Oriental style - how to decorate a garden

Oriental style - how to decorate a garden
Oriental style - how to decorate a garden

The oriental style can be not only in the interior, but also in the country. Pick up plants for such a garden, see how to arrange a reservoir, make a teahouse, decorate the exterior of a hacienda using a mosaic.

Try to create an Asian, Persian style in the country. Here you will use the motives of Central Asia, where there are many bright accessories and plants, there is the charm of the East.

Oriental garden style - choosing plants

If you do not know how the Eastern style manifests itself at the dacha, the photos will demonstrate this.

Oriental garden style
Oriental garden style

This is what is typical for such a suburban hacienda: it is a mosaic and colored paving slabs, cozy patios, a pond. Such a garden is decorated with oriental pavilions and openwork arches. Or you can arrange a tent in an oriental style, which in parallel will be a gazebo and a summer cafe.

Flowers are also characteristic of the oriental style. See which ones would be preferable here, these are:

  • poppy;
  • marigold;
  • daylilies;
  • dahlias;
  • gladioli;
  • irises;
  • chrysanthemums;
  • asters;
  • fragrant tobacco;
  • gypsophila;
  • lavanter;
  • tulips.

From vines, give preference to:

  • grapes;
  • clematis;
  • actinidia;
  • sweet peas;
  • decorative beans.

Here are some shrubs you can plant in an Oriental style garden:

  • rose hip;
  • hydrangeas;
  • chubushnik;
  • weigela;
  • roses;
  • Japanese quince;
  • spirea.

Of course, there should be fruit trees in the eastern garden, including pear, apple, sweet cherry, apricot, cherry, irga.

In such a garden, a reservoir would be very appropriate. After all, the noise of falling water should have a calming effect. In a corner of such a garden, you can relax and indulge in relaxation.

Read also how to make a dry stream and a bridge for it

How to decorate a garden in an oriental style - organizing a reservoir

This is one of the important details of the Persian garden. The body of water should be such that it seems natural. When arranging it, try to fit this object into the existing landscape. Having made a pond, come up with a stone path on its shore. Place a small oriental-style figurine nearby.

Organization of the reservoir
Organization of the reservoir

Even a small pond is enough. If you have a site with elevation changes, use this natural feature. Build a house on the highest point. Plant low-rise ground cover plants nearby that you can cut. Stone paths leading to the house can be made of rounded elements. To do this, you need to take forms of this type, for example, ordinary bowls and pour cement mortar here. When it's dry, place these round pieces on the prepared area with a distance. You will get a beautiful path. Place stone figurines here to complement the landscape. Add some bold accents by planting colorful flowers.

You can make a stone tile path that runs along the pond. It looks like a natural one. Plant a tree and a couple of bushes on the shore of the reservoir, the leaves of which turn crimson in autumn. A house or gazebo with an oriental-style roof will complement this landscape.

Organization of a reservoir in an oriental style
Organization of a reservoir in an oriental style

You can set up cement blocks of sufficient height in the pond to make such a path out of them.

Organization of a reservoir in an oriental style
Organization of a reservoir in an oriental style

But it will be necessary to connect them together. These blocks have metal loops, tie them together with a strong wire. Also plant some plants here and put up a small oriental-style structure.

You can set up several flower beds right in the reservoir. Such a pond is not very deep, so it will not be difficult to make towering ridges. Pour the drainage in the form of stones down and soil on top. But you need to fence such flower beds well using stone and concrete elements. The bridge is located on piles. A flooring is attached to them, on which it is convenient to walk.

Bridge on the reservoir
Bridge on the reservoir

When making a Persian garden, a fountain can be foreseen. The sound of the water will be soothing. In addition, it will make the air more humid, which is especially valuable in the heat.

Fountain in the Persian garden
Fountain in the Persian garden

Place an oriental-style gazebo near the pond. It may be just such a pagoda, which is being built quite simply.

Arbor by the reservoir
Arbor by the reservoir

Let's dwell on this in more detail.

Read also how to decorate a fantasy garden

How to make an oriental garden gazebo

For this you will need:

  • logs;
  • boards;
  • metal corners;
  • roofing material;
  • concrete blocks for the foundation.

Stick to the following plan of action:

  1. Decide on the location of the future structure. Place blocks here in 1 meter increments. Since such a pagoda is hexagonal, it means that exactly so many large diameter logs are needed.
  2. But first, make a strapping from a bar at the bottom. Then, in the corners, you will put these six logs, securing them with corners, screws and metal staples. At the top, connect these logs also using bars or other reliable wooden elements.
  3. Connect these vertical pillars from the sides by making an openwork wooden railing here. Arrange a sub-floor on which to tuck the finishing boards.
  4. Make a hexagonal roof like this, tile it to resemble wooden elements. Treat the veranda with a wood-colored antiseptic.
  5. At the corners of the roof, you can hang Chinese lanterns to create such a pagoda. There is a pond and a bridge next to it, passing through which you will find yourself in a gazebo.

How to make a teahouse in the garden - master class

The oriental style may also imply the presence of a teahouse. If you make such a small one for a summer residence, you can relax on soft couches that are located right on the floor. There is also a small table on which there will be various dishes and drinks.

Teahouse in the garden
Teahouse in the garden
  1. This is a mobile gazebo, which, if desired, can be placed in any suitable place. Place 4 beams vertically, attach the same amount horizontally from the bottom to connect these vertical pillars.
  2. Then, on 3 sides, you need to attach the railing. For this, two bars are taken, located in parallel, and identical pieces of this material are attached between them.
  3. Then you need to make the top harness and arrange a small hipped roof. To make such mattresses, you can use thick foam rubber on which you put on mattress covers. Also, from such materials, make the sidewalls for the gazebo, so that it is convenient to be here.
  4. Take canvases of fabric and pin them on top. Tie these curtains on the sides to open them up. And when you want to rest, you will untie them.

Here's how to make an oriental gazebo. Look at step-by-step photos that show the stages of work. First, you need to decide on a project. If you like this, then on the sidewalls you will need to attach crate elements.

Gazebo in oriental style
Gazebo in oriental style
Gazebo frame
Gazebo frame

See what it can be.

Arbor in the form of a teapot
Arbor in the form of a teapot

This gazebo is made in the form of a teapot. Its walls are decorated with vines. If you have such material, then try to make this original structure. If you have a little of it, then make only walls from this material.

Gazebo in oriental style
Gazebo in oriental style

If you want to use modern materials when doing a polycarbonate gazebo. Use factory-painted sheets, then you don't have to decorate the gazebo in addition.

Gazebo in oriental style
Gazebo in oriental style

Any other interesting ideas? it is to use a stone. To make such pillars from this material, you will need to create a formwork of 4 boards, first pour the lower part with concrete, put the first row of stones and put a little cement mortar on top. Then the second row of 4-plank formwork is laid, and stones with a cement mixture are also laid inside. The roof and door are of an interesting shape, so they will accentuate such an Oriental style of the gazebo.

Gazebo in oriental style
Gazebo in oriental style

Wood is a natural material. From it, you can create not only the basis for the teahouse, but also make a beautiful finish for this structure. Treat wooden elements with antiseptic and varnish to make them look beautiful and durable.

Gazebo in oriental style
Gazebo in oriental style

See how to make an oriental-style gazebo roof.

Gazebo in oriental style
Gazebo in oriental style

There is a triple roof here. First you need to attach 4 bars to the vertical posts. Then the same number of bars are placed at an angle upward to make the basis for a hipped roof.

After that, at the bottom, fill in four bars of a smaller section, make grooves in them along the edges to connect these parts. Now you will need to fill the blocks on the triangular base of the roof.

Gazebo scheme
Gazebo scheme

See how to connect the rafters to the frame and top.

Rafters connection diagram
Rafters connection diagram

A drawing of an oriental-style gazebo will help you create such a structure.

Drawing of a gazebo in oriental style
Drawing of a gazebo in oriental style

How to decorate a garden in an oriental style - photo

Decorate your seating area with mosaic decking.

We decorate the garden in oriental style
We decorate the garden in oriental style

You can decorate resting places or a garden path with a mosaic of glass, stones, shells, broken ceramic dishes. You can even use bottle caps, coins, buttons.

The Persian style also implies the use of the image of a peacock in decorating the garden and interior.

Decorating the garden with mosaic decking
Decorating the garden with mosaic decking

To do this, use stones of gray, light brown, blue and bluish shades. Of these, you will need to lay out the bird itself and its gorgeous tail, as well as the edges of this path. You can do it easier, pour gravel on the path, and make such rectangles from the pebbles. To make them monolithic, the stones are glued to each other or they are attached using a cement mixture.

We decorate the garden in oriental style
We decorate the garden in oriental style

Such mosaic elements are used not only for arranging paths in an oriental style, but also for decorating reservoirs. See how interestingly decorated fountains are created.

We decorate a pond in an oriental style
We decorate a pond in an oriental style

You can make not only paths with mosaics, but also a table. Make it out of concrete and glue colored mosaics onto it.

We decorate the table with mosaics
We decorate the table with mosaics

You can make not only a table, but also such a bench in an oriental style.

You can make vertical stained glass windows and decorate the walls with mosaics. Then you will also have an oriental garden design.

We decorate the walls with mosaics
We decorate the walls with mosaics

Use cement to make garden figurines. While the solution has not yet fully grabbed, decorate your artwork on the outside with mosaics. You can make flower pots and decorate them with stained glass petals. It is good to use unnecessary rubber boots for the base. Coat them outside with a cement-sand mixture and attach a mosaic here.

Decorating flower pots with mosaics
Decorating flower pots with mosaics

This is how you can decorate a garden in an oriental style. It will turn out to be fabulous and mysterious. We suggest looking at examples of decorating a personal plot of this type.

And here is how to decorate the columns in the gazebo so that they are also in oriental style.
