Withdrawal syndrome after taking steroids

Withdrawal syndrome after taking steroids
Withdrawal syndrome after taking steroids

The so-called "withdrawal syndrome" appears after the completion of the steroid cycle is inevitable and should be considered. Learn all about Withdrawal Syndrome. Every athlete who has used AAS at least once in his career is familiar with the "withdrawal syndrome." After the end of the cycle, there is a significant decline in the results. During this period, there is a loss of muscle tissue mass and strength indicators. This often causes frustration and even depression in athletes. They try to quickly start the next anabolic cycle, after which everything is repeated again. It is the "withdrawal syndrome" after taking steroids that will become the main topic of conversation today. After stopping the use of steroids in the body, serious psychological and endocrine changes occur. We should talk about them now.

Changes in the endocrine system with "withdrawal syndrome"

The system of production of the main endocrine
The system of production of the main endocrine

The main change after drug withdrawal is, of course, suppression of the synthesis of the natural male hormone. During the course of the course, the testosterone level is artificially increased significantly, and the body does not need to produce it on its own.

After a steroid course, the following hormonal changes occur in the athlete's body:

Decrease in testosterone

When the level of testosterone in the body rises, the hypothalamus receives a signal to stop the production of the male hormone. If this condition lasts for a sufficiently long period of time, then the system begins to atrophy, which is noticeable by a decrease in the size of the testicles. If nothing is done, the so-called endocrine impotence can develop. As a result, this phenomenon can be so neglected that it will no longer be possible to cure the system and you will have to use hormonal therapy for the rest of your life, taking androgens. It can also threaten the athlete with infertility.

Increased estrogen levels

It can be absolute or relative. A relative increase means that the amount of estrogen in the body has not increased, but exceeds the content of androgens. An absolute increase characterizes an increase in estrogen levels above normal as a result of aromatization processes or an increase in their production. If an absolute increase in their level is observed in the body, then gynecomastia may develop, or in other words, an increase in the size of the mammary glands in men.

Disruption of the pancreas

As many people know, this organ is responsible for the synthesis of insulin. After the AAS cycle, this process slows down, but insulin is a very important anabolic hormone that promotes muscle growth.

It is thanks to insulin that the uptake of glucose by cells is enhanced, which in turn contributes to their growth. In addition, insulin affects the production of growth hormone, which is also an anabolic hormone. It has the ability to accelerate the growth of tissue and bone cells, and also thanks to it, new muscle fibers are created. It is worth noting that anabolic steroids do not promote the appearance of new fibers, but only increase the size of the existing ones.

Acceleration of the synthesis of cortisol

This hormone is synthesized by the adrenal glands. During normal functioning of the body, cortisol is actively involved in the metabolic processes of carbohydrates and fats, and also promotes the breakdown of protein compounds into amino acid compounds by the liver.

Under stressful situations, a rapid production of cortisol begins, which is not always good, since the active breakdown of protein compounds begins and as a result muscle mass is lost.

Psychological changes during the period of "withdrawal syndrome"

A man sitting on a bench
A man sitting on a bench

Psychological changes during the period of "withdrawal syndrome" after taking steroids are no less serious than the changes in the endocrine system described above. Almost every AAS cycle is characterized by a general rise; after its cancellation, there comes a time of loss of strength. Often, after completing the course, athletes become irritable and very hot-tempered. If it comes to endocrine impotence, then personal life also does not add up.

Of course, changes in the psychological plan largely depend on the athlete himself, but there are some features inherent in all athletes. It's hard to watch how a previously beautiful physique begins to change far from the better. Often all hopes are associated with a new course, during which everything will return to normal. Also, very often after the completion of the steroid cycle, the training sessions themselves do not bring joy, and sometimes you have to force yourself to go to the gym. But you should be ready for this and it is almost impossible to avoid it. Do not expect that the effectiveness of the training after the course will remain the same. It is advisable to plan ahead for weight reduction to avoid disappointment and injury. In addition, the intensity of the training should be reduced to give the body time to recover. You shouldn't deplete it even more.

Often, after completing the AAS course, there is not just a decline in the effectiveness of classes, but a complete lack of effect from the training. During this period, athletes are often in a plateau state. The urge to start a new cycle is getting stronger every day and can lead to the development of dependence on steroids.

This is also greatly influenced by advertising of various protein supplements, gainers, etc. In addition, there is a lot of information that all professional athletes use various drugs throughout their careers. The athlete is confident that in order to change the current situation, it is necessary to start taking something. Only the companies that produce these additives can be delighted with such a solution.

It is necessary to understand that sports nutrition is ineffective in comparison with steroids. As a result of all of the above, the athlete begins to believe that in training he does not depend on anything and only with the help of steroids he can progress. But this is not the case. It is important to always remember that AAS is only one of the tools to achieve the goal, and not the only means.

For more information on Withdrawal Syndrome, see this video:
