Furcrea: tips for growing and breeding at home

Furcrea: tips for growing and breeding at home
Furcrea: tips for growing and breeding at home

General description of the plant, recommendations for home cultivation of furkrei, rules for breeding succulents, difficulties arising from cultivation and ways to solve them, facts for the curious, species. They also use folk remedies made on the basis of onion husks, tobacco or garlic gruel:

  • 2 liters of hot water is poured into a liter jar of dry onion husks, then the solution is infused for two days. So that the product sticks to the foliage, laundry soap is mixed into it (2 grams go to 1 liter). This drug is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2.
  • For the manufacture of a tobacco product, fresh tobacco leaves, makhorka and even tobacco dust are used. In this case, the material is poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1:10, respectively, and insisted for 24 hours. Then the resulting mixture is diluted twice with water, and in order for the drug to obtain a viscosity, 40 grams of grated laundry soap is added to a bucket.
  • The cloves of garlic are crushed into gruel and poured with boiling water (1 head goes to 1 liter of water). Such a remedy is infused for a week and then diluted in water at the rate of 50 ml of such a product per bucket.

When wiping the foliage, you should be careful, as the edge of the foliage has teeth that can cause injury to the skin. For subsequent pest control, insecticidal preparations of a wide spectrum of action are used.

When the soil is constantly flooded, furkreya suffers from brown rot and other fungal diseases. An urgent transplant will be required, during which it is necessary to remove the spoiled parts of the plant and treat it with a fungicide. When transplanting, it is recommended to disinfect the new pot and substrate.

Facts for the curious

Furkreya is not only a rather decorative representative of the green world, but its foliage is used to make spinning fiber, which is called Mauritius hemp. In length, such a fiber can vary from one and a half to two and a half meters. It has a white color and high properties of flexibility, softness and elasticity. It is customary to make bags, coarse fabrics, ropes and nets from such fiber, which are used in household use and not only. Mauritius hemp is also often mixed with sisal fiber obtained from the foliage of Agava sisolana.

However, due to its size, Furcraea is best kept in conservatories or spacious rooms, shop windows, hallways or lobbies.

It is interesting that it is possible to recommend growing such a representative of the agave family to people born under the constellation of Cancer, since they are very domesticated. Moreover, if the owner of the plant suddenly becomes sick, then it will help maintain its vitality, restore both health and peace of mind.

Types of furcrea

Furkreya stinking in a flowerpot on a flower bed
Furkreya stinking in a flowerpot on a flower bed

Furcraea andina (Furcraea andina)

honors the territory of South America with its native lands and is a perennial succulent with a root rosette. It is crowned with a short stem, the surface of which is covered with scales from old foliage. The rosette is made up of sheet plates with a length of up to 5 meters. Their shape is linear, along the edge there are sharp and strong teeth. On the flowering stem, a racemose inflorescence is formed, formed by flowers, the outlines of which resemble tulips. Flower petals of a snow-white color scheme.

Furcraea bendinghausii

is a monocarpic plant that dies after flowering. A large rosette is assembled from juicy leaf plates. The shape of the leaves is lanceolate, in length they vary within 1-1, 2 meters with a width of about 8 cm. The foliage is flexible and is colored greenish-blue. During flowering, the peduncle stretches to a height of about 5 meters. Its top is crowned with a pyramidal inflorescence, in which flowers with greenish-whitish petals are collected. In diameter, the flower can open up to 5 cm. Usually, the buds are collected in groups of 1-2 pairs. After flowering, fruits ripen in the form of elongated capsules, the length of which is equal to 5-7 cm.

Furcraea smelly (Furcraea foetida)

found under the names Furcraea gigantea or Agava foetida. This succulent has a long life cycle and a large root rosette. It is formed by leaf plates with a length of 2.4 meters and a width of almost 20 cm. The plant tends to accumulate moisture in its leaves. The color of the leaves is light green, their arrangement on a short stem is very dense. When flowering, a woody peduncle is drawn out, with lateral branching. Its height parameters reach 12 meters. On it, light yellowish flowers are collected in racemose or panicle inflorescences. Their diameter does not exceed 2.5 cm, there are 3 lobes in the rim and there is a strong aroma. The capsule also ripens in the form of a fruit.

Furcraea smelly striped (Furcraea foetida striata)

… A perennial succulent plant, the root rosette of which bears dense leaf plates. Their shape is linear or lanceolate, along the edge there is serration. The leaves in the rosette tend upward with their tops. The color of the foliage is medium green, but yellowish stripes are found along the entire surface of the leaf or along its edge. At the end of the flowering stem, there is a racemose inflorescence formed by cupped flowers.

Furcraea macdougallii

is a large succulent representative of agave, in which the diameter of the leaf plate is measured up to 2.5 meters. The entire surface of the short stem is covered with scales from old dried leaves, which are located in a tiled sequence. The upper foliage has a bright green color and fleshy outlines, the shape of such leaves is linear with a slight concavity, strong teeth are present along the edge. The lower leaves are lighter in color. The inflorescences, crowning the peduncle, are 5-8 m long, and they collect flowers with cupped-shaped white petals. This type is used to make soap.

Furcraea selloa

… A perennial monocarp plant that dies after flowering. Possesses a basal rosette formed by large leaves with a shiny surface and a dark green color. The length of the leaf varies in the range of 100-120 cm with a width of about 7-10 cm. Their shape is sword-like or lanceolate. Along the edge grow very sharp spines of a hooked type, brown shade, their length is 0.65 cm. When flowering, the flowering stem stretches to a height of 6 meters, it is crowned with a weakly branched inflorescence, in which flowers with greenish-whitish petals are not connected in length. exceeding 6, 5 cm It is this variety that is most often used as a room culture. On the inflorescence during flowering, many air bulbs (bulb) are formed, because of this, the plant is considered bulbilliferous. Such babies fall into the ground and allow easy reproduction.

Watch a video about furkreya:
