Watch fun photo workshops that teach you what can be made from bananas, apples and tangerines. For you - funny characters from these fruits.
You can cheer yourself up and your family, using even little things. Serve food in such a way that it not only awakens the appetite, but also evokes joyful emotions.
What to make from bananas with your own hands?

You don't even have to cook anything. The beautifully designed food will delight family members when they get home. Take:
- bananas;
- black marker;
- the cloth;
- scissors;
- dish.
Wash the bananas and wipe them off. Draw with black marker the eyes and the blindfold on the other eye. Cut out triangles from the fabric, tie them around the lower parts of these figures. Put the bananas on the platter with their tails up to make these adorable, funny pirates. But you can make not only them from these fruits.

If a children's party is expected, serve healthy foods to the children in portioned plastic cups. Pour grapes of two colors here, cut the top of each banana in half and draw dolphins' eyes. In the resulting mouth, put these characters one grape at a time.
For such food, not only these, but also other berries are useful. Red and black currants or blueberries are also great. Prepare bananas, decorate them with these berries.

If a children's birthday is expected, arrange the table in a certain way when setting the table. You can glue pieces of cardboard with painted pupils on bananas or depict facial features with a marker. From triangular paper blanks, make a hat for each such character and put it on a banana.
Thinking what to make from bananas, create Fixies out of them.

To make these cartoon characters, take:
- bananas;
- blue, white, red and black electrical tape;
- scissors.
Take a bunch of bananas, wash and dry them. Cut out small rectangles from blue duct tape that will turn into the clothes of these characters. From black duct tape, cut one and two circles, connected by ribbons and black duct tape. This will be the frame of the glasses. Make the eyes with white and black duct tape. You can draw smiling mouths with a marker, and make naughty tongues out of red tape.
Smiling bananas like these are sure to cheer you up, just like the following. Draw the mouths with a black marker, and what you do not sketch, turn into teeth.

Then it will be enough to wrap the lower parts of these fruits with colored napkins to get such mischievous characters.
You can also use colored paper for clothing. Using markers, create various facial features, and cut out triangles from paper, wrap bananas with these blanks, and glue them on the back of tape.

Arrange a surprise for a children's party. Let the children open the bag, and in it they will find several smiling bananas in colored clothes. If you were invited to visit, then also use this idea and please the hosts of the holiday with an interesting surprise.
These snacks will be appropriate for an open-air party. You can arrange a similar holiday for children and thus have a birthday.
If you only have:
- bananas;
- bandages;
- eyes for toys or a blister of tablets and black peppercorns.
This is what you need.

Wrap the bananas in bandages. Attach toy eyes or blisters as you style them around the ponytails. If you're making food for Halloween, this is fine. Here's what you can make quickly from bananas, but not only that. Wrap each such fruit in pre-cut paper or decorate these vegetables with white duct tape of this color. You will get an unusual design of vegetables. And with the help of bandages, not only bananas can be transformed.

What to make from apples - master class and photo
You will also quickly transform these fruits. You can rewind them with bandages, not forgetting to put eyes with pupils inside. This food for Halloween or any other holiday is perfect.

From these fruits, you can make funny Frankensteins in 5 minutes. Take black markers and draw hair, eyebrow eyes, and mouth on each green apple. As if it was being sewn up.

Can be quickly crafted from apples and teenage mutant ninja turtles.

Take a braid or cut strips of multi-colored fabric in advance. Draw eyes on each with a white and black marker, or you can first draw them on paper, cut out, and then glue them in place. Tie cloth strips over the fruit. Here's what you did with apples.
You can cut out a part of the peel from these fruits with a small knife, paint eyes and eyebrows with food paints here. Another option is to glue paper strips with painted eyes.

Another interesting idea is to draw the facial features of famous characters of games, cartoons on colored paper and stick these elements on apples. Decorate the children's table with these fruits to cheer up the kids.

Transform an apple into a fairy tale character. To do this, cut Snow White from a children's book or postcard. You will need the upper part of this heroine. Make a slit on the top of the apple and insert this cardboard blank here. Cover the junction with satin ribbons, which at the same time will also become Snow White's skirt.

If you need to make a lot of inexpensive gifts to treat your classmates in kindergarten or classmates with them, then you can quickly make such presents.

- apples;
- chupa-chups candy;
- ribbons;
- colored paper;
- scissors;
- pen.
Cut out the kind of wings from colored paper. Write on each who exactly this present is addressed to. Place these wings on top of each apple and secure them with chupa chups. To do this, you need to make one hole in the center of the paper blanks, then put sweets here.
Thinking about what to make from fruits, pay attention to such an interesting turtle.

- green apples;
- seedless grapes;
- toothpicks.
Place the apples with the hole facing up. Divide each toothpick in half and use these sharp objects to attach the grapes. You get turtles with four legs. You can make funny frogs from apples. Separate a quarter from each apple to indicate the mouth of these characters. Using toothpicks, attach 2 grapes to each frog. They will become eyes.

You can create such food crafts with your children. Show the kids how to make these edible funny faces.

Using a knife, you yourself will cut each apple into four parts. Outside these slices, you need to make a slit, which will become the mouth. Slices of strawberries will turn into tongues, and seeds will become teeth, which need to be stuck with a sharp point inward into the pulp of the apple. You will make the eyes from a piece of fruit with white flesh, and the pupils from black grapes.
Here's what else you can do with apples. Observe the reaction of the guest when you hand him such a fruit. But this caterpillar is not real, it is made of gummies.

It will be enough to make a small round hole in the apple along the diameter of this candy and put its tip here. Well, in order not to shock the guests, you can make a funny caterpillar of this type. You will need to attach to it on both sides along the grape using toothpicks. Then attach colored paper with a drawn muzzle to one grape, and put a leaf of green paper into the hole of the apple.

What to make from tangerines with your own hands - a master class
You can also transform these fruits in 5 minutes to amaze children and adults.

- tangerines;
- marker;
- toothpicks;
- marmalade.
Wash the fruit, dry it off and draw eyes and a mouth on each. Use a knife to cut a kind of hats out of the marmalade. Attach these accessories to the top of each mandarin with toothpicks.
You can use not only marmalade, but also other suitable candies.
If you attach lemon slices to the tops of the tangerines with toothpicks as the brim of the hat, and the marshmallows become its top, you will get another interesting food craft.

If you need to quickly make a gift from improvised products, then pay attention to the next present.

- tangerines;
- cocktail umbrellas;
- toothpicks;
- transparent wrapping paper;
- scissors;
- cupcakes.
Stick the tip of a toothpick into the tangerine, then dip a piece of this wooden skewer into the middle of the cake on the other side. Stick a cocktail umbrella into the tangerine on top. Draw the mouth and nose, you can glue the eyes for toys here. Wrap such a gift in transparent wrapping paper or a bag, and tie it with a ribbon on top.
Also, cocktail umbrellas will help create cheerful Chinese and Vietnamese. Stick on such an umbrella on top of each fruit, draw the characteristic features of the oriental people on the tangerines.

Make bunnies if you wish. The base will be the same, and you will turn the marmalade of the desired shape into the ears.

If there are no such candies, then use cardboard instead. Cut strips with ears from such thick paper. Attach them to the tangerines, fasten the ends of each strip at the back. You can give these bunnies to boys on February 23rd or girls on March 8th in kindergarten or school.

Other edible gifts would be appropriate. Glue a white cardboard circle with black pupils drawn to each tangerine. Draw the mouths. Also paint the facial features on the bananas. Decorate them with candy wrapper caps and place edible gifts in small clear bags.

- Tangerines make wonderful fish that will become inexpensive but interesting gifts. Use orange paper to make ponytails and fins. Mark the lines on them with a pencil.
- Wrap each tangerine with a strip of white cardboard, but with black stripes on both sides. Glue three fins between these two elements, and fasten the tail at the back.
- It remains to make eyes, a smiling mouth and put each fish in your bag, tie it with a beautiful lace.
This idea is suitable for those children who have a birthday and need to treat their classmates or classmates in the kindergarten.
You can also give such pleasant gifts to guests after celebrating their birthday at home. Then those who come will not leave empty-handed.

Make the faces of the cats out of orange paper. See what features you need to apply to your face. Then you glue these paper blanks to the tangerines using double-sided tape.

Having learned what to make from apples, bananas, tangerines, you can make various figures and arrange a real puppet show for a child.

From apples, funny gnomes will turn out if you create arms and legs on the basis of toothpicks. Place tangerine cats next to these characters and you can start a fun action.
It is interesting to make cats more realistic by attaching not only heads, but also cardboard paws to them. You will place these details on a strip of such thick paper. Attach a soft wire tail at the back.

Show your child how you can make such wonderful bunnies from tangerines. To do this, take paper towel or toilet paper rolls and glue them with colored stripes. You will get bright blouses. Using double-sided tape, glue the orange cardboard ears and front legs on top of each mandarin.

Can be made from tangerines and funny Indians. To do this, you need to measure a strip, tie each fruit with it, at the same time attaching a feather.

Here's what can be made with bananas, apples, and tangerines. If you are interested in how to make figurines from fruits, then watch the video.
Related article: How to make fruit carving with your own hands
If you are not already familiar with the following ideas, now is the time to fix it.

And if you want to see what to make from a banana, then watch the second video. Even the peel of the fruit is involved in an interesting way, so everything will go into action.