Stabihun: rules for keeping a dog

Stabihun: rules for keeping a dog
Stabihun: rules for keeping a dog

The appearance of the stabihun, appearance, characteristic behavior and health, how to care for the breed: walking, diet, training, interesting facts. Puppy price. Stabihun, a dog with excellent hunting qualities. With her calm, even character, she can be trusted with children without worry. These dogs are excellent watchmen and reliable family friends.

The emergence of the Stabihun breed

Two adult stabihuns carry a stick in their teeth
Two adult stabihuns carry a stick in their teeth

The first dogs similar to Stabihun or Stabyhoun appeared in the Netherlands around the middle of the 19th century. According to the researchers, their ancestors were Dutch partridge dogs, French epaniels and, in all likelihood, German cops. There is also another blood infusion, which is difficult to prove, but, according to the breeders, spaniel blood flows in their veins.

It is not known for certain, but these dogs have a stamina like a cop. That is, we can say that this is a breed of cop dogs. They hunt various types of birds with them, they perfectly take the blood trail. In appearance, the dogs slightly resemble our Russian spaniels, but the format and application are different. Although dogs are very soulful, like our own spaniels.

The very name "stabihun" comes from the English phrase slightly modified in the Dutch manner. Stand bye, that is, to stand next to the leg. These dogs have a very strong stance, which is why they are very popular with Dutch hunters. The stance is the most important thing in hunting dog breeding.

Of course, it is important how the dog searches, moves, but, most importantly, when he finds a bird, he stops. This behavior enables the hunter to load the gun and fire a shot. And, behold, this strong stance of the Stabihuns has literally become the talk of the town in Holland, because in such a position, no force, except for the native owner, will move these dogs from their place.

Despite the fact that these dogs, in Holland, have been known for a long time, the first standard of Stabihuns was adopted in 1942. And, further in 1948, the first breed club was created. These are very interesting dogs. They are great cops. Also, dogs can masterly exterminate small rodents, mice, rats and so on. They say that this feature was passed on to them from German cops.

Stabihuns are mostly found only in Holland. As a national treasure of this country, such dogs are everything. You rarely see them at large, large exhibitions. But, Stabihoons are becoming more and more popular as loyal, calm and intelligent family pets. At the moment, very few breed individuals can be found in Belgium, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, America and more recently since 2012 in the UK.

Description of the appearance of the Stabihun breed

The physique of an adult stabihun
The physique of an adult stabihun

Stabihun is complex in perfect balance. It is not too massive and not very fragile. Height at withers in males 48–53 cm and bitches 43–48 cm. Weight in males 18–25 kg and females 14–17 kg.

  • Head dry, longer than width. The skull is domed but not narrow. The forehead is wider at the top, tapering slightly towards the muzzle.
  • Muzzle strong at the base, slightly narrower towards the nose in length, the same size as the skull, long, tapering towards the nose. The bridge of the nose is smooth. The stop has no abrupt transitions. The lips are tight. The teeth are white, strong and well developed, close to each other, placed in a scissor bite.
  • Nose - black with wide nostrils. In individuals of chocolate color, it can be brown.
  • Eyes the stabihun are located on the facial line of the head. They have a rounded cut. The eyelids are tight, not drooping. The color is dark brown in black and white dogs. Brown and white dogs may have light brown or amber eyes. Yellow eyes are considered a serious defect.
  • Ears pendant, set rather low, of medium size, of moderate length, triangular in shape.
  • Neck - low, strong, slightly curved.
  • Frame - long with well rounded ribs. Thoracic developed. The back is straight. The loin is strong. The croup is slightly sloping. The bottom line is moderately tucked up.
  • Tail - long, abundantly covered with hair, starts its growth low, slightly bends in the last third.
  • Front limbs - powerful, parallel to each other, strong. Hindquarters: Parallel, well angulated with low hocks and well rounded thighs.
  • Paws - round, tightly compressed with thick pads.
  • Coat Stubihuns are of medium length, soft, straight. The coat is short on the head, long and smooth throughout the body. Not thick feathering on the chest, ears and back of the legs. The tail is thickly feathered.
  • Color - three types: black and white, orange or chocolate and white. There should always be specks.

The characteristic behavior of the dog Stabihun

Stabihun puppy on a leash
Stabihun puppy on a leash

These dogs need to hunt. On the hunt, they are in their element, there they are busy with their business, for which they were created. However, Stabihuns can perfectly exist in an urban, small apartment. Most importantly, walk with them more often and allow them to run without a leash. These dogs are made for hunting, but more importantly, for love and friendship. Pets are born friends and like no other breed need reciprocal feelings.

Stabihuns are very suitable for older people due to the fact that they do not go far from the owner. Dogs, almost at the first call, come up and freely let themselves be put on a leash or collar. These contact dogs will give you their soul and heart, but in return you must love and cherish them. They are gentle, calm, loyal, obedient, intelligent dogs. Dogs never bite and are unpretentious. They are in good health.

Stabihun health

Stabyhun jumps up
Stabyhun jumps up

In general, this is a healthy breed, but like other types of dogs, it has its own genetic flaws. Openness to health problems in the breed is critical to the efforts of true breeders to eliminate hereditary diseases. There are few of them and they are not so common, but the culling of sick individuals allows you to reduce such troubles to a minimum.

Stabihuns may have hip dysplasia, a developmental disorder of the hip joints caused by both genetic and environmental factors. Symptoms include difficulty walking with hind limb lameness. Dysplasia can be diagnosed by taking x-rays of the hip joints. In a mild form, the animal is clinically observed three to four times a year. If lameness is detected, surgery is required. The case has been identified and reported only once in Holland in the last 10 years.

Elbow dysplasia also occurs in the breed. This disease is caused by both genetic and environmental factors. In affected pets, lameness of the forelimbs is manifested. Sick dogs suffering from dysplasia of the elbow joints can be determined using X-rays, but its carriers cannot be detected in this way. Dogs often require surgery and with early intervention, the prognosis for recovery is good.

Stabihuns with epilepsy suddenly lose control of a part of their body. The dog falls and has severe muscle cramps, foaming from the mouth, and loss of control over bowel movements. However, there are milder forms of manifestations of this disease. Epilepsy is hereditary, but it can also be caused by environmental factors. The hereditary form usually appears in Stabihuns for about two years.

Patent ductus arteriosus is a heart condition and one of the major health problems in this breed. With this lesion, a large blood vessel does not close properly. A veterinarian can identify this condition on the left side of the heart at six to seven weeks of age by listening. This is manifested by a murmur in the heart. Occurrence can be spontaneous and a separate event, but it is genetically inherent. If the disease is not treated, the dog will eventually die of heart failure. With timely surgery, the prognosis for recovery is excellent.

Neuralgic disorder, a rare genetic mutation that causes a neurological problem in puppies. First discovered in 2009 and identified in only a few litters over the past five years. The disorder manifests itself at six weeks of age. Then the puppies repeat the same movement, circle or walk back and forth. Sufferers have an excessive desire to move. They eat poorly, become depleted and die within a few months. Cerebral dysfunction is a recessive, inherited disorder. This means that puppies develop symptoms when both the father and mother have this mutation.

How to care for a Stabihun?

An adult Stabihun dog with his puppies
An adult Stabihun dog with his puppies
  1. Wool these dogs do not require a haircut. Their "fur coat" must be carefully combed out during the molting period. For the procedure, you need a slicker with thick, metal teeth and a coating on their ends, so that when exposed, you do not scratch the skin of the dog. When a dog sheds, it needs to be brushed every day. Then this period will end faster. Stabihuns are bathed before an exhibition event or once or twice every two weeks. Typical wash concentrates, diluted with water to keep the skin PH-balance normal. Then the pet will not have dandruff and itching. After shampooing, apply conditioner to soften the coat. After all the remedies, the "coat" of the dog is thoroughly rinsed.
  2. Teeth Stabihun needs to be cleaned two, three times every week. Flavoring gels and pastes will interest the pet. These agents are bactericidal. They will remove plaque and remove odor from the mouth of the animal. They need to be applied to a silicone brush that is put on a finger and the dentition is cleaned in a circular motion. Ignoring the procedure will create factors for the appearance of tartar and periodontal disease of the gums. Then you will need to remove the stone in a veterinary clinic using an ultrasound machine. The procedure is effective and completely safe. For the prevention of dental diseases, you need to give edible, pressed bones purchased at a pet store for chewing.
  3. Ears Inspect the stubihuns regularly, as they have a drooping shape, that is, they are less ventilated than in dogs with erect ears. Purification of accumulated sulfur and dirt is carried out using liquid herbal products - lotions. Their use will create a gentle care for the ear skin, a bactericidal barrier and soften dirt. The lotion must be dripped into the ears, massage their base and then wipe off the separated dirt.
  4. Eyes Stabihun need careful examination after hunting or walking in the forest area. During the movement of the dog, foreign bodies and dirt can get into the eyes, as well as injuries. With a slight irritation, the dog's eyes are wiped or instilled with specialized means. In case of traumatic injuries, the pet must be taken for examination to an ophthalmologist, to a veterinary clinic.
  5. Claws must be shortened if they are too long. Nail clippers or files are perfect for manipulation.
  6. Feeding Stabihuns can be natural or prepared. The natural diet mostly consists of lean meat and offal. It is not required to twist or cook it in a meat grinder. The meat is cut into small pieces and scalded. Frozen meat can be fed raw as soon as it is thawed. Pork meat is very fatty and should not be given to a pet. Moreover, it has an increased content of worm eggs. Better to take beef, heart, lungs, liver, stomach, udder. Buckwheat, yachka, rice, wheat groats are completely boiled and added as a percentage, twenty percent, of the total amount of meat products. You can steam oat flakes. Add a tablespoon of fish oil to your dog's food every day. This supplement serves to prevent heart disease, strengthens ligaments and tendons, hair and skin. It is also required to give vitamins and minerals separately. Ready-made professional feeds make feeding your dog much easier. But, they must be of high quality. Cheap feed contains many unhealthy additives that make them cheaper. If they do not harm the animal, then they will definitely not be beneficial. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the daily rate of the product. Overdoing it will help you gain weight.
  7. Walking must meet the requirements of the breed. When a dog begins to behave in an apartment in an inappropriate way, as we think, we do not even understand what we mean by this concept. You walked with the dog in the morning, then left for the whole day to return to work only in the evening. Think about what your pet should do at this time? First, he needs to leave at least toys. Secondly, if you have a small puppy, it is not necessary to leave the apartment for a long time, because the dog will definitely find entertainment for himself.

When we say that a dog is a very strong animal, we do not even understand how much. An ordinary dog weighing thirty kilograms, in strength, is not inferior to the average adult man. Therefore, it must be remembered that the dog needs a good walk. It is not easy to take the animal out in the morning for fifteen minutes, and in the evening the dog will frolic with its fellows for half an hour. You must contact your pet. Play ball, stick and so on with him. Only with close communication is the relationship established that is so necessary for you and the animal.

Stabihun training

Stabihun holds a rubber stick in his teeth
Stabihun holds a rubber stick in his teeth

These dogs are very sociable. This implies an understanding between man and dog. The owner can predict with a high degree of probability what the dog will do in the next second, and the pet knows how its owner will act. For a very long time it was believed that dogs have nothing but conditioned and unconditioned reflexes. An unconditioned reflex is an innate habit. The conditioned reflex is developed during the life of the dog. This was the teaching of Academician Pavlov, which now finds no confirmation.

Dogs have, first of all, intelligent activity, complex behavioral responses, and habits (conditioned and unconditioned habits). Intelligent activity is when an animal draws conclusions based on past experience. Complex behavioral reactions are the actions of a dog in a particular situation, depending on external stimuli. Reflexes are when the owner calls the pet with a piece of food, and praises it when executing the command. This is how certain skills are developed in a dog.

Interesting facts about Stabihun

Stabihun carries a hare in his teeth
Stabihun carries a hare in his teeth

It is known that such animals perfectly exterminate small rodents. But, there is one more interesting point. Most gardeners are annoyed by such small pests as moles. So, the Stabihuns catch them perfectly. Moreover, they do not just catch. Dogs strangle the animal, not tear it apart. His skin remains intact. And, after all, this is very valuable, expensive fur, which is used for the production of fur coats and hats.

Stabihun puppies price

Black and white puppy of Stabihun breed
Black and white puppy of Stabihun breed

When you choose a four-legged friend for yourself, the thought arises: "Why are we doing this, and what requirements do we place on him?" Stabihuns are unique dogs because they are wonderful companions. They can be friends with almost anyone. Dogs are suitable for children and the elderly. On the one hand, you can go for a walk with them, unwind, breathe fresh air, which is a must for older people. On the other hand, a person will not get tired of the company of this dog. Dogs do not require such physical activity as, for example, German Shepherds or Rottweilers. The price of puppies is $ 1000-1600.