The history of the origin of the breed, the external standard of ODIS, characteristics of behavior and health, advice on care, training, interesting facts. Purchasing a puppy. You dream of a compact but self-confident dog who can always stand up for himself and his owner. And at the same time, he would be an active lover of long walks, but absolutely at home. Such a pet is just perfect for the whole family. Do you think such dogs do not exist? It turns out they are in the city of Odessa.
History of the origin of the ODIS breed

Today ODIS is the only nationally recognized breed. These animals are their own trend in dog breeding. The new species was introduced in Ukraine and has already been recognized throughout the world. Work on the creation of such a variety of dogs was carried out for a long time in the city of Odessa. The results turned out to be white and fluffy … The following requirements were put forward for the new species: average height, mobility, poise, friendliness, non-obtrusiveness, stable nervous organization, decorative appearance and at the same time - courage.
Work on breeding the species began in the 70s of the last century in the USSR. Oddly enough, then in the Soviet Union, purebred decorative dogs were few. At the first exhibitions in all countries of the former USSR, no more than a dozen lapdogs were recruited.
Why are little dogs good? They are versatile. You can walk with them, play sports, and most importantly, they are not whimsical. This is an ideal animal for living in small apartments. So they wanted to breed something like a miniature South Russian Shepherd Dog. Three breeds were taken as a basis: a wire-haired fox terrier, a pygmy poodle (white and gray colors) and an old-type Maltese lapdog.
Each of the breeds gave ODIS something of its own. From the fox terrier, they inherited a mischievous and hooligan temperament. Poodle, rewarded with a flexible mind and ease of training. And the lapdog, presented an amazingly beautiful coat and her affection for the owner. As a result of such a "mix", ODIS was formed - a wonderful dog with certain working qualities, charm and charm.
Experts-cynologists believe that dogs from a breed group began to be called a breed, on average, about a hundred years should pass. Some will say, "Why do we need another homebrew breed?" Once upon a time, a man named Max von Stefanitz, the creator of the German Shepherd Dog, was asked the same question. As a result, in just two decades we got a dog with remarkable abilities and conformation.
The idea of creating these dogs arose in 1979, and was embodied in 1990. The first wards corresponding to the intra-breed type appeared. A preliminary standard was written, which laid down the requirements for their appearance and psyche. The first litter of ODIS, which satisfied the breeders, happened in 1999. It took twenty years to breed this breed group. In 2008, ODIS were introduced as a separate breed.
The decoding of the abbreviation of the name was not born immediately. It was just ODIS. When the journalists had the opportunity to see and communicate with these animals, they came up with a more complete name - the Odessa ideal domestic dog, which later stuck with them.
In 2008, at the Presidium of the Kennel Union of Ukraine, the official breed standard was approved and it was allowed to issue pedigrees. Today ODIS are full-fledged participants of exhibitions of any rank. For such a short period, there are a lot of prize-winners among the representatives of the breed. They hold the titles of champions of Belarus, Moldova, Cyprus, Georgia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia and other countries. The Odessa club has about 150 heads used for breeding and exhibitions. In general, there are 300 individuals with other countries of the world. In addition to Ukraine, these dogs are in Russia, Belarus, Israel.
Although the breed is young, there is great interest in it. At all exhibitions, pets attract the attention of the judging committee and other observers. They win not only in their breed group, but also in "Best in Show" - one of the honorable competitions that conclude the exhibition. The most important expert evaluates the best representatives of various breeds - one from each variety. ODIS become champions of beauty at CAC exhibitions.
The pride of Odessans is a dog named "Michel". It was he who brought the prize cup from the main exhibition of Ukraine - "Golden Gate". To receive this prize, a dog must become the best not only among the representatives of its breed and group, but also among all breed groups. It is very difficult to breed an interesting breed of the same type. Cynologists predict an outstanding future for the species. The assessments of ODIS by European judges who came to Ukraine are very high. The variety is gaining popularity. Breeders reserve puppies that are not yet born. In order for the breed to be minted and become even more flawless, Odessa dog handlers introduce dogs with strong immunity into the selection. Pairs for breeding are carefully selected in order to obtain the desired result. Now ODIS conquers the hearts of new fans. They are no longer guests, but full-fledged owners of dog shows of different levels.
ODIS external standard

Not a big cheerful, temperamental, self-confident dog. Several stretched format, strong build. With an expressive long head, good dental and immune systems. Outwardly, it resembles a South Russian Shepherd Dog and should not have any signs of a dwarf - this is a full-fledged dog of compact size. Height does not exceed 35 cm at the withers. The vices column means: excessive aggressiveness or timidity.
- Head. Expressive, in the shape of a blunt wedge. Flat, tapering slightly towards the eyes. The distance from the tip of the nose to the forehead is the same in length from the transition of the forehead to the muzzle to the occipital protuberance. The superciliary arches with the occipital protuberance are well developed.
- Muzzle. The transition from forehead to muzzle is smooth. The muzzle is full, deep, gradually tapering towards the tip. The bridge of the nose is straight. Lips with dark pigmentation. The teeth are large and white. Scissor bite.
- Nose. The nose is large, with well-developed relief nostrils. For dogs with a fawn color, it is deep brown, and for white, gray or with gray spots - only black.
- Eyes oval, small size. Set wide apart. The superciliary arches are pronounced. The eyelids are pigmented in black. Eye color - from brown to black.
- Ears Set on high, close to the head. In length, reaching the line of the edge of the eyes. Medium in size, rounded ends.
- Neck ODIS is slightly longer than the skull. Lean, muscular, with a medium set and a pronounced nape. It expands to the shoulders.
- Frame. A well-developed dog with good bones. The body is elongated, therefore the height at the withers is lower than the oblique length of the body. The back is straight, the loin is short, the croup is sloping.
- Tail set low. In a calm state, it reaches the hock joints. When moving, it is raised above the back and slightly bent. Profusely covered with hair.
- Front limbs ODISA straight, parallel to each other, and the hindquarters strong, set wide apart, with good articulation and well-muscled lower legs.
- Arched paws. On the front feet, the middle toe is slightly longer than the rest. Developed pads. The pigmentation of the nails is light.
- Coat - Abundant, long (from 7 cm to 10 cm) with a well-developed dense undercoat. Cover hair with a slight break. On the head there are long hair in the form of a bang, which reaches the nose and closes the eyes, and also forms a mustache and beard.
- Color. White, gray, fawn. Primary colors may have dim spots. White with gray spots. It can be fawn or fawn with white.
The nature of ODIS

ODIS have a very interesting personality. There is everything here: playfulness and seriousness, carelessness and alertness, complaisance and ruffness. They are kind, sweet and friendly. They do not show aggression when it is not necessary. Dogs are confident in themselves.
They will not attack a person, but if you need to stand up for yourself and the owner, they will not give the descent. Many people mistake them for cute decorative pussies, thinking that they cannot show their teeth and protect the owner. But at the first "collision", they understand that this is a full-fledged dog and how deceiving the appearance can be.
They are absolutely calm about their fellows and people. Easily make contact. We are ready to cooperate with a person of any age. Not only a child, but also an elderly person can cope with them. Literally all passers-by ODIS cause the most wonderful emotions. The desire is not only to smile, but to stroke and play with such a positive eccentric. Great for other animals. They have a good causal relationship, so they are easy to train.
These dogs are city pets, they are calm and obedient. Excessive noise and barking at home is inaudible. Quite adequate for keeping at home. Dogs are exotic cunning "bugs". They are sociable and hospitable. They can even share their favorite bone and toy with the guest.
They love to walk for a long time, actively playing with their owners and four-legged brothers. But if you tell them to go home, they will not resist at all. The master's word is law for them. Having a special structure of wool that is practically not soaked, ODIS are very fond of water and swim in any weather. After all, these dogs are not only ideal pets, but real citizens of Odessa!
ODIS health

It is always curious, in addition to general information about the breed, to find out some touches that will help you better understand what kind of animal is in front of you. Try to read between the lines. For example, recently in almost every type of dog, in the field of veterinary medicine, one can find a predisposition to any hereditary disease. This is due to poor ecology and thoughtless breeding.
Veterinarians claim that during the entire existence of the breed, these dogs did not have a single congenital pathology. ODIS actually have perfect health and a strong immune system. This is despite the fact that the species is quite young. This means that inbreeding (closely related crosses) at this stage of development is quite acceptable.
Why are they so strong in health. Firstly, they have light bones, which means there will be no problems with joints. Secondly, they are moderately mobile, and movement is life. Thirdly, the Odessa climate - warm sand, gentle sea, bright sun. And of course, the care of the owners who are easy on the rise.
Tips for caring for ODIS

Despite the decorative effect, they are very easy to care for. The coat is easy to comb, is not afraid of moisture, does not get tangled. ODIS does not need to be specially prepared for exhibitions. No special grooming is required. Just repurchase and comb out.
- Wool. They bathe pets as they become dirty. Typical shampoos and conditioners are purchased for the procedure. After bathing, it is better to blow dry in the direction of hair growth. When the weather is bad outside, the pet is indoors until it dries completely. It is required to comb ODIS once a week. First, this is done with a slicker, and then with a metal comb with rare teeth.
- Ears. To reduce the accumulation of dirt, and the ear canal is not so clogged, it is better to pull out the hairs inside the shell. This will improve ventilation in the ear canal and will have to be cleaned less often.
- Eyes. Beautiful long bangs reaching the tip of the nose are a feature of ODIS. It protects their eyes from dust, dirt, infection and glare. Therefore, they are taken care of extremely rarely, only in emergency cases. Wipe with sedatives if necessary. To do this, you can use decoctions or pharmaceutical preparations. Wipe your eyes only towards the inner corner.
- Teeth. To prevent plaque build-up, they must be cleaned regularly. Prevention is better than cure. Purchase a variety of natural and artificial chew bones for your pet.
- Claws. If during walks they are not grinded, they must be cut. The manipulation is carried out as the claws grow with special scissors.
- Feeding. ODIS are fed with both natural food and ready-made concentrates. It all depends on the preferences of the breeder. Solid food and canned food should only be of high quality. Natural food is 80% lean meat and 20% fiber. But no matter what your pet eats, you should enrich its diet with vitamins that are appropriate for the age and state of the dog's body.
- Walking. Many dog owners forget that exercise is one of the components of a happy canine's longevity. You don't have to run a marathon every day to keep your pet peppy for many years. But leisurely walks on a leash are not suitable for all canines. It's great if you can find a fun company. With active friends, your pet will chat and run. In this case, you and your four-legged friend are guaranteed a charge of positive emotions. Such active walks are needed to maintain not only physical, but also psychological shape.
ODIS training and interesting facts

Perfectly amenable to training. They are urban companion animals with a stable nervous organization. It is good to train pets in sports training. Some representatives of the breed are already working in the special services. Many are used to find drugs, as they have an excellent scent. Thanks to the quick-wittedness of ODIS, you can also do agility with them - a sport for dogs with a person.
The breed was bred by a woman from Odessa - Irina Bakhareva, as a kind of gift for her husband's birthday. But at that moment the Giant Schnauzers lived with the couple. These are big black dogs, and my husband wanted to have a small white dog. By that time, the couple felt sympathy for the South Russian Shepherd Dog and, on reflection, decided to create a similar one, but only in a smaller format.
This is how the idea of creating a species was born. They worked hard on it and finally brought it to life by 2008. This is the date of the beginning of the official existence of a new Ukrainian national breed - ODIS. To date, the variety has hit the top ten breeds in the world. She received this title during the International Dog Show. On it, a couple of ODIS became champions of Turkey and San Marino.
Purchase of a puppy of the ODIS breed

To get a well-bred ODIS puppy, you need to contact professional kennels. The best breeding pets are located in the Ukraine, in the city of Odessa. Turning to a trade union, you will get a healthy dog, with a stable nervous organization, with all the planned vaccinations, treated against parasites and meeting all breed standards.
In order to buy ODIS, you do not need to personally travel to this city. You can contact the breeders on the Internet and get full information about the litter, as well as watch the boys on Skype. Having booked a puppy, it will be delivered to you after the second scheduled vaccination directly to your city. Along with this, you receive a veterinary passport, KSU metrics, free consultations on growing and show career of a pet throughout the life of the animal.
At this time, the popularity of ODIS is gaining momentum. The cost of a puppy depends on many factors. First, you must decide what you need a pet for. If you want a show class puppy for show or breeding activities, then you have to fork out. When you just need a pet, you can buy a puppy with slight deviations from the exterior - it will cost less. The average cost of an ODIS puppy is from $ 300 to $ 1000.
You will learn more useful information about dogs of the ODIS breed from this video: