Find out how best to restore your own testosterone after heavy to moderate steroid use. You can also avoid unwanted side effects. Ovitrel is a chorionic gonadotropin that accelerates the secretion of sex hormones. This drug is produced by the Italian company Merck Serono and can be in the form of a solution or powder. Ovitrel is introduced after a course of steroids in bodybuilding subcutaneously. We also note that the drug is officially registered in the register of medicines in Russia and, therefore, has passed a full quality check.
If you study the reviews that can be found on the network, then the drug is very popular. The drug is obtained by recombinant synthesis and fully corresponds to the hormone produced by the female body during pregnancy. Almost all consumers talk about its high efficiency.
Indications for use of Ovitrel

The instruction of the drug assumes its use during superovulation (with the maturation of a large number of follicles) to prepare the foundation before using additional reproductive technologies. Also, the drug can be used to accelerate the maturation of follicles at the final stage and the subsequent formation of the corpus luteum.
How to use Ovitrell in bodybuilding?

Ovitrel is a medication, but its use in "iron" sports is the most important for us. Like all drugs containing gonadotropin, the value of ovitrel for bodybuilders lies in its ability to increase testosterone production and stimulate the pituitary axis.
The use of Ovitrel to increase the anabolic background is not effective. Firstly, its effectiveness is much inferior to AAS, and, secondly, in order to obtain a positive result, it is necessary to use the drug in large doses, which can negatively affect the work of the pituitary arch. Moreover, these changes may be irreversible.
For this reason, the drug is used by athletes during steroid cycles in order to prevent possible testicular atrophy. Thanks to this, athletes are able to eliminate some of the side effects of steroid use and maintain muscle mass. Ovitrel is sometimes used after a course of steroids in bodybuilding, although most athletes find it more effective during a cycle.
Also noteworthy is one study from Britain. Endocrinologist Simeons is confident that with a low-calorie nutrition program, gonadotropin can be a very effective fat burner. However, in this capacity, Ovitrel is not used in bodybuilding.
You will learn more about human chorionic gonadotropin from this video: