luteinizing and follicle-stimulating, depends on a third substance - hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone.
The hypothalamus receives information about the level of testosterone and estrogen in the body and regulates the synthesis of the hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone, the level of which depends on the amount of estrogen. It should be noted that the chain "hypothalamus-pituitary-testes" is a very complex mechanism, which includes various "sensors" and mechanisms of regulation. Due to the high complexity of the entire system, its performance can be easily disrupted, at least for a short period of time.
The mechanism of action of steroids on the body

Androgenic and anabolic steroids have different effects on the body. Now we are talking only about the body's production of a natural male hormone. AAS, which are not subject to aromatization, are not able to suppress testosterone synthesis and, as a result, do not affect the functioning of the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular arc. After courses of these steroids, the body is able to recover on its own and quickly enough and taking gonadotropin after a course of steroids is not required in this case. Unfortunately, they cause a very insignificant increase in mass. This requires athletes to use stronger AAS in their courses. Their use leads to the following consequences:
- The level of luteinizing hormone decreases;
- Increased cortisol levels
- The content of female hormones increases;
- An increase in the amount of globulin leads to a decrease in the level of the male hormone;
- The content of luteotropic hormone increases, which leads to the growth of the mammary glands.
Also, steroids with high progestogenic properties have a negative effect on the synthesis of luteinizing hormone. The use of a soundboard on the course inhibits the restoration of the synthesis of the natural male hormone. It should be borne in mind that the maximum activity of this steroid is noted a month or even two after the start of its use. It follows from this that the reception of the soundboard must be completed one month before the end of the entire course.
Drugs required to exit the steroid cycle

Now a scheme for taking gonadotropin after a course of steroids will be given, which will almost completely save yourself from the risks of side effects. It is usually recommended to take 2,000 to 2,500 IU of the drug after 4-7 days. The scheme proposed today involves taking from 500 to 1000 IU of gonadotropin daily for 7-10 days. Thus, the amount of the drug taken practically does not change, but there are no risks of side effects.
If gonadotropin at the exit from the course can not be used, then tamoxifen or clomid are necessary during this period. To increase their effectiveness, they should be taken in combination with Proviron. This will lead to an increase in the synthesis of luteinizing hormone.
Please note that you can replace Proviron with Arimidex, which will suppress aromatase much faster, but for this reason, the level of estrogen can greatly decrease, which will also be bad for the body. It is quite possible to use Bromocriptine, but insulin and methandrostenolone will not be superfluous at all.
Additional recommendations for exiting the steroid cycle

It should be said right away that when you exit the course, in fact, as during its passage, you need to monitor the level of hormones in the body. One of the main tasks after the completion of a steroid cycle is to suppress the synthesis of cortisol. As you know, anti-catabolics are intended for these purposes, one of the best in this group of drugs is methandrostenolone. Despite the fact that this steroid actively interferes with the synthesis of a natural hormone, if taken in the morning, then there will be no negative effects on the body.
Also, insulin can successfully act as an anti-catabolic. By and large, this hormone is needed no less than taking gonadotropin after a course of steroids. There are a lot of schemes for its use, but the best of them is the use of two injections throughout the day.
Also, after you have finished taking steroids, you need to quickly restore prolactin levels. For this, Bromocriptine is best suited. Thanks to this drug, the body not only accelerates the synthesis of growth hormone and leptin, but also increases libido. In addition, Bromocriptine has fat burning properties and is able to fight the development of gynecomastia.
To stimulate the synthesis of natural testosterone, clomid and tamoxifen remain the best. No other drug can compete with them. The same results can be achieved by taking 20 milligrams of tamoxifen or 150 milligrams of clomid daily. In addition to these two remedies, you can use tribulus terristeris in an amount of 100 milligrams throughout the day, but it is less effective.
For more information on post cycle therapy, see this video:
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